


(new mission triggered)

(kill ALL FOR ONE)

(Description- You have successfully set a trap for ALL FOR ONE, thus having the opportunity to end the seed of evil in this world.)

(rewards: 20,000 EXP, unlocks divine Power, unlocks growth ability)

Divine power- All beings who wish to become something more than mortals must accumulate divine power over time (Now Douglas will be able to use the Shovel of God to its true potential), When you accumulate enough you can gain authority.

Growth - Now your plants can become stronger and evolve on their own without the need for your intervention.


Douglas, who was traveling at a speed of 3 mach, cannot help but sigh when he saw the expenses, it was practically the thing he would most need when he went to the Multiverse, You cannot face someone who can disappear with half his life in Universe only with plants, do not even talk about facing devourers of worlds and ancient demons.

(Alert 5 seconds for impact)



The giant watermelons fell and opened allowing the plants to leave and surround the place with a blue barrier.

- Lucky that this is in an isolated place in the city with few people, but the rescue would piss me off.

3 minutes before the barrier fell the heroes began to arrive and gather around the place while evacuating the people who remained.

- Young Douglas, is ALL FOR ONE really in there?

- I put him in a time trap I'm sure he's trapped.

I cracked my fingers and a blue barrier covered the entire area where we were leaving only the heroes and plants inside.

- 30 seconds to break the preparedness barrier.

Everyone came into position waiting for the barrier to break.

-10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

The barrier broke down and everyone focused on the base.

It was silent and the tension in the air was so great that it almost felt like lead.

A hero slowly approached the base until he was in front of the door.

He put his hand out to open it,


The entrance exploded with the hero and several Nomus came out attacking the heroes and plants on the spot.

However, we were prepared for this and my plants opened fire together with the heroes from a distance.

Tra, tra, tra, tra.


zi, zi zi, zi.

The nomus at the front were shattered but those behind ignored and attacked the heroes.


A Nomu roared and attacked a hero who was unable to deflect and was flung away, but was soon surrounded by sunflowers and sent back to fight.

My trees of fire roared and entered the battle, destroying everything they saw ahead, relieving the pressure of the main forces.

But my attention was not focused on the battle below, but on the figure above.


Allmight said, when the smile disappeared from his face.

(Author's noise chewing doritos)


- I praise the compliment but you are either stupid as hell or you are too confident to bring a device that you do not know to your home.

- I do not expect something that could stop time, I must say that I am impressed, none of my preparations and plans had anything like this.


Another Nomu took a punch from my tree and was thrown into the air.

- You sometimes have to think outside the box.

Allmight gave a boost and went towards ALL FOR ONE.

Their fists met.

(Bang) <

- I see that Allmight is still strong but will that be enough?

AFO (ALL FOR ONE SIMPLIFIED) used a gravity Quirk and pushed Allmight down.


(cracking stones)

Before he could lift AFO it went down with a double kick on top of him, but Allmight punched his feet and pushed him away.

From that they started to change at a high speed that even and I was having a little difficulty in keeping up.

Only that my attention has been diverted to something else now.

Coming out of the demolished building was a small Nomu very different from the others, it looked almost human apart from the blue skin.

Only what activated my senses was something else.

This Nomu was bald and bald people tend to be strong.

I was right, the next moment he moved and punched my fiery tree, throwing it back like an adult bullying a child.

- Looks like it's my time to act.

(put on some great music now, I put EMERGENCE)

Taking out my flail and ax, I jumped towards Nomu.

Breath of stone first form: JAMONGAN SOKYOKU


The sound of pounding metal was heard.

The Nomu that I expected to have been thrown away with my attack retreated only a few steps and in his hands were two blades of bone.

He did not wait for me and appeared behind me instantly, I thanks to my instincts I lowered my head just in time and a bone sword passed through my hair.

I spun my chain and attacked again, pushing him backwards, but he just killed and landed on his feet.

-Super strength, shock absorption, short distance teleportation, bone manipulation how many Quirks this guy has.

nomu once again came towards me attacking with the bone blades.

Ping, Ping, BAM

Our confrontation began to destroy the surroundings, causing the heroes and the Nomus to move away.

Breath of stone third way: GANKU NO HADAE

The chains started to swing around me. <


(sounds of wind blowing)


The bone blade broke my chain guard and cut my face.

Is this guy starting to read my movements?

As the confrontation continued, Douglas began to receive more and more wounds in the body because Nomu knew his techniques making him always make an effective counter attack.

(Falling drop sounds)

Drops of blood fell to the floor where Douglas was breathing heavily.

The nomu who had his arm twisted in a strange direction made a noise and soon returned to normal and attacked him again.

This is not possible, I am being pushed more and more if I continue like this, it is only time for my defeat.

Ping, ping, ping

(Collision sounds)

Douglas quickly got up and jumped to the side, the next moment where he was Nomu's blade appeared.

Douglas controlled his breathing and focused on Nomu.

If he knows my techniques I just need to create a new one.

Douglas for some reason, it could have been the adrenaline or the death threat no matter what he had a glimpse of to transcend that moment.

He raised his two guns up there.

Breath of the sixth form stone: YAMA NO SHIKIRI. (Mountain divider)

He decides the ax with all his strength towards the Nomu.


(dust particles flying)

The ground within a radius of 200 meters behind Nomu cracked and started to collapse, but the Nomu who took the blow had the ax almost breaking its bone blades.

At that moment the flail declined and hit where the ax was.


The ground collapsed and the Nomu who took charge of the coup was standing there.

But it stayed on for just 2 seconds before your body splits in half and each part falls to one side.

Douglas let out a long breath as he looked at his trembling arms and bleeding hands.

However, he did not have time to rest.


Allmight's figure flew by and buried in the wall while spitting blood.

AFO who was on the other side also covered in blood had pulled a syringe from his neck.

- I didn't think I was going to use it so early, but it seems like anything can happen.

ALL FOR ONE then started to swell and grow, its black and steamed.

- Young Douglas, get out of here, I'll take him, he's too strong for two of us.

- In fact at that moment he could very well end up with 4 of me at once.

Allmight had a dark but determined look on his face.

- But it's not just him who has an asset saved.

Douglas reached into his pocket and took out his Element X.


Oh guys here is the author and I would like to ask if you know written sound effects. If you heard of anyone, comment on it and explain what it means.

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