
Chapter 32 Mistaken Trust

I think that I have just fucking died.

I am staring at a man that has gone completely pale and has the fear of seven horrors in his eyes. Now, this is Vic Stone that we are talking about. This man does not scare easily, but something has just got him spooked.

He takes his trembling hand to my shoulder and speaks to me with an urgent voice, "Forget about me, go get Trinity out of that house."

"Vic," I still try and stop to talk reason into him, "My men are there; nobody can get inside."

Vic only but shakes his head at me furiously, "It is not what is outside that I am worried about."

I look at him rather confused as he starts pushing me back into the direction of my car, "What the fuck is going on, Vic?"

"Alexa," he stumbles as he tries to get each syllable of her name over his lips. "You cannot trust Alexa."

Well, fuck, that I could have told him already. But ya, now is not the right time to tell him his wife might be a cheating…