
Chapter 2

Tomorrow is school, I can't wait  I lay out my clothes for the upcoming week, and I make sure I have everything. "I wonder what eighth grade is like," I, for some reason, am talking to my cat I've impulsively picked up. "Mr.Purfect, I can imagine how everyone will be like," I clear my throat to make a girly accent, as I twirl with my cat to the mirror, "Oh, hello Luna Jaelynn, I am so and so, wanna be friends?" Mr.Purfect leaps out of my arms annoyed and gives a deep, even more annoyed "meow." I go back to my bed and flop my body down, as I listen to the water swish inside the clothe entrapping the water. I glance at my clock and moan, "Ugh only 8 p.m."

    I don't know when I blacked out, but I did, and I didn't wake up till I heard a loud ringing in my ear. I staggered out of bed. Going straight to the bathroom, and almost tripping over Mr.Purfect's cat toys. I take a shower, which, evidently woke me up. I walked out of the bathroom with a robe on, because I forgot to grab my clothes, which lied at the end of my bed.

    Surprisingly, when I left my house, I was running a tad bit behind however, I got to school on time, so everything was still splendid.  I glimpsed the schedule, as I walked into the school. Where the hell is my class?  I'm tempted to go to the front office. Someone towers over me, and by the shape, I can tell it's a guy. I look up and smile. "Hey, I'm Trev," he sticks his hand out at me, clearly expecting me to shake. I do, of course.

    I smile, "And I, Luna," I think making friends is going to involve less effort than I thought. Pshh, who am I kidding, I never thought it'd take any effort.  More kids surround us, and I soon find out socializing is way less complicated. What keeps catching me off guard is this guy that keeps staring at me. Do I already have a secret admirer?

    "Hey, it was nice meeting you guys, but Imma head over there and meet other people," which isn't a complete lie. They all nod and continue their own conversation, as I head over to the kid that was staring at me. Just before I reach him, the damned bell rings. I guess that's what they call "saved by the bell".

As I walk to my locker, I become conscious of the fact that I have no idea where to go still.