
Pure Luck! A Pokémon Journey

With no warning Pokémon have inhabited earth, the fate of humanity at the fingertips of creatures never before seen, what will our poor Ray do? Read to find out!

BeginnerReader · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 3 (edited)

Moments after the screen disappeared a loud bang reverberated throughout the entire planet, no matter where you were it shattered your eardrums. And this sound was followed by a hurricane of massive proportions, Thunder could be heard nonstop and Heavy rain pounded the roof. Just seconds ago it was a beautiful sunny day and clouds were nowhere in sight, And now terrifying winds threatened to shatter the windows.

The sound of rain was the only thing that could be heard in the gymnasium. As groups of students slowly started to rationalize Ray stood there lost in thought. After a few minutes Mikah guided Ray to the locker room so they could discuss what was going on.

"Hey are you okay?" Mikah questioned only to be answered by silence. "Dude?" Mikah repeated before pushing Ray.

"Huh?" Ray finally answered. Ray immediately looked around with a dumbfounded look on his face.

"You good?" Mikah asked again.

"I think I am" Ray finally answered before immediately questioning Mikah. "Did you see it to?" Ray whispered.

"Obviously." Mikah said aloud. They were alone so he didn't find reason to whisper.

"Then how're you so calm" Ray questioned. He just couldn't understand how he could be so serious.

"Well in truth I'-" Mikah's eyes widened along with Ray's.

* Hello Trainer, The original one bestows a gift to you *

"What does it mean original one?" Mikah questioned not expecting an answer.

"You never played Pokémon?" Ray questioned in genuine shock.

"I'm not a kid," Mikah scoffed. But before Ray could argue back a new panel appeared.

* Stats *

Party: 0

Pokedex: 0 caught 0 seen

Items: 0

Luck: 2.5x

Balance: 0¢

[Click for More]

* *

"Huh" Mikah blurted out.

"Is this some sort of game screen?" Ray asked aloud. He couldn't tell if this was real anymore, throughout his whole life things like this were always just a fantasy. Right when he was about to click the screen it grew larger. As if a web browser different tabs appeared at the top of the panel.

* 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐬 I Shop I Party I Mail (0) I Quest I Info I Friends *

"This is getting kind of cool." Ray giggled. He'd never expected his first day of high school would be this thrilling.

"I agree" A grin appeared on Mikah's face. Ray started clicking on the different tabs.

"It say's tutorial must be completed before we can use any of the sections" Ray sighed. He had gotten so excited to see what all the tabs did.

"Wait aren't their super powerful world-ending Pokémon out there?" Mikah said thoughtlessly almost as if a joke. Ray froze, he hadn't thought about the consequences of Pokémon becoming real, 20 minutes ago it seemed like an impossibility. As if on que a message prompt appeared.

* L,M, and UB Pokémon aren't integrated until T-100 days *

A system message appeared before him as soon as he thought about.

"Did you get the message to?" Ray questioned, He wanted to know if this was a feature or just perfectly timed.

"What message? The stat screen?" Mikah questioned back. But Ray was silent, he appeared to be very deep in thought. "Hey!" Mikah said snapping his fingers.

"Oh hey, This message prompt just appeared when I thought of something." Ray replied half excited and half anxious. Humanity had only 100 days to prepare for god level threats. He'd have to slave away if he wanted to be prepared. To the surprise of Mikah and Ray a new prompt appeared for the both of them.

* T-100 Days till True integration commences *

"What the hell does that mean?" Mikah complained. But Ray understood well partly understood. He understood that in 100 day's humanity would be fighting for their lives against the evils of the world. He didn't understand what True integration meant fully, But just as before a message appeared.

* Once True Integration commences the true gods are permitted to interfere, though there's no guarantee that such gods will take interest in your world. Additionally Hospital's will gain the technology to instantly heal Pokémon and stores will automatically be stocked with potions and other items of the sort, And lastly Humans from other earths can travel via dimensional rifts and Pokémon. *

'We're so screwed' Ray internally screamed, Not only did they have to deal with demonic Pokémon they also had to prepare for visitors from other dimensions. All with only 100 days to prepare. "How are we going to prepare for the 'True' integration?" Ray asked.

"How're we to do anything with these restrictions!" Mikah retorted. He had a point, What could They do since everything required the tutorial to be completed.

"Wait, System start tutorial!" Ray shouted as if he had finally realized what to do.

* Commence tutorial? *

* Yes * * No *


Hey guys!, I hope you like how I did the system. I'm torn between their starting region being Johto or Alola, Let me know in the comments which one you'd want. I'm so excited to write the next few chapter. Whichever region has most votes by 12:00AM EST is chosen. If your reading this to late then don't worry I'll try to do as many of these as I can so hurry to the latest chapter!

870 words

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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