
Chapter 31 Danger In The Darkness

I have just come to learn that I cannot trust Alexa, not only not to sneak in my room but also that there is much more to her relationship with Karlo. What I am not completely sure about it, but I am confident that I shall find out within the next few hours once Jax comes back with information for me.

My question is, why would Vic want to tell her about it if it truly does not concern her that much. Do I even dare to ask Vic what else is going on that I do not know of? Well, that I shall consider once I talk my way out of this one.

"I am just telling Trinity how we have not heard from Karlo in a while."

"But," Trinity tries to interrupt. I bump her gently in her side and give her the don t say a word look. Thank god the woman has as much brains as what she has beauty, for she immediately stops dead in her sentence.