
Pubg Nightmare Player System

Ye Lang traveled to the parallel world and obtained the PUBG Nightmare Player System, which made him a nightmare for all players in the PUBG game.And eliminate other players in the game and complete system tasks can also get nightmare points and other special rewards.“Ding, get nightmare value +555”“Ding, get sniper rifle mastery skills”“Ding, get a Lamborghini sports car”….In addition to the game field, the entertainment circle, martial arts circle, and financial circle all have the legend of Ye Lang.Ye Lang: “Although I can do everything, the biggest advantage is that I am handsome!” .... Note : nothing here belongs to me, all the credits go to their respective owners.

EternalDragonO0 · Games
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36 Chs

Chapter 21: One Giao I Am Giao

Seeing so many people jumping into the Dinosaur Park, Tuantuan already knew what she had encountered, and it was not the first time she had encountered this situation.

"What's wrong?"

Ye Lang asked curiously after hearing what Tuan Tuan said.

Tuantuan explained: "We were sniped, and I forgot to start the live broadcast and delayed it. The fans took advantage of it."

The so-called sniper is to match at the same time when the opponent is matching, so that it is easy to assign to the same game.

There are quite a lot of fans in the Tuan Tuan live room, and they have a bunch of people squeezed into the same game at the same time.

Tuantuan immediately opened the delay in the live broadcast room and said, "Huh, you are too cunning."

"I won't let you succeed."

When the fans in the live broadcast heard what Tuan Tuan said, they all became happy for a while.

"Don't worry Tuantuan, we will be merciful later."

"Yes, it will give you a decent way to die at that time."

"Brothers go together, Ye Lang on the opposite side is murderous, so there is no need to tell him anything fair and moral!"


After hearing what Tuan Tuan said, Ye Lang smiled indifferently and said, "I thought it was a big deal. Let them go together."

"Brother, you are too confident." Tuantuan said with a wry smile. She didn't doubt Ye Lang's skills, but if there were more ants, they killed the elephant. How could the two of them fail to beat so many people.

"It's too arrogant, just attack it with this arrogant attitude, brothers do it!"

"It's time for him to see the real crowd tactics!"

"The next second, let him see his brain!"

After hearing Ye Lang's words in the two live broadcast rooms, they all boiled.

Someone immediately moved towards where Ye Lang and Tuantuan were.

"Boom boom..."

With the gun hitting the head, the first player to emerge was directly shot to the ground by Ye Lang.

"The player yelang used the m16 assault rifle to knock down the player Long Aotian!"

After knocking him to the ground, Ye Lang did not delay, and fired two more shots to make up for him.

"Ding Dong, nightmare value +9!"

"Find a place to hide first, and leave the rest to me."

Ye Lang said to Tuantuan.

"I can help too."

Tuantuan said stubbornly, holding a spray that he just picked up in his hand.

"All right, I may not care about you then."

Facing a torrent of enemies, even Ye Lang felt quite tricky.

Holding the m16 assault rifle in his hand, Yelang shuttled back and forth in the bunker near Yelang Station, and soon encountered a team of players.

Flexible positioning and precise marksmanship!

"Boom boom..."

Ye Lang pulled the trigger before the two opposing people had time to react.

"Ding Dong, nightmare value +7!"

"Ding Dong, nightmare value +4!"

The unique three-fire mode of the m16 assault rifle has a very fast rate of fire, and Yelang has body skills, which makes it impossible to guard against the ghostly movement.

Soon another team was eliminated by Ye Lang!

"Ding Dong, nightmare value +3!"

"Ding Dong, get throwing skills!"

This is an unexpected gain, as the name suggests, throwing skills are skills for throwing objects.

"Brothers, we can't go on like this anymore. Everyone opens up all the microphones, communicates and cooperates with each other, and fights him together."

Seeing Ye Lang's aggressiveness, the other party immediately got a crooked idea.

Tuantuan was unhappy for a while: "You can't do this, it's just bullying."

As soon as she finished speaking, she encountered a team, and after knocking down one person, she was also knocked to the ground.

"It's over, it's over now."

Tuantuan said with a sad face, now the little brother must not have time to save her, she must be dead.

"Hahaha, I'm giao giao! Xiao Tuantuan finally let me catch you, now let's see where you go."

A wretched laugh came from the headphones, which made Tuantuan very uncomfortable.

This voice was compared with that of Ye Lang's little brother, it was a heaven and an underground.

The audience in the live broadcast room also thought the same way.

"Who is this brother? This voice is a bit wretched, is it Ludo?"

"Brothers must be temperate, pay attention to the body."

The audience in the live broadcast room teased.

Just when Tuantuan was desperate, suddenly a 98k gunshot sounded!

The wretched man standing in front of him spattered a splash of blood on his head and was instantly eliminated.

"The player yelang used a 98k sniper rifle to hit the head and eliminated the player giaogiao!"

"Dingdong, nightmare value +6!"

At the moment of the moment, Ye Lang, who happened to pick up 98k, instantly shot and rescued Tuantuan.

"Little brother, I am here I am here!"

After Tuantuan was saved, he immediately anxiously asked Ye Lang for help.

Ye Lang took out a grenade from the backpack behind him, threw it out at an incredible angle, and bounced off the wall again, finally falling into the maze of the Dinosaur Park.


The dust is flying, the grenade explodes!

The two teams hiding in the maze were directly eliminated.

"Ding Dong, nightmare value +3!"

"Ding Dong..."


A series of prompts sounded.

"666, how did you lose this grenade, is this okay?"

"Damn, how did he find us!"

"You idiot, can you talk so loudly in all the microphones without being noticed?!"

"This throwing skill is still pretty easy to use." A grenade eliminated four people, and Ye Lang was very satisfied.

"Little brother, I'm going to die soon!"

Tuantuan looked at the blood stick slowly passing by, and said in a panic. If this goes on, she will bleed and die.

Ye Lang immediately ran to help Tuan Tuan up. After Tuan Tuan was helped up, he said pitifully, "Brother, I don't have medicine..."

Ye Lang had a black line and threw a first aid kit directly from his backpack.

"Thank you brother."

Tuantuan smiled, and immediately picked up the first aid kit and marked him to restore his health.

"Brother, you are too fierce, I thought we were going to lose this time."

Ye Lang's strength really exceeded Tuan Tuan's expectations, and it was really one shot without discussion.

"There are still some fish that slip through the net, don't relax."

Ye Lang said this, and at the same time raised 98k in his hand and aimed at the huge dinosaur sculpture in front. A player who just emerged from behind the sculpture was shot headshot by him!

After the player was knocked to the ground, his teammates crept to come out to rescue.

"It's a deep friendship, let's go together."

Ye Lang saw his teammates come out to rescue him, but he also shot his head with emotion.

Tuan Tuan saw Ye Lang murder while sighing, and couldn't help laughing for a while: "Brother, you are so skinny."

This time, the water friends who came to the sniper regiment of the Dinosaur Park were basically killed by Ye Lang, and the remaining fish that slipped through the net fled when they saw that the situation was not good.

As for Ye Lang, there was no injury at all!