
Chapter 3

I walk up to a random adult hoping she is a teacher. "Hey, uh, do you know where this locker is ma'am?" I point at the number on my paper and show it to a young blonde woman with fake bunny ears. I forgot tonight is Halloween. "Yes, I do,"  she walks me to an open area halfway down the hall, with many doors surrounding the lockers in a circular shape. There are signs by every door, and each one has numbers listed. Right now the closest one I am to the first number on my paper is 203, which is actually my first class.

    What a coincidence not only does the kid have the same class, he sits right directly, side-by-side, to my left, and we are practically almost way to close. "Uh, Hi?" I give an awkward wave in his direction and smile. He, in response, serves me with a death glare. What the hell did I do? I shiver looking nervously in the opposite direction, avoiding him.

About 20 minutes into class he finally whispers. "Hey, do you know how to do this problem." Now it's my turn to give the death glare, and even though I do know how to do it. I say firmly annoyed, "No, No I do NOT." He looks at me like I am retarded. I glare back as if he is, and thus the competition comes to be. Also, that is why we were called to stay after class.

"Can you two explain WHY you were staring at each other so intently," he looks at us with the most bored expression, and his dark hair, pale skin, and the bags under his eyes make him look like a vampire. Great, I'm already in trouble on my first day. I put on an innocent face full of importance and embarrassment, "S-sir can we talk," I pause nervously and whisper, "in private?" He looks curious and I follow him to a spare room, inside his classroom.