

Jones is just a kid who wants to be accepted. Throughout his whole life all he ever wanted was to be accepted. His parents viewed his as weak, never being able to match his older brother. They wanted to marry him off as soon as he turned twenty, saying he could at least procreate, right? His life shifts as the unthinkable happens to him. *** Gen Gen is a detective, and he investigates special crimes. After meeting and saving Jones, he continues being a detective. Three years later, murders break out all through Sunston. The MO had two pieces that matched a recent case. But that man is in prison. So who is it?

eonnisia · Horror
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

new goals in life


I reached down, dreading my whole existence. I would be in the sixteen percent of men to be assaulted. Wonderful.


The door blew open, seven figures busting in through the opening, holding out guns. A buzzing sound was heard, the lights turned on in the warehouse, putting everyone into clear view.

And me in clear view.

This is humiliating.

The mad man stood up, grabbed his wooden block and ran at the group of police

"Do not interrupt my prey!" He shrieked, so loud I wonder how his chords didn't break. But he didn't last long. Because as soon as he got more than six feet from them, they shot him. And I mean they shot him up.

After that, I seemed to have enough. I fainted.



After checking the contents of the victims bag and finding her ID, they went to her school. She turned out to be 23 year old Samantha Givens. A quiet, B average student who always went home and never attended parties. She had a 12 year old sister to watch since her parents died on duty.

Ironic, huh?

Sitting in the office at the Sunston PD, in his small little cube desk - he was waiting for results. Earlier he had swabbed a red dried liquid off of the victims hairline. Women now a days use holding gel and pomades to hold them down, and the blood from the perpetrator spilled onto it. The murderer didn't notice because her face was bloody from her head laceration. It was a long shot but.. we'll see.

The office had green walls. Something about green makes people happy?

The desks were all in two vertical lines, six facing each other in each line. A total of twelve desks.

So where the fuck are my teammates?

Looking to the left, I see the wilted flower in the same recycled yellow pot each leader used when a new one came.

I haven't seen the leader at all.


I got up, moved to the window and cracked it. I lit up a cigarette I palmed from the rookies desk, blowing what seemed to be my life's woes out in smoke.


Suddenly, with the sound of footsteps hitting the freshly waxed floor, the echoing squeaks approaching closer as Rookie ran in, gasping for air.

Rookie has light brown hair, with hazel eyes. He stands at 5'11, and seems to always have a dumb look on his face. He makes you want to pet him like a dog.

I hurriedly put the cigarette out, snuffing the butt flame with my thumb and tossing it out the window.

Rubbing Rookies head, I spoke.

"Stop running, Rookie. What's rule number one?"

"Don't be an idiot" he said robotically

"And what's the second rule?" I pressed

"If you act like an idiot, you will be treated as an idiot" he parroted.

If only he would speak this well during presentations.

Moving on.

"We got a match for the logo on the receipt the victim had. It seems she purchased a water from the nearby market of a hotel. It's the Sunston Inn.

And get this!. Rookie explained, his hazel eyes widening in speculation

"When we called, the owner expressed that only the third shift auditor, Jones would know. But Jones hasn't showed up. I sent a car out to his job to see if he returns, but the owner did mention that this isn't Jones character. But he's gone completely off grid." Rookie gasped, after saying so much in breath.

"Do you have his file?" I asked, wanting to hurry on with this case.

Something doesn't feel right.

Rookie handed me a slim file.

Only a few papers in it.

First, the dossier-

Name: Maxim Jones

Age: 19

DOB: 3/20/2006

Race: Two or more races

Height: 5'7

School: Sunston Public Highschool

Graduated: 2009

Workplace: Sunston Inn

Mother: Aurora Kim. Korean moved to America and married her husband. Passed the naturalization test with every answer, and finished college. She is a kindergarten teacher

Father: Curt Amon-Jones. Caucasian male. He works for the Sunstons' terror division as a profiler. He used to be a coroner while he studied, after graduating successfully he moved up to intern at the terror division, eventually earning his permanent spot.

Sibilings: one brother named Joon Jones. 28 years old, still lives at home. He is a lieutenant in the cyber crimes division.

*see attached photo*

Looking at the pictures behind the dossier, it's clear to see both boys inherited the mothers genes.

Glancing on the first photo, the missing Jones. He had brown hair, with dark green eyes. He got that from his father. His jawline was gentle, and his frame slim. He was 5'7. He had freckles on his face, light pink in color and almost resembling the Orion stars.

His boss described him as typically calm, a bit cheeky but cute most of the time. He's lazy and is always smiling.

But why do his eyes look sad in this photo to me?


Again, with the door. I sighed internally, looking up to meet the second problem child of our division.

Rowen Stem. The obnoxious puppy. If Rookie is a German Shephard, Rowen is a loud chihuahua.

Looking at the brown skinned man with dark brown eyes and a low cut, I couldn't help but smile. He's cute isn't he? A soft burnt marshmellow.

'AHEM.' I coughed.

Rowen announced,

"We've gone through the system and found a match for the blood on the victims eyebrow. It belongs to Ramon Gutierrez, a three time felon who is no stranger to violent crimes. He seems to have no address, but there is a warehouse in his name. Team leader told me to bring you. It's time to get him!" RoRo exclaimed. Rubbing his head again, I grabbed my jacket. And we left.


Team Leader Lee.

He's Korean American, he has tan skin that kind of looks like raisins. He's old and crusty - and trustworthy. He's one of those surly types who always appear angry and yell, but go to bat for you behind closed doors to make sure you stay safe. If you are on his team, you are his comrade. But if you're his enemy - I shuddered.

One time he made his auntie and grandma go play this game called Mahjong in front of his co workers house when he called him useless. They played every night until 4 am for six weeks. In the end, the guy had to be admitted to the hospital and put in the grippy sock unit for planning the old ladies murder and writing it on yeggit. Obviously somebody doxed him and it was over after that..

Once again feeling chills, I approached my superior with a smile.

Saluting, I voiced out -

"Captain Lee! Team Leader Lee, Captain Number UNO, the male lead of the show~~"

Wrapping my arm around his shoulder,

"I missed youuuuuu"

Jolting from pain, my cheek felt hot.

I was slapped. Great.

"Have respect for yourself. Disgusting. Tsk" Lee murmured with a smirk.

Yeah, you seem real mad.

After a second, the Captain then called out -

"Okay let's do this. Team C head to the rear, Team B head to the side. I need Team A with me, we are entering at front. The rest stay at position and monitor surroundings. Don't let anything get past you! Pay attention, or you won't get paid.

Lets go!"



Police put your hands where I can see them!