
Psionic Wizard in Harry Potter

Another isekeid MC in world of Harry Potter? Alex is your average youth that dreamed of fantasy worlds in movies and books to escape the reality. But on his death he is given a chance to enter in his favourite worl with a wish! Disclaimer: All the characters in this novel belong to JK Rowling, and I'm just using them to write my own story. If the creator of the cover wants me to remove it, comment so in one of the newest chapters.

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The Unexpected Encounter and Cute Owl

-Diagon Alley-

After the departure of Professor McGonagall Alex and his family continued their shopping.

They first went to Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions for Hogwarts uniform. Alex got additional dresses and a travelling cloak and all were charmed to be self-repairing and self-ironing.

After Alex got a trunk with an extension charm for all his luggage. By the way, the trunks can't be shrunk due to the extension charm applied to them. I knew the fanfictions were messing with me. Also, I didn't have a trunk like that of Mad-Eye Moody as the spell dealing with space is dangerous and it's not a good idea to sleep in one.

'I don't like to live in a trunk when Iike I am kidnapped.' thought Alex

A suitcase that is built like Newt Scammander's is not readily available is the main reason for Alex's jealousy. That is a highly regulated item by Ministry.

After getting all items listed in the letter Alex finally arrives at the bookstore.

Flourish and Blotts. It was fairly empty as it is only October and Hogwarts already started term on September 1.

Yes. Alex has to wait almost a year for attending Hogwarts as his Birthday is on October 10.

'It's not like I planned my birth. May be I did but didn't specify'

As he entered the bookstore he was excited about all the magical knowledge that he gonna learn.

"Oh, the books for first-year dear?" greeted the clerk with a question.

"yes" replied Alex.

"Can I look for books that may find interesting?" asked Alex.

"Feels free to find any book you want. I will get the books on the list" said the clerk.

As Alex starts walking along the rows of books for finding something interesting he bumped into someone.

"Ouch, I am sorry" said Alex rubbing his nose.

"It's okay but watch where you are going" replied the person in a girly voice.

Alex looked up and found a girl of the same age who had a light complexion, bright brown eyes, and lots of bushy brown hair.

'Hermione' thought Alex.

'That's right, Hermione is one year older than Harry in the books and I think her birthday is in September. So she is unlucky like me. Heh.'

"Are you a first year?" asked Hermione

-Hermione POV -

I always feel like I am different from the children of my age as I can't make friends with them. Also, they always bully me by calling me a bookworm and have no regard for rules in school. But on my 11th birthday, things got more clearer. An owl came to my house carrying a letter for admission to a magical school and it said I am a witch.

My parents believed that it was a prank but with the arrival of Professor McGonagall, we found there is real magic in this world and I really am a witch.

Professor said it is common for the birth of magical children from muggles. So that's the reason children don't like me.

I was disappointed that the Hogwarts term already started and have to wait another year. Now I am once again back in Diagon Alley after pestering my parents for buying additional books.

As I was engrossed in my reading someone bumped into me from back. As I turned to take a look it was a boy of my age with black hair, sharp jaws and piercing purple eyes.

He apologized to me and start staring at me without saying anything. It was getting awkward for me.

"Are you a first year?"

-Alex POV-

"yes, I am on my first shopping" replied Alex breaking from his inner thoughts.

"So you are like me. We have to wait for one more year. So did you get all the books? Maybe I can help you get it. Are you taking additional books?" asked over-enthusiastic Hermione.

"The clerk got me all the books but I am looking for some interesting books" replied Alex.

" Oh, then you should take Hogwarts: A History. It contains all about Hogwarts. Did you know that electronics don't work inside Hogwarts? By the way are you a muggle-born or are your parents magical? Oh I am Hermione Granger" said Hermione

" I am Alexander Knight and I am a muggle-born and I didn't know about electronics not working in Hogwarts. " replied Alex while thinking about the similarities between this Hermione and one from the books and movies.

"Alexander Knight?! You are the creator of comic books" exclaimed Hermione who seems to be getting excited about meeting someone famous.

"Yes I am that Alexander but call me Alex and I didn't know you've interested in comic books"

"oh it's really you and it's my parents who got me those saying kids should read these instead of Shakespeare novels. But the comic books were very entertaining. My favourite is Superman. Can you give me an autograph?" asked Hermione

" I will get you an autograph. Now can you help me to get some book for pranking spells " said Alex

"But we shouldn't do pranking at school" exclaimed Hermione like I asked her to get some bombs for terrorist activity.

"Don't worry Hermione am not going to prank everybody but maybe some Slytherins who think that don't should walk on the same earth as them as most Slytherins are pure-blood supporters and are against teaching magic to muggle-borns. You should also get those books for identifying those prank spells and knowing counter curses" replied Alex while explaining about some discrimination in the wizarding world.

Alex and Hermione spent some time in the bookstore and he got to meet her parents. After introductions, they exchanged phone numbers and promised to call her they parted ways.


-Alex POV-

Now after getting everything needed, I arrived at the final store to get an owl.

Now don't me wrong, like every protagonist in every other fan fiction I did not get a thunder variety of the Phoenix or even a normal Phoenix or Phoenix egg. I am a cat person but a cat can't send mail. Maybe I will get a cat eventually and it's not like I don't like owls and if owls are like Hedwig in movies, I like them like cats.

So here I am in front of Eeylops Owl Emporium for purchasing an owl. As I entered the store I was greeted by many eyes watching my every step.

A clerk asked if I need any help I declined and opted to search for my first pet personally. There are many kinds of owls like barn owls, tawny owls, long-eared owls and snowy owls etc.

I found Hedwig there waiting for Harry Potter. As I continued my search, I found a tiny owl with a catlike face, oversized head, and bright yellow eyes, practically bursting with attitude.

It has a cute comical face and also has very rich facial expressions.

Especially the piercing stare it's giving me like judging my soul. I asked the clerk about the owl.

"This is Northern Saw-whet Owl and is native to North America. It's one of the smaller species of owl and mainly hunts rats. This is a male owl" said the clerk

" Would you like to come with me?" I asked the owl

The owl makes a repeated tooting whistle sound and nodded at me.

"I want this one" I said to the clerk while smiling at the owl.

"ok. That will be 20 gallons and would you need a cage and its food?" asked the clerk.

After purchasing a nice cage and owl food I exited the shop with the tiny cute owl on my shoulder who seems to be smiling as I look at it.

"Now what shall I name you" asked Alex at the owl who once again staring at him like taunting me to pick a bad name with a look that may even scare Severus Snape.