
Purple Romance

"This is a dream. Since it is a dream, let me at least savour it a little more''. "If you are done checking me out, can I open my eyes now? Is hard pretending to be asleep when you keep touching me like that, Miss Lee''. Ad-Din said and opened his eyes. Maria Portia Lee graduated at the top of her class in the University at the age of 22 years and landed her first job as a teacher at a prestigious senior high school in their town. On her first day, she found herself falling for a final year student boy. Been a novice at love, coupled with family problems she decides to ignore the feelings that only grew stronger by the day. An unfortunate accident leaves Maria Portia Lee running to another city and her teaching license revoked. After 8 years, Maria didn't expect that the first person she would meet after returning to Cosmos town will be the same boy she used to love and there was just one problem, he wasn't a boy anymore but a man, a man that still made her heart to feel a lot of emotions and the worse part was, he was now her boss. Their roles have been exchanged totally. Ad-Din finally found the woman he had waited for, for 8 years and wasn't about to let anyone get in his way of making her his woman. Will their love story continue from where they left off? Will they be able to find happiness this time around? Purple Romance II Paige Payin is juggling between her school and work as a Queen in part-time working with good star ratings but the time she has left is used to fantasizes about her crush but all that changes when she meets bad boy Jordan Attoh and soon their bickering turns into something more but will their new found feelings stand the test of time when the culprit of all Paige's predicament turns out to be Jordan's own Father's selfishness? This book contains series of different love stories that stand the test of time. PS: Book cover does not belong to me. All credits go to the original owner. Please add this lovely book to your library and support me with power stones. catch me on discord, let's chat: @Purplebride #4135. Hi everyone, I've decided to join this year's 2024 WSA with a new book titled; "I am Sabrina (Cursed By Love). Kindly check it out and thank you.

Purplebride · Urban
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Meeting the same person three times in a day is fate 1

Kobby Brian dropped Tiana off and drove Maria to the company she was going for the interview.

''La-Brande Incorporated?'' Kobby Brian mentioned the name of the company as Maria prepared to get down from the car.

''Oh, is a new company that was established five years ago''. Maria said.

''How did you know that?'' Kobby Brian asked.

''The internet, hello dummy. Even I keep in touch with the times cave man. Wish me good luck, Kobby''.

''Good luck then bestie'' Kobby Brian said. Maria pouted and got down from the car. She waved at him as he drove away and turned to go inside.

A group of four cars stopped at the entrance startling Maria. She quickly rushed inside not wanting to stay and see whoever it was that was in the car.

Ad-Din Denarius got down from the car while on the phone with Calia.

''Stop nagging already. Just send me the time and the name of the hospital and time. I will be there when it's time. My company has to interview some new people today, new workers. My schedule is already packed as it is without you adding a doctor's appointment if you care to know. Okay, bye''.

Ad-Din Denarius hung up and was greeted by the workers as he walked into the reception. He saw a familiar figure running off at a fast pace and stopped. He shook his head and walked away. It couldn't have been her, he thought.


Ad-Din Denarius walked out of his private elevator and turned, walking into his office. He sat down on his desk and his assistant who had been following him all that while placed a file on the desk adding.

''This is the list of the new applicants that are to be interviewed today. Will you take part in the interview or will you go to the hospital?" His assistant asked.

''Paul, why did you bring these to me? You know I hate sitting on interviews?'' Ad-Din Denarius said.

''Alright, then, I will handle this myself'. Paul took the file and a piece of paper fell from it and landed on the desk. Ad-Din's eyes flashed through it and he snatched it the moment Paul tried to pick it.

''Is this person part of the people we are going to interview?'' Ad-Din Denarius asked as he scanned through Maria's profile.

''Yes, sir. Actually, I was about to talk to you about her. She had no prior experience on Marketing yet she applied for a marketing clerk. I was wondering if it was just the job she wanted and applied'' Paul answered.

''I don't care what position she is applying for. You must pick her''. Ad-Din Denarius said with a wicked smile.

''Huh? Boss, this…'' Paul was sceptical.

''No, wait. The interview, I will take part in it. Let her be the last person to be interviewed. I will go for my appointment with the doctor and return and do the interview with her myself''

Ad-Din Denarius smirked. He felt like the gods were on his side. He looked at Maria's profile and reached her marital status and saw that it was ticked single and he chuckled sarcastically saying.

