
Pure Luck! A Pokémon Journey

With no warning Pokémon have inhabited earth, the fate of humanity at the fingertips of creatures never before seen, what will our poor Ray do? Read to find out!

BeginnerReader · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 4

"YES!" Ray shouted. This left Mikah speechless as he looked at his friend with a shocked expression. But before he could ask what he was talking about something extraordinary happened.

"W-Woah," Ray muttered as his body started pixilating, Right before his mouth disappeared he managed to say one last thing. "Mikah start the tutorial!"

Ray awakened in a room with 2 other people, one was a small girl who looked around 7 the other an old man who seemed to be in his 50's. They both were in corners of the square room. The room itself wasn't very large, about the size of a college dorm room. The walls were a bright white that glowed indefinitely. Ray was about to question the older fellow when a message appeared.

* Your starting region has been decided *

'Region? Like kanto and galar?' Ray internally questioned, He'd never really payed attention to the different regions excluding the important ones or the ones he liked.

* Current Region: Johto *

"Huh?" The little girl questioned aloud, She immediately covered her mouth after she must've been intimidated by the older guys in the room. Ray hadn't known how she managed to start the tutorial but it didn't matter.

"Hello young lady, Are you okay?" Ray asked as he approached the girl.

"Mommy told me not to talk to strangers." The girl said as she took a step backwards.

"I don't mean any harm, My name's Ray what's yours?" Ray questioned with his hand extended. Normally he would've kept to himself but this girl reminded him much of his sister. As the girl extended her hand to Ray a system message appeared.

* Choose which starter Pokémon you'd like *

Three images appeared after the text finished.

* Chikorita * * Cyndaquil * * Totodile *

Without hesitation Ray moved his hand and clicked on the middle option.

* Chikorita * * 𝐂𝐲𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐥 * * Totodile *

As soon as he clicked it a lock appeared on it meaning no one else could chose it. While he was contemplating the little girl from before tugged on his shirt.

"What does this mean?" she asked. Pointing to thin air, Ray assumed that she was pointing at the options he had seen.

"Click the one on the right." Ray said while looking at the screen. But before the girl could move her hand a lock appeared on the third option. Ray immediately looked to the side to see a smug look on the old geezers face. Before he could complain the prompt disappeared and a Red and white ball appeared in the pocket of his pants. 'Huh?' Ray was shocked at the power the system had. before he could even reach in his pocket to grab the ball a message appeared.

* Quest 1 *

Beat one of your opponents in a battle


* *

Just after he finished reading a Pokéball came flying at him.

* Trainer Gavin Has challenged you *

A furious look flashed on Ray's face, when he turned to look at the culprit a twisted smile greeted him.

"Bastard," Ray mumbled and threw his Pokéball, The ball halted in the air and a mysterious blue aura spewed out and landed on the floor opposite of the Totodile. The aura grew and shaped itself revealing a strange organism. 'It's mesmerizing' Ray thought, he started getting excited when he saw the unusual colors of the Cyndaquil. As soon as it took form sparkles appeared and a prompt appeared.

* Cyndaquil ✨ *

39/39 Hp



* *

'A shiny?!, Praise the lord!' Ray screamed internally. He watched the old mans face contort, And his own smile grew monumentally.

"I don't care what kind of trick that is" The old mans raspy voice lingered in the air, A bead of sweat appearing on his forehead.

"Cyndaquil use tackle!" Ray shouted, he didn't want to waste anytime in getting rid of this twisted senior.

* 23 damage! *

The health bar over Totodile's head diminished to just below the half way mark before becoming an autumn orange.

"You bastard! I'll make you respect your elders!" The man grumbled, officially losing his dignity. "Totodile use growl!"

*- Sp.Atk *

The senior's face drooped noticeably as he watched the health bar remain the same. Ray's smile grew larger by the second.

"Cyndaquil use tackle." Ray's face brimming with happiness as he watched the health bar fully deplete. He couldn't help but laugh at the old man, it was well warranted seeing how the old man clearly had malicious intent. But before Ray could celebrate any further a new message appeared.

* Quest 1 *

Beat one of your opponents in a battle


* *

Ray got excited after all, completing a quest usually meant being rewarded.

* Quest complete! *

Rewards will be issued

after quest 10 is completed

* *

Ray sighed releasing all his pent up excitement. Before he had the chance to calm down another panel appeared.

* Congratulations trainer Ray, you are 8th trainer to complete the tutorial globally *

Reward: 2x Rare candies

* *

"Lets go!" Ray exclaimed his smile becoming brighter before he finished celebrating another message popped up.

* Leave Tutorial? *

* Yes * * No *

Ray almost hit 'Yes' until he realized something. He made his way over to the little girl from earlier a piece of candy in hand.

"Here little girl feed this to your partner so you can beat up that loser over there." Ray said extending his hand to reveal one of the rare candies he'd received. Though it felt like an eternity the time Ray spent their was no more than 30 minutes. Ray, after tying up all the loose ends clicked to leave the tutorial.

"Finally." He said as his body pixilated once more, as the process completed the first thing to greet him was a locker room doused in blood and guts.


This chapter took me awhile to write so I hope you enjoyed! more chapters coming soon! And let me know some ideas, I'd be glad to try to incorporate them if I make any mistakes let me know! also let me know how you feel about certain characters, your feed back is very important.

1000 words

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