
Pubg Nightmare Player System

Ye Lang traveled to the parallel world and obtained the PUBG Nightmare Player System, which made him a nightmare for all players in the PUBG game.And eliminate other players in the game and complete system tasks can also get nightmare points and other special rewards.“Ding, get nightmare value +555”“Ding, get sniper rifle mastery skills”“Ding, get a Lamborghini sports car”….In addition to the game field, the entertainment circle, martial arts circle, and financial circle all have the legend of Ye Lang.Ye Lang: “Although I can do everything, the biggest advantage is that I am handsome!” .... Note : nothing here belongs to me, all the credits go to their respective owners.

EternalDragonO0 · Games
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36 Chs

Chapter 20: Real Man

"Tuan Tuan, are you planning to abandon Chen Sigou?"

"Yeah, I didn't expect you to be such a fickle woman, which disappointed us too much."

"By the way, is this little brother really that powerful? I don't believe it anyway!"


Seeing Tuantuan like this, the audience in the live broadcast room immediately raised a barrage.

"What nonsense are you talking about, Chen Sigou and I are good buddies, not the kind of relationship you think."

After Tuantuan finished talking, they ignored them. Seeing that Ye Lang hadn't started the game, he immediately sent him a game invitation.

She seldom takes the initiative to play games with boys, mainly because the song "Cross the Hills" sung by Ye Lang in the afternoon really surprised her, and thus developed a keen interest in Ye Lang.

After logging in to the game, Ye Lang wanted to start directly, but thought of the one million popular mission released by the system, so he logged in to the live broadcast room.

After entering the live broadcast room, a lot of viewers came in immediately.

"Here's here, why did you start suddenly, anchor."

"Yeah, you should set a time to broadcast live, otherwise we don't know."

"We want to hear the anchor sing!"

The success of the live broadcast in the afternoon allowed Ye Lang to gain a lot of fans, so many people came in as soon as the broadcast started.

At this time, the game invitation sent by Tuantuan has been flashing.

Ye Lang clicked to take a look, and after hesitating for a moment... refused!

"666, the anchor is a real man!"

"Meng, the man who even refused."

"Anchor, you tiger, the opposite is Tuan Tuan with millions of fans!"

Some viewers in the live broadcast room were shocked, but Ye Lang refused so simply.

A big anchor like Tuantuan, I dont know how many people are waiting to play games with her, which can increase their popularity.

"The other party has declined your invitation!"

Looking at this news, Tuantuan was confused for a moment!

got rejected?

"Hmph, dare to refuse me!"

"I don't believe it!"

Tuantuan pursed his mouth, feeling very upset, and sent it over again.

"Hahaha, this little brother is interesting, I want to pay attention to him!"

"Shocked! A well-known beauty anchor of a fish wanted to do that kind of thing with a male anchor, but was rejected."

"As soon as I saw upstairs, I was not less persecuted by the UC Shock Department."


Ye Lang saw that the other party sent it again, but this time he didn't refuse, and directly agreed.

"Brother Ye Lang, why did you reject me just now!"

Tuantuan asked in a humiliating voice as soon as he entered the game room.

"Sorry, just slipped a little wrongly."

Ye Lang said euphemistically, I cant just say that I dont want to play with you...

After all, because she is a girl, she still wants to save her a little face.

Tuantuan was still a little angry, but after hearing Ye Lang's voice, his anger disappeared...

"It's so nice, this voice, it doesn't matter if you lose a game with a little brother with this voice."

Tuantuan immediately said: "It's okay, it's okay, let's play the game."

Ye Lang nodded, and did not continue to entangle him with this matter, preparing to start the game.

"Brother, we play the newly released snow map, which is much more beautiful than the island map."

Tuantuan said that she liked the new snow map recently released by Blue Hole, mainly because it was beautiful, snowy, and romantic.

"It's okay, but I haven't played this map yet, and it may not play well by then."

"It's okay, there's me."

Hearing Ye Lang's words, Tuantuan patted his chest to make sure.

"Hahaha, Tuantuan has also begun to swell."

"It's probably infected by an old woman."


She said that, Ye Lang also had no objection. Although she said that this map has not been played yet, she already has a lot of game skills and can still handle it.

In this way, the two chose the snow map to start the game.

After a countdown of 30 seconds, the game is officially entered.

"Brother, you haven't played this map yet, have you?"

"Then you can follow me in this competition. Let's go to the Dinosaur Park and visit the museum to see the dinosaurs, and then go to Winter City to see the church!"

Tuantuan talked to Ye Lang enthusiastically and carefully planned the route of this game.

Ye Lang couldn't laugh or cry for a while: "Are you here to eat chicken or to travel?"

"Oh, I just said it casually."

In this way, Tuantuan marked a point at the location of the Dinosaur Park and said, "Brother is here. Don't jump in the wrong place. You can also watch dinosaurs here."

"Hahaha, Tuantuan this time you have to stand up. If you land in a box, you won't be able to go sightseeing."

"Don't say anything else, this snow map is really pretty, and I also like to play."

"Look at the technology of this little brother. If the technology is good, I will pay attention to it."


There are quite a lot of fans in the Tuan Tuan live broadcast room, and the barrage is also very active. Many people are still very curious about Ye Lang.

Ye Lang took a look at the popularity of his live broadcast room, and he has actually exceeded 200,000. The 200,000 in the afternoon was because the live broadcast took a long time. Now it hasn't been a while since the broadcast started.

It seems that the goal of one million million is not out of reach, and it is estimated that it will not take long to achieve.

Soon the plane flew along the route to the sky over the Dinosaur Park, and Ye Lang jumped off with Tuantuan.

"Brother, please be careful not to enter that maze. It's very messy, it's easy to get lost, and you don't have any good equipment."

Tuantuan reminded that she had played this map many times in the past few days, and she was already familiar with it.

Ye Lang nodded, and controlled the parachute to quickly land near the roller coaster. He glanced around and saw an m16 assault rifle on a table.

He immediately walked over and picked up the rifle, then picked up the 5.56 bullet on the ground and loaded the bullet.

"Hey, brother, why are you so fast!"

Tuantuan was a little surprised to find that Ye Lang landed so quickly.

She is also a person who has met the world and played with many masters, but she hasn't seen Ye Lang land so fast.

Ye Lang has a black line on his face: "Don't just say that a boy is quick in the future."


Tuantuan did not react for a while, and the audience in the live broadcast room was already laughing.

"Three seconds is a real man, just be fast!"

"The chariot wheel has been driven to the face."

"Hahaha, this little brother is interesting, let me take a stroll in his live broadcast room."

After Tuantuan reacted, his face turned red and said, "I didn't mean that, little brother, you drive!"

"Oh, that's not right, why are there so many people?"

Tuan Tuan had just been patronizing and talking to Ye Lang, but hadn't noticed the abnormality of this game, the dense parachutes in the sky.

After a glance, at least 20 people have jumped into the Dinosaur Park, which is obviously abnormal.

"Brother, we are probably in trouble."

Tuantuan said with a wry smile.