
Pursuit of Beauty Chronicles

Tragically, he died from alcohol intoxication at the wedding of the girl he secretly loved. Through an unexpected twist, he found himself back in the past, gaining not only the ability to foresee the future but also extraordinary superpowers. Determined not to miss out on the love he lost in his previous life, he embarks on a journey to establish a technological empire, seeking out extraterrestrial technology, and forging a deep bond with the King of the Underworld, becoming sworn brothers in the process.

ProphecyX · Urban
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136 Chs

Test - Part 2

"However, this fifty percent profit sharing is only for this version. If there are future versions of my input method, I can only guarantee that your company will have priority for collaboration under the same conditions," I reminded him.

Zhao Junsheng clearly didn't expect me to have this card up my sleeve! But my past experience taught me that I must hold the rights to future adaptations in my own hands. It's a golden goose that brings in money. Only by firmly controlling the rights to future adaptations in front of Zhao Junsheng can I have absolute bargaining power.

Zhao Junsheng looked at me with surprise. He probably never expected these words to come from a sixteen-year-old boy, leaving him astonished and curious.

But in the end, Zhao Junsheng didn't say much. He gave me a deep look, and after a while, he spoke again. This time, what he said surprised me.

"Alright, let's decide like that. I'll have my secretary draft the contract, and we'll sign it later," Zhao Junsheng said.

I didn't expect Zhao Junsheng to agree to my terms so readily, which was contrary to his initial attitude. What caused such a drastic change in him? Or was he testing me from the beginning?

Although I was well aware of the value of my input method, a fifty percent profit sharing seemed somewhat excessive. I thought Zhao Junsheng would negotiate with me, but he quickly gave his approval.

Soon, Zhao Junsheng's secretary drafted two contracts and sent them over. After reviewing them, I found no major issues, and my additional condition was clearly marked in the contract. I signed my name on it, and Zhao Junsheng also signed and sealed it. He gave me a copy, and the other copy was collected by the secretary.

"Kris, you haven't eaten since you arrived, right?" Zhao Junsheng asked.

"No, as soon as I got home, Teacher Xu called me," I answered truthfully.

"Then why didn't Julie come with you?" Zhao Junsheng asked casually.

"No, she went home first," I replied absentmindedly. But as soon as I finished speaking, I sensed something was amiss. "How do you know Julie?" I asked in return.

Zhao Junsheng slammed the table and shouted, "You daring little brat! You've managed to get your hands on my precious daughter, and now you're asking who I am?"

Julie Yan, Zhao Junsheng! Damn it, can there really be such a coincidence in the world? This person is Julie Yan's father? That means he's my father-in-law? From Zhao Junsheng's attitude, it seems he knew about the relationship between Julie and me from the beginning. But why didn't he mention it when I first arrived? Or perhaps if he had brought it up during our contract signing and used it to threaten me, maybe I would have transferred the input method to him for free. Now that everything is settled, why is he suddenly bringing it up?

"Oh, so you're Uncle Zhao!" I forced a smile.

"Hmph! Don't try to get close to me. If you want our collaboration to continue, stay away from Yan Julie," Zhao Junsheng said coldly.

"Give you an extra one percent of the profit, and I'll stay away from Julie," Zhao Junsheng said expressionlessly.

"Hehe, Uncle Zhao, do you really think your daughter is only worth that much?" I sneered.

"Two percent!"

I stared at him in silence.

"30%, that's my bottom line!" he exclaimed.

Still, I remained silent.

"Hmph, don't underestimate me! Fine, our cooperation ends here!" Zhao Junsheng declared, not even glancing at me.

"Heh, Uncle Zhao, do you think I'm an ignorant child? Cooperation ends? Once a contract is signed, it has legal effect. Can you simply break it just because you say so? However..." I reached into my pocket and pulled out the contract, continuing, "However, since you're unwilling to cooperate, I won't make things difficult for you. I can even give you this input method software for free! But remember, letting me leave Julie is absolutely impossible! I'm truly embarrassed for Julie to have a father like you. Do you really think I would give up on her for a few bucks? Dream on. Let me make it clear to you, Julie is priceless in my eyes!" I casually tossed the contract on the ground and walked out of the office in large strides.

"Ah! Young people are so impulsive. How can I entrust my daughter to you?" I heard Zhao Junsheng's mocking voice from behind.

What? Entrust his daughter to me? My heart trembled. What kind of act was Zhao Junsheng putting on? Suddenly, it all became clear to me. This was a trap set by Zhao Junsheng from the beginning. He was testing me. First, he tested if I had the ability to support his daughter, and then he tested Julie's position in my heart. That sly old fox, I cursed in my mind.

"Alright, Uncle Zhao, your play is over. I wonder if I, as your prospective son-in-law, pass the test?" I turned around, smiling. Ha-ha, it was finally my turn to breathe a sigh of relief. I was truly looking forward to seeing the expression on Zhao Junsheng's face when he realized his plan had been exposed.

Sure enough, Zhao Junsheng's mouth dropped open in surprise, and after a long while, he said, "So you've figured it out?"

"Uncle Zhao, if your intention was really to make me leave Julie, then there was no need for you to go through the trouble of signing a contract with me, right?" I calmly replied. Once I deciphered Zhao Junsheng's mindset, I gained the upper hand, so there was no need for me to be submissive anymore.

"That's right! Young man, you have a promising future," Zhao Junsheng said with a smile. "I don't want to interfere too much in young people's affairs. However, everything has its limits. You two are still young, and I don't want any trouble before you finish university. I think you understand what I mean, Kris."

"Ah..." Cold sweat suddenly broke out on me. Of course, I understood what he was referring to. But if I told this father-in-law in front of me that I had already been intimate with Julie, would he kill me on the spot?

"Treat Julie well. If I find out you've mistreated her, I won't spare you!" Fortunately, Zhao Junsheng didn't notice anything unusual and continued speaking.

"I understand, Uncle Zhao. I genuinely care for Julie, and I will take care of her for the rest of my life." I quickly replied earnestly.

"Hmm, alright," Zhao Junsheng glanced at his watch and said, "I have a meeting to attend soon, so let's leave it at that."

I walked out of Tianheng Computer Company's gate, pondering over what had just transpired. Julie's father turned out to be the general manager

of Tianheng Computer Company. Was this situation a blessing or a curse? However, judging from Zhao Junsheng's attitude, it seemed to be a good thing. Firstly, Zhao Junsheng's company was in the same industry as my previous life, giving me a higher starting point for entrepreneurship. Secondly, and most importantly, if I had Zhao Junsheng's support, I wouldn't have to hide my relationship with Julie anymore.