
Purple Dragon Bewitches the Heavens

A boy with fear of women found a treasure that will change his future, follow through the Long Shi adventure as he bewitches the heavens and grows to uncover his destiny. Author Notes: This is my first novel and also english it's not my native language, i'm doing it to learn and grow, so please don't get mad.

DaoistWhiteclaw · Eastern
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61 Chs

He is a green flower, inexperienced

The moonlight was shining through the clearing giving it an otherworldly sight. On the left side of the clearing Xinghong was clutching the grip of his rapier with all his might, his teeth made a cracking sound because of the strength he was using to clench them.

Jiangu and Yong had varying reactions about Shi's words if he was telling the truth, Cuifen was of vital importance to young master Yun, Jiangu was feeling like a light was shining on her mind, the people from Blossom Lotus who knew about Cuifen innate bones are less than fingers on her right hand, but here was Long Shi knowing about it and using it to deduce young master Yun's thoughts and plans.

Yong finally understood why it was so easy to convince young master Yun about making a trap for Shi, wasn't because Shi was a threat but that Cuifen was way more than just a tool for his lust and cultivation, his eyes were much more serious now, Cuifen being tied at Shi's back was a great drawback.

The atmosphere becomes even heavier, since Shi spoke about his plans Xinghong was having that bad feeling again, he asked the Black Sparrow to drug Cuifen and insisted to Sima take 'good care' of her, because he felt the only way something could go wrong was if Cuifen had some chances, he underestimates the 'Prince Gorilla" too much.

At first, when he learned about Shi the only thing he could feel was a little interest, about the cutlasses and how he fought a group fight against Yong and others disciples all by himself, he wasn't really caring about Bao since she was only a daughter of an enemy sect elder and the other girl was just a spirit tea maker, in his mind those two are expendables.

When he put the pieces together after reading the black sparrow spy's report about the man who saved Cuifen before, when Sima's little brother was trying to kidnap her and the medicinal paste he gave her this annoying ill-feeling born in his heart, and he even consulted with his father about how he should act.

Now he understood why, it was because Shi could see through his thoughts, and why he wanted so much to get Cuifen, almost two years ago when he saw her on a reunion he felt his dantian shake so hard that it was hurting, after getting the information about her innate bones he not only understood why but also made a statement that she was his woman and he would make everything to put his hands on her.

His words lit the fire of war who was already low between the two forces, almost initiating a big battle there, but his father talked over it and could reverse the situation by talking about his son being young and crude, Cuifen was burning with hate, she never understood why the matriarch was in peace with the Evil Cloud sect, not only they killed her parents but the fights before the peace agreement were pretty vicious and now this insane guy was saying this.

Young master Yun released all his killing intent, it was pretty heavy, but Shi was already a veteran in fights against the odds, so his killing intent couldn't make him change his mocking expression, it even aggravated Xinghong's ill feelings.

However, Shi wasn't feeling that easy-going, he was racing against time in his head trying to understand the enemy energy and coming up with an escape plan, the problem in his head wasn't Xinghong anymore but how to run with a woman tied in his back.

If it was some months ago he couldn't even touch a woman, and now he had one tied on his back so tight he could feel her burning body almost blending with him, and finally, after months without experiencing it, his problem attacked again.

Hopefully, for him it was just an annoying feeling and nothing more, he was truly glad that he fought his heart demon and almost got rid of it, and in exchange, he got his freedom it was worth it, the only thing left was just tiny discomfort and this made him glow in ecstasy.

Shaking those thoughts off his mind he started to chant the <Vipassana Chant> and this time it didn't take that much for him to get an empty mind again, he started to dart his glance through the clearing and ignoring the heavy atmosphere he started to organize his thoughts.

Remembering his enemy words before he understood it now, he didn't want to truly have Shi at his side, the real reason he said those friendly words are because he had Cuifen tied on his back since he needed her to save his ill body, Shi could use it.

He took his spirit sword off his ring again, he was going to fight Xinghong, even if the guy was at the 6th layer Shi would bet he couldn't use all his powers and that Yong wouldn't attack him like before because of Cuifen.

He stomped his right foot at the floor and using the <Light Spirit Steps> he shot forward, when he was almost at the Xinghong attack range he felt a dangerous feeling and dodge to the side.

"FWOSH" Shi could see his enemy rapier thrusting to the air making a loud sound as it pierced the night wind.

"What's up with this speed? I couldn't even get a glance of his movements before he thrust his sword" Shi yelled at his heart as his eyes keep seeing the energy that was coming out from the rapier.

"BANG" the energy exploded in the air, the two are feeling surprised, Xinghong at Shi's reflexes and Shi at his speed and chaotic spirit qi.

"It isn't speed silly boy, if it was speed and you couldn't see before why would you see it after? It's because his movements are 'formless' this is one of the traits of cloud qi, the explosion whoever is the same principle as the one with your stone shield before, two types of energy with a bad balance and union make them go 'boom'" Long Shi corrected Shi's thoughts about Xinghong attack.

"Besides, if we talk about fastness that ape guy was way faster than him, the point is his weapon is a rapier, and because of his martial spirit his attacks would almost be Invisibles"

Shi's eyes shone in a dangerous light as he thought about his father's words "So he is not caring about Cuifen anymore? This will be tricky, if that stupid bald also started to attack me I will be in grave danger".

Shooting backward and glancing at Jiangu he said "I need you to hold back that stupid bald, if he meddles in my fight will be really dangerous for me and Cuifen"

A loud sneer sounded in the clearing followed by a high pitched voice "There is no need for that little… What was it again? oh right! Monkey King, I don't need anyone to take a cultivator two layers below me" Xinghong finalized, his voice carrying a deep disdain for Shi's behavior.

The answer he got from Shi was a smile full of teeth carried with scorn "Oh? You don't need to worry about your reputation. I am talking about the bald over there" Shi pointed his finger at Yong then continued "He likes to gang up on people and attack his targets from behind like a coward".

Hearing Shi piercing truths Yong complexion got dark, deep down he knew himself very well but it wasn't easy for people to just accept their worst sides, only strong people could do it, but young cultivators aren't this kind of people, they are always over the clouds with their greed, lust for power.

"You are also wrong about his intention, if he wasn't caring about her he would just attack you with all he got, but his rapier fit his energy very well, if he pierce any part of your body his chaotic qi would explode inside you and your body will take every damage by himself" Long Shin corrected Shi thoughts again.

As the <Vipassana Chant> was playing in his head he shot a deep glance at Xinghong his complexion was distorted in a rage and his eyes carried a deep killing intent, but he wasn't really insane, Shi could see that as he cooled down again.

Taking her staff from the ring Jiangu was also fighting against Yong, but their fight was just so-so, their mind is focusing on the fight between Shi and Xinghong, Shi was evading all Xinghong attacks, and every time Xinghong finished a thrust a 'boom' was heard scaring the three people.

Concentrating in dodge the enemy thrusts, Shi was trying to find holes in his movements but he finally understood what was formless movement, Xinghong was like a cloud wandering freely through the skies, seeing this Shi started to think in another alternative.

Dodging to the side again this time he shot a throwing knife at the cloud young man, who furrowed his brow and beat the throwing knife with the flat thin blade of his rapier in an awkward movement.

Seeing the clumsy way Xinghong defended himself Shi shot more and more throwing knives making the young master baffled as he kept swinging his rapier trying to evade the tiny sharp knives.

"This guy… he is…" Shi was also baffled at the enemy before he finalized his thoughts Long Shin ended it for him "He is no more than a green flower, without any experience in real fights, that's what he truly is"