
PSI Mercs

The planetary government hired inface company to investigate an incident at the Aural Research station on Fionah. These are no ordinary mercenaries, they have PSI abilities, Telekinetics, and military training. When they arrive at the station, all seem calm and desolate, only to learn they have to contend with cybernetic threats, abominations, monstrosities, and dealing with the infection that turns humans into horrific monsters. Will they survive despite being outnumbered and dealing with an enemy that is a step ahead of them?

LelandLL · Action
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46 Chs

Chapter 2: The Aural Research Station

Skip's POV

 "Hello, Journal! Time is August, 15, 28XX. I am recording for future events that I've experienced and seen during my adventures with my crew." I was speaking into my journal."The Aural Research Station or known as A.R. S for short was founded by a man known as Ren Awsiter, whose vision is to focus on strengthening and making humanity stronger." I continued to share my thoughts about the company".

Skip Cameron Fozen, Age 25, Male, has a PSI-Level of 4. His skills are Hacking, Researching & Reconnaissance, Telekinesis, Intermediate Hand to hand combat. His weapon Speciality is Pistols, SMG, Energy Weapons. His PSI Power is Electrokinesis. His role on the team is Tech support.

About the Aural Research Station or A.R. S

It used to be while the man still ran the company during his tenure. He always prided himself on ethical concerns and his employees' safety, he despises profiting at their expense. Their motto "Know your science, Strengthen Humanity!",

All of that changed after losing his wife and son during an accident, he sold the corporation to people who did not care or understand the founder's vision of good hygiene or safety, all they see is fucking dollar signs they can exploit and drain dry.

Millie Stone, one of their Top-notch scientists, knows the founder personally and was one of the few that stayed despite the bigwigs making it clear they don't give a rat-ass about her morals or ethics. They only kept her around because it made them a lot of money and wanted to avoid any scandals or any corporations trying to scoop her up.

I also learned how many complaints within the company ranging from sexual harassment, battery, corporate theft, breach of contracts, murder, sabotage, misogynist behavior, a culture of fear and greed, low diversity to discrimination. Despite that, their turnover is low. Either it has threatened them with death or the corporation forbid them to find work anywhere else.

Bankrift Backleton, the current CEO of the company, is a well-known complete asshole who would hire unscrupulous people, and I know a few of their names with some of them having criminal records. No one dared try to speak or even talk to him unless you are a secretary or someone of importance, otherwise, he would fire you, leaving with nothing. He also had many complaints against him, but apparently, it failed to stick by either with money or threats. The point is, it has turned into a personality cult.

Unless you work with Millie Stone or Doctor Boyek, who is part of the old guard, you want to be careful about whose toes you step. You may not take a bathroom break, lunch break only go up to 10 minutes, they are no gossiping allowed unless you are with Millie or Boyek, you can get written up and/or fired or go through their "Performance improvement system!" but if you tell me, it is a bunch of bull.

Talk to the CEO without permission, oh... You guess it. Fired. Even worse, if you dare stand up to him. They are only rumors, but he would have them killed in broad daylight and possibly their families & children as well.

I paused for a moment... I never thought to consider putting my thoughts down about what I feel about this company, Millie Stone was also my teacher on Science & Hacking. She was a tough nut to crack, but her lessons were fun and educational. It was during a hacking class that I became a skilled hacker within a short time, and she always preached good ethics.

She even told us stories about her horror experience from being at the Nooribor and Caltrix Station accidents, she even taught us useful skills that we know can make use of it and good study habits. The best part, she teaches the class rather than drone on through the lessons like most teachers. I met her personally, even the bullies respect her as she was blunt, making sure you learn your lessons.

"I'm sorry, I must have droned on about the past but Millie stone is already one of the good ones, it just-"

"Hey, Son, get over here!" my father shouted over me

"Coming!" I said, "Sorry, gotta run!" I closed the holo-journal.

Bypassing Security

I pulled out my Help-tool to hack into its mainframe. They didn't put much stock in their security as I could get the information that we needed. I unlocked level 1 access through the station and got a map of the entire section.

