
Puppet Master [A Boku No Hero Academia Fanfiction]

Grandfather: So you wanna be a hero? MC: Mhm... Grandfather: And what kind of hero do you want to be? MC: The best Grandfather: Haha! I like that spunk! Reminds me of myself when i was younger. But its currently the golden age of quirks, with not only heroes but also villains being more powerful... You sure you have what it takes to reach the top? MC: If not me, then who else? Synopsis: The age of heroes is on the rise, with crime and villainy reaching a new high. A new challenger approaches the scene, having trained all her life, will she be able to reach the pinnacle with her friends or will she be snuffed out like a candle, by the winds of evil?

DestroKind · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Entrance Exam Arc 3

'Is it just me, or are there way too many villains?' Zero had asked as they destroyed villain after villain, nearly eight minutes had passed since the start of the entrance exam.

Though they had no problems defeating the hoards of villains that came at them, they were questioning the difficulty of the exam in regards to other examinees, knowing full and well that without them and Ayajo's puppets, the group of examinees would be crushed by the sheer number of villains.

Ayajo shrugged, whether or not there were too many villains for the exam to be fair for other examinees, she and her puppets were doing perfectly fine.

She was quite glad at the number of villains as she had been worried that she'd have to hold back to give other examinees a chance to earn points, displaying less of her potential than she wanted to.

The moment there was only two minutes left to the exam, in the center of the battle center the ground split apart and slowly opened up, all examinees in the area quickly evacuated the area.

From the opening in the ground, came the zero-point villain, being over a hundred times bigger than all of the other villains, even towering over the buildings surrounding it.

Examinees fleed in terror, none wanting to take the risk of fighting anywhere near that monstrosity, though as they were fleeing they saw the puppets they've seen all around the battle arena running past them in the direction that the zero-point villain was in.

Ayajo had commanded all her puppets to meet near the center the moment a puppet had reported the emergence of the zero-point villain. The moment they had all met up, with no question asked, they all sprinted in the direction of the zero-point villain to take it down.

The regular puppets had been assigned to help anyone near the feet of the villain to escape as well as working together to slowly destroy its giant threads while avoiding the falling debris from the buildings it was destroying.

One to Five had been assigned to destroy its arms as those were the villain's main weaponry, destroying buildings with every swing of its arm.

They all scaled buildings not yet destroyed by the villain and jumped onto the villain's arms and destroying everything that looked vital and important.


"As expected, with her immense talent and battle prowess, I'd be disappointed if she didn't attempt to defeat the zero-point villain!" Nezu commented as he watched Ayajo's puppets go to work on the zero-point villain on a few screens, spotting a certain wooden puppet scaling up the back of the villain on another screen.

"She isn't the only one, look over here! This examinee who had not gained a single point until now has started running towards the villain!" An examiner shouted out, pointing to a screen that displayed a familiar green-haired examinee frantically running in the direction of the zero-point villain.

"This year's examinees are crazy... there are two more taking on the zero-point villain if all of you haven't noticed."

Looking towards the screens that the examiner had pointed out, one screen displaying a large hoard of one, two and three-point villains attacking the zero-point villain in battle center F.

While the smaller villains were being targetted and destroyed by the zero-point villain, there were still too many for it to handle, slowly wearing down from the traitorous villain's attacks.

On one of the three-point villains in far back of the crowd, shooting missiles at its target, stood a gray-haired examinee wearing a small crown laughing boisterously with hand on his sides and a cocky smile on his face.

"HAHAHAHAHA, Submit to your king!! Subjects, attack with everything you've got!! Your king demands it!"

The hoard of villains started attacking with more vigor, not caring about any damage sustained due to their suicidal barrage of attacks. An arm of the zero-point villain had fallen off at that point, its durability slowly reaching its end.

On the other screen displayed an examinee with slick black hair running on the roof of a building close to the zero-point villain of their battle arena, the villain had spotted him sent their hand crashing into the side of the building.

An ordinary examinee would be panicking and falling through the air at this moment, with the ground beneath them destroyed, but this examinee had jumped at the very last moment and landed on one of the falling pieces of building debris.

He didn't stop there as he continued to jump from piece to piece of falling debris as if the zero-point villain hadn't destroyed the building in the first place. He had jumped onto the hand that destroyed the building he previously ran on and ran up the side of the villain's arm with no decrease in his speed as if knowing that he wouldn't fall off.

Reaching the top of the villain's head, he ran towards a very specific spot atop its head and pressed his hand onto the metal surface. It was revealed that the area he was pressing his hand on was a hidden button and had revealed a number pad that required a four-digit code, with no hesitation he inputted four number and a control panel revealed itself nearby.

"Huh!? How did he know the location of the maintenance control panel of the robot!? No...how did he even know the access code to it in the first place!?" An examiner stood up from their seat with a bewildered expression on their face.

The examiners watched the screens as four different zero-point villains in four battle centers were being taken down by four crazy examinees.

The examinee that had unlocked the control panel had used it to shut down their zero-point villain making it abruptly stop its movement, confusing other examinees who had been watching it cause destruction to all the buildings around it.

He could be seen lying down, hands behind his neck, on the zero-point villains now still head with a satisfied smirk on his face.

The green-haired examinee had jumped a great distance into the air and punched their zero-point villain straight in the face, instantly defeating it in the process as it fell backwards.

The examinee with a crown had sent his robot subjects into a final suicide attack, commanding them to attack all at once, the zero-point villain stood no chance with its current level of damage and had exploded from the sheer force of the suicide attack.

Finally, the zero-point robot at battle center A was on its last legs with its thread severely damaged, making it unable to move, and both its arms out of commission. Zero had climbed atop its head and had easily slashed an opening into its head with their wooden katana and had jumped inside, destroying everything inside of the villain's head.

With all its important internal hardware destroyed, it had stopped functioning, making the puppets stop their attacks and started gathering around Ayajo to celebrate their victory.

"THE TEST IS OVER!!!!!!" Present Mic announced the end of the exam, making most the examinees in all of the battle centers to collapse in exhaustion. The most exhausted at least mentally were the examinees in battle center A, needing to avoid the inhumanly strong puppets and their battles against hoards of villains as they searched for villains not yet targetted by the puppets.

Zero had was the last to return to Ayajo, Ayajo exactly the way she was when the exam started since all she had done was follow Zero around and be protected by her puppets.

"Good job" Ayajo nodded towards Zero, praising him for his hard work for the past ten minutes.

'Don't just praise me, everyone may be able to feel your satisfaction through our connection with you but its better when you say it out loud'

"Good job everyone" each puppet from the regular puppets to One to Five was given a separate nod of approval and praise, all of them quite happy that they had received it from their usually stoic master.

"See you next time" With those words, all the puppets excluding Zero crumbled into concrete dust and debris, their role in the examination finished.

Ayajo took one last look around at the destroyed buildings, leftover scraps of villains, and the thoroughly destroyed zero-point villain, before heading to the exit, Zero following along.

A little shorter this time around, but you can be sure that I'll write from 1k to 3k words every day, depending on several factors.

If you are worried that she's too overpowered, I'll be explaining that in the next chapter through the examination results in the next chapter, everyone's score will be totally different from the anime and manga, but still relative to the ranking.

I'm planning to add a lot of non-canon stuff into the already canon stuff such as increasing the number of events in the sports festival as three is too little for me, i have some plans for that already.

Comment and rate and stuff, bye.

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