
Pursuit of Beauty Chronicles

Tragically, he died from alcohol intoxication at the wedding of the girl he secretly loved. Through an unexpected twist, he found himself back in the past, gaining not only the ability to foresee the future but also extraordinary superpowers. Determined not to miss out on the love he lost in his previous life, he embarks on a journey to establish a technological empire, seeking out extraterrestrial technology, and forging a deep bond with the King of the Underworld, becoming sworn brothers in the process.

ProphecyX · Urban
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136 Chs

Test - Part 1

"Well, Uncle Zhao, let me calculate a business proposition for you," I calmly said, "This input method I've developed is the most convenient and user-friendly Chinese input method available. I believe you understand that better than anyone else. If we promote this input method in the market with proper advertising, we can quickly capture a significant market share. Currently, most WPS users are government officials, and I doubt they would invest their time in learning the Wubi input method. However, my input method is different. It can be easily used by anyone who knows Pinyin, and it features intelligent prediction and memory functions, making it highly user-friendly. Especially for those who may have difficulty pronouncing words correctly, this input method can determine the intended character based on the context. I am confident that once introduced, this input method will completely surpass any other Pinyin input method on the market."

"I am aware of all these points, and that's why I see the potential in this input method," Zhao Junsheng gazed at me intently.

"Well, it's nothing significant. I just wanted to convey that the value and potential earnings of this input method far exceed the initial investment of 50,000 yuan, and even 500,000 yuan or more if subsequent versions are considered," I explained calmly.

"And how much do you want?" Zhao Junsheng started probing my bottom line.

"Fifty percent profit sharing," I replied calmly.

"Fifty percent? You're asking for an enormous share! When negotiating with me, you should consider your position carefully. I can go up to 100,000 yuan, not a penny more," Zhao Junsheng said indignantly.

"I am not forcing you to cooperate with me. I believe if I were to sell the software directly to Kingsoft, they might be more interested," I calmly stated, showing no concern for his attitude.

"Fine! Fine! Fine!" Zhao Junsheng exclaimed three times, "Indeed, a hero emerges in his youth!"

"You're too kind, Uncle Zhao. I'm just an author trying to maximize the value of my creation!" I continued to smile.

"Alright, fifty percent it is!" Zhao Junsheng agreed decisively.

"However, this fifty percent profit sharing is only for this version. If I release subsequent versions of the software, I can only guarantee that your company will have priority in partnership if the conditions are the same with other companies," I reminded him.

"Alright, let's decide it this way. I will have my secretary draft the contract, and we'll sign it later," Zhao Junsheng said.

I didn't expect Zhao Junsheng to agree to my terms so readily, completely contrasting his initial attitude. What caused such a drastic change? Or was he testing me from the beginning?

Although I was fully aware of the value of my input method, a fifty percent profit share was still quite extraordinary. I thought Zhao Junsheng would engage in some negotiation, but he quickly agreed.

Soon, Zhao Junsheng's secretary drafted two contracts and brought them over. After reviewing them, I found no major issues. My additional condition was clearly marked in the contract. I signed my name on it, Zhao Junsheng followed suit, sealing it with his company's stamp. He gave me a copy, and the secretary took the other.

"Kris, I guess you haven't had dinner yet, right?" Zhao Junsheng asked.

"No, as soon as I got home, Teacher Xu called me," I truthfully replied.

"So, Julie didn't come with you?" Zhao Junsheng asked nonchalantly.

"No, she went home first," I casually answered. But as soon as I finished, I sensed that something was amiss. "How do you know Julie

?" I countered.

Zhao Junsheng slammed the table and roared, "You have the audacity to ask me who I am after you've won over my precious daughter?"

Julie , Zhao Junsheng! Oh my, what an unbelievable coincidence. This person is actually Julie's father? In other words, he's my father-in-law? Based on Zhao Junsheng's attitude, it seemed like he knew about the relationship between Julie and me from the beginning. But why didn't he mention it when I first arrived? Or perhaps, if he had brought it up when we were signing the contract, using it as leverage, I might have willingly transferred the software to him without charge. Now that everything was settled, why did he suddenly bring it up?

"Oh, so you're Uncle Zhao!" I smiled awkwardly.

"Hmph! Don't try to get close to me. If you want our cooperation to continue, you better stay away from Julie," Zhao Junsheng said coldly.

"Add an additional 10% profit, and I'll stay away from Julie," Zhao Junsheng's face was expressionless.

"Heh heh, Uncle Zhao, do you think your daughter is only worth that much money?" I sneered.

"Twenty percent!"

I stared at him in silence.

"Thirty percent. That's my bottom line!"

I remained silent.

"Hmph, don't overestimate yourself! Fine, our cooperation ends here!" Zhao Junsheng declared.

"Well, Uncle Zhao, it seems like you underestimated me. Does this potential son-in-law meet your standards?" I turned around, smiling. Haha, it was finally my turn to breathe a sigh of relief. I was genuinely looking forward to seeing Zhao Junsheng's expression after his plan was exposed.

Indeed, Zhao Junsheng's mouth gaped open. After a moment of astonishment, he finally said, "So, you figured it out?"