The map of the station:

1st-floor- Main hall and Entrance

2nd-floor- Workman's quarters and Apartments

3rd-floor- Drone factory, Cryolab, AI Core

4th-floor- Executive Office, Scilab

Basement- Elevator

B1 floor- Reactor, Underground

B2 floor- Restricted sector

Sakura taps me on the shoulder: Can I ask you a question?

"Yeah, go ahead!" I nodded.

She smiles and flips her hair back: Do you like women? You are handsome and rugged!

I chuckled at the question, but I have no interest in the company of women. Not that I've never tried it, but I'm not really into it. The last time, my dad took me to a strip club full of women to make a "man" of me, but I was uncomfortable with the whole thing. But I've pretended to at least enjoy it so he doesn't think I've turned faggot on him. My siblings were encouraging me to find a girlfriend... only if they knew about my secret relationship with my husband.

"Sakura, women are not my thing." I explained calmly but Sakura frowns at me "Look I'm -"

She put a finger to my lips and then pulled away: I understand; you don't have beat around the bush with me. She sighs at me in jokingly matter: Another time, another life, you would let me know?

"You would be the first to know," I was relieved she understood where I was coming at.

"Good, I noticed that you were suddenly into the ladies," Victor said to me while sitting on the desk. "Or rather the men in your life?"

"Gosh, Victor!" I exclaimed while pulling the data from my pad. "You hitting on me or something?"

"Whoa! No, not really. I can understand if you prefer the company of men." he said, "To be frank, I'm not into romance though."

"That is cool. Besides, I wasn't trying to 'flirt' with you," I said fluttered.

"Relax, it's all right." he snapped his fingers and remembered, "Did you ever tell your father about your sexuality? It seems to me you haven't told him, yet." he looked with concern in his eyes.

"No, I have not. What should I say to him? Tell him I am a queer, looking for other men in his bed?" I said.

"It's you and your Dad," he said calmly. "I'm sure he doesn't hate you he may be on you for hiding it from him."

"You kidding?" I said skeptically.

Victor decided not to continue the discussion and ignored Sakura, who was smiling at him. I pat her on the back and she kissed me on the cheek; caught me off guard with that. We kept going and updated my father on the information I gathered about the station, and I told him we got to level 1 access to the place.

"Welcome to Aural Research Station! I am the AI A.D.P.E.N, your humble servant! Here we have worked on the latest and advanced groundbreaking technologies for your medical & nutritious needs. Please enjoy your stay through our state-of-art station." it spoke.

I saw the medical bot wandering through as it passed by us. We explored their offices on the 1st floor first to see what we could find. I know they encrypt some of their data, but I have done a lot of technical work to know I can bypass it.

"HALT!", a drone said to us while arming itself with ... an Energy gun? "IDENTIFY YOURSELF, IMMEDIATELY or FACE TERMINATION! "it spoke to us.

"We are the Inface company, you bucket of bolts!" my dad said to it. "NOW! Move the fuck out of the way!" but the drone doesn't budge and aims its gun.


"Here is my identification, and it clarifies that I can bring up to 5 guests within the Terms & Conditions." I showed it an ... Photo-ID that is level 2.

"SCANNING... "It quickly scans the ID that I gave it. "IDENTIFY CONFIRMED: WELCOME BACK, DR. JONES! "I nodded my head as it left.

I heard a power saw coming in my direction and -

"Ah!" I yelled as I felt something slicing my abdomen, I quickly moved out the way, I saw it was ... Med Bot with a chainsaw with its saw being activated. I touched the area where it sliced me... Shit...

Blood... Am I ... feeling my intestines..? Uh... Shit...

Author notes

Ooh... getting cut up by an chainsaw is not an pleasant feeling. Skip is lucky that he is not an normal human or he would died in minutes upon getting sliced up in the abdomen.

Are you guys getting the feeling is something is wrong?

LelandLLcreators' thoughts