''For the sake of a job she even wants to deny her family? Single? If she is single, then what about that girl and man I saw at the airport? Does she think I am blind? Wait. The fact that she had the guts to apply to this company is because she doesn't know that I am the boss here. Yes, it must be that. Ah, Maria Portia Lee, you dare to play me? This thirty something woman thinks I am still a boy, right?''

As Ad-Din Denarius spoke to himself, Paul was stupefied while watching him. His boss who was always cold and distant was now acting like this? He couldn't believe it and thought he was probably possessed.

''Boss, are you alright?'' Paul asked.

Ad-Din Denarius composed himself and looked at Paul ''why won't I be alright. Go and do what I asked you to. Leave this here''. He referred to Maria's portfolio.

''Yes, boss''. Paul looked at his boss once more before going out. He was wondering if everything was alright with him.

Ad-Din Denarius looked at the paper and smiled satisfactorily. ''Maria Portia Lee, don't blame me this time around. You walked into the lion's den with your own two feet. Single? You dare to even lie in your CV? I will remove that mask from your face. I will make sure you don't ever get to play with me like that again. If you went into hiding, then you should have just stayed there forever''


Maria walked out of the washroom after calming herself and taking her pills. She walked to the hall where the other applicants sat and joined them. She noticed there were more people than she expected. Maria frowned and lost all confidence. Would she even get the job now that there were people with more qualifications than her? All she held was a teachers' degree in General Studies which was even 8 years old.

Maria sighed and looked around her. The ladies present were all dressed fashionably and looked young. She bet the oldest among them would be 25 years old while she was already 30 years old. Was there hope for her in this war zone also called the business world?

Maria felt a shadow covering her and looked up and saw a man dressed in blue suit and pants. He held a list of names and stood in front of her. Maria looked at him as she noticed he was also looking at her.

Paul looked at the woman curiously as he held the list of applicants in his hands. The woman was very beautiful but her dressing looked old-fashioned. He wondered what kind of secret she and his boss had or perhaps how they are related to each other for his boss to take so much interest in her.

Maria touched her face nervously and wondered if there was something on her face but she didn't find anything yet the man kept looking at her. Deciding to be bold and ask, Maria spoke.

''Is there something on my face, sir? You keep looking at me so I wonder if I have something on my face" Maria asked. Her voice was soft and low.

''You are Maria Portia Lee, right?'' Paul finally asked and Maria nodded her head.

''Yes, please. Is there something wrong?'' Maria asked/anxiously.

''No, is just that I have some information for you. You are actually going the last person to be interviewed today so you should go and get something to eat before you come back''. Paul told her startling everyone and they turned to look at Maria.

''But, I was told I am the third person to go in this morning?'' Maria said, her tone a little higher than normal which attracted the attention of the others and they started murmuring amongst themselves.

She was confused. She came early and got the third place. She was hoping to get the interview done with and go home to Tiana but what this strange man in front of her was saying wasn't what she expected.

''In any case, I have informed you. Don't stay back and collapse in front of the CEO. The rest of you should get ready'' Paula said and walked away before Maria could even ask him what he meant by mentioning the CEO? Was the CEO supposed to be present for these kind of things or was it specifically because of her that the CEO was going to be present?

In any case, after hearing that, Maria didn't want to take up space and walked out towards the elevator. Her mind was all messed up and she didn't even realise the elevator she got in belonged to the company's big boss.

Ad-Din's heart almost fell out when he saw the woman he was planning to avoid inside his elevator and so was Paul. The woman looked so listless and didn't seem to notice that there were already people inside the elevator she took. They watched her as she pressed the first floor button and stood in front of them.

Ad-Din Denarius immediately turned and faced the back not wanting the woman to see him. He hid behind his assistant's back.

Paul didn't know what was going on between his boss and this woman but his boss' actions right then seemed like that of a thief. He was the one who wanted to interview her himself and now he was avoiding her not wanting her to see her.

Maria suddenly felt the presence of the people around her and turned. She saw a man hiding behind the strange man who told her to go and eat before the interview. Her first impression of him wasn't good so she didn't want to talk to him. She bowed apologetically at him and looked away. She didn't bother with the one hiding behind the man.

Ding.. the elevator stopped.

Ad-Din Denarius sighed a relief as soon as Maria walked out of the elevator. He noticed the people around and composed himself before walking out still hiding behind Paul not wanting the woman to see him.

Maria walked straight ahead not bothering herself about whatever that was going on around her. She was listless as she went towards the entrance. Her fingers clutched gently around her bag.

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