
Protectors : Human & Demon

Faust, a talented human, has his life sorted out by being one of the best Hunter in humanities' fights against an invader from an unknown origin. One day, Faust stumbled upon a sealed demon when he's on the verge of death and makes a contract with the demon named Angra Mainyu to save his life in return for sharing his body with the demon. When they thought that everything will go smoothly, a powerful creature arrives from the void and killed them. Fortunately, death was not the end for them. Faust and Angra are reincarnated in a world of magic where everybody has an RPG system! And they're also reborn as twins! Will they be able to adapt to this new world and live their life peacefully? Or Is there a reason why they are brought into this world? Follow the twins' journey together in this new world to see the answer for yourselves! This is my first novel so please have mercy on this author :(( Please give this novel a try and perhaps this novel will be an interesting read~ COVER ART BY: Martina Stipan

darran_ · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Let's Go Hunting! (2)

Angra then ate the boar's soul.

-Rank 1 Magic Boar consumed-

'I guess I don't get more attributes that easily after consuming so much soul before.'

'And what do I get from leveling up? Don't my mana or HP reset like in the games? Faust do you know anything?'

'Nope, I'm just as clueless as you. Just ask dad about it later.' (Faust)

"Nice kill Aiden! I think you have a born talent for close quarter combat." (Mark)

"Um dad?" (Aiden)

"What?" (Mark)

"There's a notification telling me that I just leveled up what does that do?" (Aiden)

"Since it's already past noon, let's talk about it during lunch" (Mark)

The three of them then searched for a clearing where they can unpack their lunch. They found a clear patch of grass under a big tree with dense leaves shielding them from the afternoon sun.

"So continuing what I said when you're little, leveling up is only an indicator of your strength in the current job that you have. And when you reach level 10, you can pick a job that the system provided based on your tendencies and activities so far, then your level returns back to 0 after you pick a job."(Mark)

"So when we level up, we don't get a power-up or our health and mana restored?" (Isaac)

"What? Why should they be restored?" Mark tilted his head with a puzzled expression.

"No, nothing forget about it." (Isaac)

"Alright then let's pack up our lunch, and find another prey for Isaac." (Mark)

Using Faust's trusty spirits, they searched for the next prey. With the help of the many ethereal and flying spirits, they soon found yet another magic boar.

Faust then prepared for his turn.

"Isaac, use your magic carefully, remember what you're fighting are magic beast, they are sensitive to mana and able to use their own magic so don't be too straightforward with your magic." (Mark)

"Alright dad, thanks for the advice."(Isaac)

Faust can also use fusion magic like Angra, but his attributes and control are not as good as Angra and he rarely uses it so, he is planning to use magic to conjure them outside like how his mother did.

Faust started by going into a suitable position for himself where his magic can hit the boar with high accuracy. He then made a javelin using earth magic and added more mana to make the javelin as solid as a steel, infused it with fire magic to do more damage to the target, and then added wind magic to help him launch the javelin.

'Let's hope this javelin is fast enough for the boar to be unable to dodge' Faust thought to himself.

He then grabbed the fire-infused earth javelin with spirit magic and make it float above him. After calculating the distance and the trajectory of the shot, he released his magic.

With the help of spirit magic and wind magic, the flaming javelin flew rapidly. But as expected from a magic beast, it realized there's magic in coming into his direction and conjured an earth wall to defend itself. But the javelin is stronger than what the boar expected and pierced through the earth wall, but fortunately, he reacted fast enough to roll and dodge the flaming javelin.

The javelin then destroyed a few trees in its path burning them in the process.

'Yup, I guess it's not fast enough. At least it's strong'

Not wanting the boar to counterattack, Faust conjured an earth spike below the boar. 'If he can play this game why can't I?'

Faust then made earth spikes to restrict the boar's movement. And in the eleventh earth spike, Faust heard a notification from the system

-Condition fulfilled, Chantless Casting 1 unlocked-

'Hmm, that should mean that I can conjure magic faster since I already doing it chantless all this time.'

Not long after, the boar is trapped in a semi-dome made of earth spikes. To make sure Faust gets a sure kill, Faust conjured a fire and water arrow and giving it enough magic to make it dense. Then he threw them together in the boar's direction. The fire and water exploded making a steam cloud that's thick enough that it hindered the boar's vision.

And with its movement restricted and its vision blocked, Faust then threw a javelin infused with death attribute to finish off the target.

