
Chapter 68 Not Time For Second Choices

I find myself standing in front of the door that will be the choice that I am making. What I choose next will define who I am and what I will become.

Am I making the right choice?

Ya, that I cannot tell you now.

Wait until the morning, and I will see if regret starts to consume me. I guess in a way, no matter what I decide, my fate will still lead down the same road and with the same outcome.

So as the door slowly creeks open, I take one deep breath. I need to remind myself…Breathe, Colton, Breathe. You can do this.

And in I step…

Ya, it is great to be back home.

I immediately make my way to the bar. I grab a bottle of whiskey and a glass from the bar. I pour two shots and immediately throw them to the back of my throat, then another after that before I finally sip on my third one.