
Breath of Wind and Rain (Part 1)

On the same day, Karen took out the small money he earned from selling apples in the past two days.

  A total of 726 dollars, he intends to hand over 656 dollars to Ivan, saying that only 70 dollars is enough.

  Ivan could not help but feel that Karen might have been used to being exploited by gangs. Although the fruit of the apple tree was almost all Ivan's credit, Karen went to the stalls to sell it early in the morning, and Ivan could imagine the hard work.

  "You keep half, I'm not short on money." Ivan looked at Karen and said lightly.

  "Thank you, but I think the tree and the fruits are actually yours. I am not qualified to take so much, Ivan." Karen said.

  "Who said you are not qualified... Don't look down on yourself."

  "I can only get 20% at most, 140 dollars."

  "At least $156."

  "Ivan..." Karen looked at the teenager squatting on the steps next to the drawing board, thinking that he was really cute, "Thank you..."

  "You deserve it."

  "Thank you, being a super-powerful person who is willing to meet me and take care of me like this. I used to...just be a bastard, living in the dark every day. It's really my greatest luck in life to meet you..."

  Before he finished speaking, he watched the seven fruit trees in front of him burst out with blue light, one after another huge apples filled the apple tree, and then countless apples separated from the tree, spinning and dancing throughout the orchard.

  Then, the apples were stacked together like building blocks to form a human shape.

  In the end, the apples that were put together moved, and the man built by the apple began to dance.

  "Look, Apples can dance..." Ivan said softly.

  "Hmm..." Karen was stunned and stopped nagging Ivan with his words of gratitude.

  But soon, he remembered that he had not finished speaking, so he continued: "It's really me who is happy to meet you..."

  "Look, the Apple person is coming to hit you." Ivan interrupted Karen pretending to be surprised.

  Karen was dumbfounded, and then saw that the Apple Man did not dance anymore but rushed towards him. He was so shocked that he hurried back and hit the wall with his back.

  "Haha." Ivan laughed.

  Karen blushed and said, "I was just shocked, so I didn't get a chance to react in time."

  "Really? Then do you want to overcome your fear and bring down this Apple man?"

  Karen froze for a moment.

  "Ah? Can you control these apples and let me knock them down?"

  "Of course, do you want to try it?"

  "You can? Okay! Let me try it!" Karen thought it was fun, and said excitedly, "Don't underestimate me, I used to be on the streets! As long as you don't interfere with my fight with your superpowers, I can mash it up."

  "Get ready, it's going to attack." Ivan reminded.

  The Apple person really attacked, using four apples as part of their fist to slowly punch at Karen.

  After Karen easily avoided it, his confidence doubled, thinking that the apples being manipulated were just dolls. How could it be possible for them to compete with real people?

  Then he lifted his foot and kicked it on the abdomen of the Apple Man but felt that his foot seemed to be kicking on a piece of metal. Under the pressure of the force, he staggered, and then he was thrown down by the Apple Man with his arms open towards the ground.


  "Karen, you were thrown down by the Apple Man~" Ivan smiled.

  "Damn it." Karen grabbed the Appleman by the shoulder and tried to push it away, Thinking that it would be easy since he should have the weight advantage.

  The result was that no matter how he pushed, Apple Man remained motionless, and he himself was crushed by the Apple person and couldn't move.

  "Uh…AHH!" Karen roared with all his strength.

  But at this moment, the nine apples that make up the apple man's head changed. Each apple has a small cut on the side Karen is facing.

It Ejected some apple juice from Its insides!

  The juices rushed directly into Karen's open mouth, and every drop was deadly accurate!

  "~Karen, you were humiliated by the Apple people spitting on you~" Ivan laughed.

  "Ah...cough." Karen was choked by the sudden juice.

  "Now...you may not believe it, but you were definitely beaten by a hundred apples" (*^▽^*)

  "Ivan, you punk! Don't think you can do whatever you want just because you have superpowers!" Karen shouted.

  (?Ω?) "Ha-ha, never mind, you can do whatever you want!"

  Ivan spent the afternoon in a pleasant mood. In the evening, Karen prepared delicious steamed corn and sliced ​​grilled sausages. The two enjoyed dinner at the wide table in the room.

  "It smells good."

  Seeing Ivan nibbling on corn, Karen took a deep breath: "I think Gerry liked to eat corn when I was in the Mania gang."

  "Who's Gerry?"

  Ivan swallowed the corn and asked.

  "It's the boss, the white man, the one with the sunglasses," Karen said.


  "He is a terrible and cautious guy, and he is trusted by Hammer. So he was appointed to manage our neighborhood and became our second head." Karen said.

  "Who is this hammerhead guy?" Ivan was curious, what strange name is this.

  "It's the leader of the Mania Gang, the main boss, even Gerry has to listen to him."

  "Well, his name is weird, is it his nickname?"

  "Yes, no one in the circle doesn't know of Hammerhead. When Gerry mentioned him to us, he called him a godlike existence. I could see that Gerry respects him very much."

  Karen said, skewing a piece of sausage into his mouth and chewing.

  Ivan became interested: "He is called a godlike existence. Is this because of a mental aspect?"

  "Yes, in terms of the mind, Gerry said that he had hit and stopped a moving truck head-on with his head. And his head was still intact. It's incredible, right?" Karen raised his head and asked.

  "Um...not this kind of mind" (-_-;)

  "Oh, Well two years ago, I joined the Mania Gang with a lot of enthusiasm and wasted two years of youth. I really regret it now." Karen said with emotion.

  "Is the Mania gang the biggest in New York?" Ivan asked curiously.

  "Absolutely not!" Karen Immediately said, "As long as Jin is still alive, Hammerhead and his mania gang will never be the biggest gang!"

  (-_-;)"Why are you so excited."


  After returning to the dormitory at night, the fat fellow had already fallen asleep.

  Ivan lay on the bed and got on his phone to check if he received any text messages today.

  There are a few messages in which Richard and Jenny asked if Ivan's living expenses have been adequate recently.

  When he responded to the message, Ivan told them not to worry. He used his free time to work a part-time and already had income.

  There is also a message sent to him by Jessica. The content is that she checked that there will be some rain tomorrow and reminded Ivan to wear protection.

  The next day, at noon.

  Ivan is listening to the history lesson in the classroom.

  The sky was gloomy, and the crows screamed loudly outside the window. They were in groups, and some even flapped onto the windowsill.

  Dark clouds gradually began to gather.

  "There is going to be a heavy rain."

  After school was over, the sky was pouring heavily. All the prepared students held up their umbrellas. Those who did not bring umbrellas left for self-study. In fact, even if it did not rain today, those who should stay for self-study and elective courses also stay. Jessica is a member of the elective army.

  Outside the teaching building.

  Ivan was a little hungry with his hands in his pockets, and he was going to head to a nearby burger shop to have a meal.

  Compared with others holding an umbrella and walking fast, he looks lonely and out of place while walking in the rain.

  Raindrops evaded him one after another. Walking on the road, Ivan heard Jessica's voice behind him.

  "Ivan, I'm coming!"

  Holding a large umbrella, Jessica ran all the way to Ivan and supported It above their heads.

Next chapter