-Rank 1 Magic Boar killed-

-Level Up!-

'Well that's a lot of effort to kill a rank 1' (Faust)

'At least you don't have to move your ass around like me, just stand there and conjure some magic then *poof* enemy defeated' (Angra)

'Aw don't be jealous my sweet little demon brother, you're amazing too you know' (Faust)

'Shut it, I'm not jealous.' (Angra)

"Nice job Isaac!" (Mark)

"I guess that's enough for our first hunt right? Let's go back. Your mom should already be lonely without you two." (Mark)

"Wait dad, I have something to try, can I hunt one more?" (Isaac)

'What is it, Faust? Do you have any new brilliant traps or tricks?' (Angra)

'Just see, I don't know if this will work or not, but theoretically, it should be possible.' (Faust)

"Hmm it should be okay if it's just one more, are you okay with that Aiden?" (Mark)

"Mmm" (Aiden)

"Alright then, let's go find one more" (Mark)

And of course, with the ultimate scouting system, Faust had, as usual, it only took them a few minutes to find a magic dear that is leisurely eating a grass patch.

"Alright Isaac, it's all yours" (Mark)

"Okay!" (Isaac)

Faust then makes another javelin using earth magic. But this time the javelin has a thicker body but still slim enough to fly at a high speed, with a cylinder and on one of its ends is sharp and the other end hollowed about 1/8 of the tip.

Faust then infused it again with fire magic then float it above his head using spirit magic.

But this time, rather than pushing it with only spirit and wind magic, Faust condensed fire mana at the hollowed part of the cylinder and when the wind and spirit magic started to push the javelin into the deer's direction, Faust detonated the condensed fire mana at the hollow part of the cylinder.

This time instead of a *swish* they heard a *boom* from the javelin being released.

The explosion propelled the javelin forward in speed even faster than the wind itself.

The deer that heard the explosion only managed to hear the sound just right before its head being blasted open with the javelin and the javelin passed through its body like a knife through tofu straight to the ground under the deer.

The fire then spread all over the deer's body burning it and making the ground below scorched.

After the event unfolds, Faust noticed a notification by the system.

-Condition fulfilled, Multi Casting 1 unlocked-

Mark stood with his mouth agape a little. He knows that his son is a genius in magic and has a natural-born talent for it, but he has never seen an explosion being used for a propeller before. He then thanked the world for giving his kids a genius mind and talent, then praised Faust for his amazing application of magic.

'Alright Faust I'm really jealous now, it seems amazing.' (Angra)

'I only made a magic-javelin-bullet-thingy I guess..?'(Faust)

'Technically, I'm not the one who invented this method, but it seems that it's a first in this world so I can claim that it's mine right?' (Faust)

'Whatever makes you happy Faust, I don't really care.' (Angra)

"Alright kids, you guys have done some amazing stuff today, but It's really time to go home now before your mom prohibit us from ever going hunting next time." (Mark)

Mark then collected the bodies of the 2 boars and the deer from before, Faust's last target is scorched so bad that its body part is not usable enough other than being a fertilizer for the forest.

Mark then separated the part that he can sell to the town, the boar's tusk and the deer's antler, and cut the meat into portions to sell and then saving some for his own family to eat.

Later that night they are having a family dinner while talking about their day hunting in the Forest. As expected Lily is amazed at her kids' performance and skills, and she certainly is surprised by how creative and smart Faust uses his magic.

Faust also asked

"Dad, Mom if everyone can use magic, are there exist bad people abusing death magic to build their own army to rule the world?" (Isaac)

"Of course an incident like an undead lord have appeared throughout history, and a lot of people suffered and many casualties exist. But such an incident are very rare."(Lily)

"Because death and life magic are a little different than the other elements" (Lily)

"Demons are naturally gifted in death magic and magic in general, but they can't use life magic and they don't really care enough to cause massacre of all the humans except for a few who have grudges against the humans. But for humans, there is only a small percentage of people who are capable of using the death element and the life element and even less who are capable of making an army large enough to threaten the whole population of this world. And hence the reason why a threat such as an undead lord rarely ever appeared." (Lily)

"But you Isaac have the potential to surely become a powerful undead lord!" (Mark)

"Hush! don't give him any ideas Mark!" (Lily)

"But it's okay right?? as long as he doesn't use his undead army to flatten the continent and only use it to protect himself then there's nothing wrong!" (Mark)

After hearing what his dad said, he started to consider the idea of having his own undead army, when he thinks about it, if he has a powerful undead army, it will be easier to protect his family and people he cares about even if anything happened like the void incidents.

This idea, later on, keep on brewing in his mind.


Race: Cambion

Name: Isaac Marchosias (Faust)





Job History:-








Chantless Casting 1 (NEW)

Multi Casting 1 (NEW)

Unordinary Strength 2 (Passive)

Soul Vision

Mana Sense 4 (Passive)

Unique Skills:

-Soul Telepathy (to Aiden)

-Loved By Death

*Charm undead: Souls and Undeads naturally are not hostile to you, and weaker soul/undead will willingly submit to you

*Help of the dead: You can borrow death mana from undead/souls who submitted to you

*Death Mana Talent: You have a natural affinity in controlling death mana

×you can't directly harm souls/undead with your death mana

Hey guys author here! So exam month are coming and for being a nice and hardworking student, I will devote some of my time towards it so the upload will be slower than usual I guess :(

And of course thanks for reading!

If you like this novel please add it to library!It really motivates me to write more!

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