
Pure Luck! A Pokémon Journey

With no warning Pokémon have inhabited earth, the fate of humanity at the fingertips of creatures never before seen, what will our poor Ray do? Read to find out!

BeginnerReader · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 2 (edited)

Hello guys, Sorry for the long wait. I'm finally back! Managing my grades and social events made it hard for me to write and I kept saying I'd make time but I never did. So as an apology I'm gonna make a mass release. I'm excited to see where this story goes, Have fun reading!


As Ray walked toward the crowd he pulled up his schedule. Before he managed to get a good look at his classes he was approached by a fellow student.

"Hello, my name's Mikah!" Ray looked up to see a Lightskin male smiling with his hand extended. "What's yours?" He questioned.

"I'm Ray, Thanks for asking" Ray returned the smile and shook his hand. Before Ray could say anything else the kid he just met asked him another question.

"Can I see your schedule? I wanna know who I have classes with and who I don't" Mikah said a smile still covering his face. Ray nodded and handed his phone over. While Mikah looked at the schedule Ray studied him. He found that they were around the same height. This greatly surprised Ray as he was quite tall for his age, but before he could examine any further Mikah looked up and saw a grin that was at least 2 times bigger than before.

"Would you look at that, 6 out of 7 of our periods are the same. Only one of our Electives is different." Mikah said handing Ray his phone back.

"Wow, what are the odds" Ray laughed placing his phone back in his pocket. To his surprise, Mikah talked with him until the bell rang. Making his way to first hour he talked with Mikah.

"Ah, here we are" Mikah sighed.

"It's unlucky that we have math first." Ray sighed as well. Ray opened the door and went into the room along with Mikah. To their surprise the classroom was empty.

"Pick your seats." Ray read aloud.

"How welcoming" Mikah joked. They both made their way to the back and sat in their seats. They talked for around 5 minutes before a small horde of students barged in.

"What the? Did it really take this long for them to find the room?" Ray whispered into Mikahs ear.

"They probably just wanted to talk to their friends in the halls for as long as possi-"


A loud bell rang signaling the start of first hour. The class quieted down and as if right on queue an older man walked through the door.

"Hello class, I will be your Algebra II teacher Mr. Silverlin." The old and burly man stated. Nobody said any words so he continued.

"If you want to survive in this class your utmost attention must be put toward math" Mr. Silverlin Blabbered. Ray decided that it wasn't worth his time and unpaused the music he was listening to. And just like that, the period ended. The next 3 periods were more of the same for Ray and Mikah.

"Finally, It's finally lunchtime" Mikah complained. Ray nodded in agreement. He was by no means satiated by those bootleg cheerios he had for breakfast.

"Those classes were so boring" Ray grimaced.

"At least our next period is Gym" Mikah added. He wasn't wrong, In gym, we'd at least be able to walk around. "I heard that we can go on our phones if we don't interrupt them." Mikah continued. As they got their food they sat down at an empty table and talked about what they'd done over summer break. Before they knew it they had to go to their next period.

"Do you know where the gymnasium is?" Ray questioned. On his schedule, it just said 'Building 3'.

"I'll lead you there" Mikah replied without delay.

While Ray trailed Mikah they talked about various topics. Like how annoying there English teacher was or how big the cafeteria was. It hadn't been more than 2 minutes before a grand building came into view. Even Mikah couldn't help but gasp at the size of they're new gym class.

"It gets bigger every time I see it" Mikah muttered.

"You've been here before?" Ray questioned. He couldn't think of any reason someone would have seen the school before. "Now that I think about it why do you know where most classes are?" Ray continued.

"Ah, I didn't want to tell you but since you asked it's not my first year as a freshman here." Mikah answered, not meeting Rays gaze. Ray decided it would be rude to question further and followed Mikah into the large building.

"It's big on the inside to." Ray said in an attempt to raise the mood. Mikah gave a smile and continued on. Before Ray could say anything a loud voice resounded throughout the gym.

"LINE UP!" A large old man yelled. Ray was quite shocked to see an old man was they're gym teacher. Ray was about to say something when he saw Mikah quickly run to the already forming line.

"C'mon, I can assure you that being later in that line does you no good." Mikah said without stopping. Ray decided to quickly follow Mikah. Despite their running they were only about in the middle of the continually growing line.

"This should be good enough" Mikah said heavily panting.

"What's this about anyway?" Ray asked. He thought it was ridiculous to rush to a line that was about half a mile away from the entrance.

"You'll see." Mikah said before standing up straight. It was quite bizarre to Ray, after all just seconds ago he had his hands on his knees and was panting crazily. But before he could say anything the loud voice from earlier spoke again.

"Took ya lot long enough, The reason I brought Y'all here is to assign lockers." The old man said in a husky southern voice. The man studied the group for a little before continuing. "Appears theirs quite a bit of Y'all this year. In that case only the first 50 people in line will get lockers, Rest of Y'all can take a hike!" The grumpy man said. Immediately following his statement groaning and cheers could be hear throughout the gym. Rey was incredibly surprised by what the teacher said.

"Can they do that?" Ray questioned, Not to anyone particularly but just in general.

"It's what they did last year." Mikah answered. A smile flashing on his face, "It seems we just barley made it in the top 50." Mikah said before turning around and winking at ray. After that time passed fairly fast.

"About 10 more minutes until we go to our next period." Ray yawned.

"Finally splitting up." Mikah laughed.

"Hey what do you mean 'Finally'" Ray snapped back.

"I'm just jok-" Mikah stopped.

"What happe-" Ray started while lifting his head. The first thing he saw was a glowing blue square. In a matter of seconds the entire gymnasium quieted. The silence continued for a few moments before a familiar voice echoed.

"What in tarnation, Which one of you freshman are playing this idiotic prank!" Mr. Grumpy-pants shrieked.


Not a single student answered. And the mans face contorted to rage, just as ray thought he was gonna scream again words started appearing on the screen.

* Greetings humans of Earth 579 *

A line of text in bold appeared towards the top of the screen.

* Earth 579 has achieved the pre-requisites of hosting Pokémon *

Ray stared at the screen, his mind running blanks.

'Pokémon? Earth 579? Blue screen? What the hell was going on' And other thoughts of the sort flashed in his brain.

* T-60 seconds till integration *

These 4 words struck fear into the very soul of Ray if not every person in the world. Ray stood motionless as seconds passed. Everyone in the room couldn't move even if they could all their attention was glued to the screen. No matter what happened, the instant the timer reached 0 they knew something unexplainable would happen.

* T-10 seconds till integration *

* T-5 seconds till integration *

* T-1 second till integration *

* Good Luck *


This is just a preview of what's to come, Mass release is coming soon so watch out for that, if I say anything incorrect or grammatically wrong just let me know. Also, what are your thoughts on Mikah?

1382 words.