
Purple Dragon Bewitches the Heavens

A boy with fear of women found a treasure that will change his future, follow through the Long Shi adventure as he bewitches the heavens and grows to uncover his destiny. Author Notes: This is my first novel and also english it's not my native language, i'm doing it to learn and grow, so please don't get mad.

DaoistWhiteclaw · Eastern
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61 Chs

Now I know why you wanted Cuifen so badly

Seeing the two men entering the clearing, Shi's heart skipped a beat, and he now understood what his heart was trying to warn him about, it was probably that shrewd bald man, someone who used other people as bait to kill, this kind scheme was his style.

Xinghong was clapping as he walked, for him it was like watching two jesters doing their numbers to impress the king.

"So you are Long Shi? I was expecting a more strong foe, even if I read it in the report Yong gave me saying you're a 4th layer cultivator but seeing the way you infiltrate easily in this campsite I thought you are hiding your cultivation, looking at you now it was just wishful thinking, you truly are a 4th layer" his effeminate voice sounded through the clearing in its high pitch as always.

"This was one of the reasons I was clapping, even if you aren't strong you got my attention, the other reason, however" Xinghong turned his slim face to Jiangu and said "Your filial piety is very touching, sadly isn't loyalty to our sect, but I do have a bad news for you" he was stopping his speech to get a better reaction he always felt delightful at desperate faces.

When he saw Shi furrowing his brows and Jiangu pale face he felt a tingling sensation on his skin, a cruel smile full of teeth was born on his face as his eyes started to shine in an insane light.

But Shi wasn't furrowing his brows at his words or even at him, but at what his father said, at the beginning when they showed themselves and his heart skipped a beat he felt that he was going to be in grave danger, and when he saw the huge energy coming from the young man in white he gulped, young master Yun was at the 6th layer realm.

Then Long Shin said that his cultivation wasn't the real danger, and that Shi should analyze things more carefully, that was why Shi was furrowing his brows, the only thing he could see was that the young man had a huge amount of energy.

Since he couldn't get anything from that young man he looked at Yong, last time they fought his awl and fighting style gave him a deep impression, but his celestial eyes couldn't get anything from the bald guy.

"Are you sure? I can't see anything more intimidating than their cultivation, this guy should be the dog owner Yun this will be very dangerous" Shi wasn't the same anymore, after the breakthrough to the 4th layer his body was becoming more and more vigorous and his personality was becoming fearless.

He couldn't see this, but Long Shin could, it was all because of those atoms of dragon blood he gave him, reforging his heart little by little, and now thanks to this war inside the neutral zone he is getting more and more like a real cultivator, this dangerous situation was just a test.

Replying to Shi's doubts he said, "Look at his crazy face, can't you see he is saying his words slowly so he can delight himself at your guys despairing?"

Shooting a glance at young master Yun he saw the insane light on his eyes, almost like he was savoring them, but he couldn't see the opportunity in this, happily for him his father was already answering his new doubts.

"Your chance isn't just his sadist personality, but also his chaotic qi, this young man is a very profligate person, the yin and yang inside his body is unbalanced because of the quantity of yin qi he stole from a woman"

Xinghong was mad in delight. He loved the despair look people gave him before begging for their lives, but as he looked at Shi again he saw that he wasn't feeling despair but curiosity. He was furrowing his brow and holding his chin putting an ending to the pleasure Xinghong was feeling.

With a 'humph' he tidied up his clothes as he made a frown with his chin, then he continued his act saying "Do you want to know how I knew about your betrayal?" his smile becomes even more vicious as he finalized with "Because your master told me about how you fell in love with Cui'er".

"HAhAHAHHAHA" with his right hand on his forehead he laughed madly "When I was thinking about the incoming battle I didn't notice where I was going, then I ended up getting here and saw you cleaning her wounds, I truly felt curious about it and asked your master about your guys experience there" his mockery was almost physical stabbing Jiangu heart.

Humiliated and despair. Those were the feelings inside her heart, humiliated because of his words, he was clearly mocking her appearance and the fact she was a woman in love with another one. The despair because her only family betrayed her for the sect's sake, to die was just a consequence for her, the worst was to know that she was only a tool, even for her master.

"Considering his last actions, it hit with his body condition, but he should know about it right?" Shi asked his father, he wanted to know why the insane dude was in such a hurry.

"Of course he knows about it, everyone can see it, just take a glance at his effeminate body, it's all his own fault, but there is a way to 'save' him, and this way is tidied at your back" leaving Shi mouth hanging in an 'o'.

Xinghong was feeling delightful again, but as he shot a glance at Shi he felt a chill coming from his spine taking his pleasure away, his face distorted like he was about to explode in anger even his breathing became short.

He took a deep breath, this wasn't time for him to be led by his temper, the only reason he didn't kill those two clowns yet was that he wanted to know more about Shi and it was just because his father warned him about the possibility of Shi's background being special.

"So, I heard you are an alchemist Long Shi is it true? Besides it, you liked to play the hero and save the beauty, how about this, you can join our sect and maybe you can even taste Cui'er" Xinghong said as he narrowed his eyes, then he continued "Isn't it a great offer? Since I have to kill this betrayer and the sect will lose an alchemist and a great fighter you can fill the space she left".

He was almost certain about Shi accepting his proposal, he had a lot of experience with people begging for their lives, if he offered a way out first he could reap even more benefits, even if he wasn't going to stick with his words.

"Sorry I don't have any interest in joining a cruel sissy like you" Shi replied without even thinking, he wasn't a country bumpkin anymore, he knew the way of the cultivation world.

Alchemist? He wasn't one, he only knew a little about medicine, and abusing his father's knowledge about spiritual qi he combined herbs with great synergy to make divine elixirs and medicines, if the sect knew about it he could lose his value, and thereafter his life.

And knowing about young master Yun's vicious acts he wouldn't join him even if he had any value and was useful.

The atmosphere was so heavy in the clearing that it looked like it was 0°c, Jiangu and Yong are scared out of their wits, it was okay for Long Shi to say argue and debate to get his value a little higher since the young master was releasing his 6th layer aura from the beginning Shi should know he hadn't any chance leading him to surrender.

For Yong killing without using any energy was the way of the king and knowing his young master temper and personality he knew it was a perfect win-win situation and his recompense would be huge, but then this bastard used the forbidden word, 'sissy'.

Feeling the cold atmosphere Shi didn't bat an eye and said "There is no need for you to fake any friendship or kindness, I know about your kidnappings and cruelty, your dogs bark too much about your deeds".

Yong froze in the place, he felt like his soul was leaving his body to the underworld, glancing at Xinghong he only saw a poker face with a deep-down curve in his mouth his face was pale from the rage, but it was a cruel cold rage.

With a movement from white sleeves an ornate rapier appeared on his slim hands he held it up pointing to Shi, he didn't say anything, he didn't need it, to forgive Shi's previous behavior was okay since it was their first encounter, but to let his words pass by was humiliation.

Seeing the young man weapon a smirk born in Shi's face, aggravating his offense to the young master whose face was almost unrecognizable. But Long Shin warned him about this weapon and the chaotic energy.

"Do you remember what happens when you try to join your energy with the jade one using the diagram? it exploded, because his energy is out of balance it's very dangerous to take a hit from him, you should try to evade his assaults and not touch his blade".

As he heard his father he let a smile out again then he said to Xinghong "Thinking about it, now I know why you wanted Cuifen so badly because with her innate bones you can bring back the balance in your body just by dual cultivating with her".