
Chapter 67 Fated Destiny

Did I just cross a line? Perhaps…but this is what I do.

I have sworn to protect Trinity, and I shall step over any line to do that. Yes, I am not her bodyguard, but she is the woman that I love. Is Vic going to see it that way? Well, we are about to find out as he is rushing over to where I am helping Trinity from off the floor.


In an inch of a second, without even hesitating, he launches his fist straight at my jaw. I guess I would have been foolish if I thought that he might not do it. Now my biggest desire is to hit the asshole back, but as I watch Trinity s eyes grow wide, begging me not to do it, I only but step back.

"A fucking simple thank you would have been better," I snap at him as he starts to rumble in anger.

"You put my daughter in danger." He growls at me. "You nearly got her killed."

He retracts his arm and swing for my face again; the impact makes my head snap to the left and sends a sting through my body.