
Protagonist Became Bent and is in love with the Villain

As tragedy befalls on Zhan Yu , he soon finds himself transmigrated into a novel world as a character. To his disappointment, he became the villain who obsessively chased after the male protagonist and was in love while scheming to tear apart his relationship with his beloved (but male protagonist was straight). To avoid his death route, Zhan Yu carefully avoided the male and female protagonists at every turn. Instead, he went off on his own to enjoy life. But somewhere along the way, he made a mistake- the male protagonist took notice of him! Zhan Yu's eyes teared up as he was being kissed in Lu Bai's arms. 'No! This wasn't in the plot! What just happened?!!! ' Wasn't the male protagonist straight?!!! To be continued.... To get to know what happened Let's read .... .... NOTICE ------ Hi, How are you? Hope you are well. I read the comments and many said the story * The protagonist became bend what to do* is a novel same to one of bg novel. Yes, I agree it is same . Actually I haven't read that book I just read few chapters some months before it was intresting so I read it as a bl novel prespective so I just thought why not write it as a bl novel prespective type. I am very sorry for the hurt and everything happened I didn't wanted to hurt anybody's feelings. Hope you don't mind and please don't report or anything if you don't like so you can not read the bl type if its such hurt just pls just message I will delete the novel as soon as I can if you don't like the bl novel prespective. Its for an entertainment purposes only and does not attend to hurt anybody's or anyone's feelings or anything. I hope you just enjoy the bl prespective of the novel . .Sorry for the hurt. (⌣_⌣") Hello everyone, This story is for fun and this novel is been edited to bl version, Hope you enjoy it. Pls don't complaint or anything it's for entertainment purposes only. This novel/story is available on wattpad too as I am a writer on wattpad. I got offer for WebNovel, I am new to WebNovel and don't know much functions on this app. Hope you enjoy reading it... Happy Reading... ( ◜‿◝ )♡

Mensai_Esh · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
53 Chs

Chapter - 51 Together with their son, they'll wait for him to return.

Lu Junxing turned his gaze outside the window and continued, "Zhan Yu, are you sure you're living in reality?"

"What...do you mean?"

"That book. I have it."

"What?!" Zhan Yu immediately jumped in his seat and looked at Lu Junxing in disbelief.

"I thought about it, and I guess Aunt Huang must have put the book in my room while cleaning up since she figured my granny was too old for reading, and that it must have been mine. I didn't pay any attention to it when I came back since I was in a hurry to pack my luggage. So, I brought it back to J City along with the rest of my books."

Zhan Yu's hand that was clenched on his seatbelt was trembling. "Why...Why are you telling me this today?"

"I didn't realize until I came back after everything with your mother was settled."

"Lu Junxing! I want to see that book!"

Lu Junxing looked at Zhan Yu with a heavy look. After taking Zhan Yu inside, he brought Zhan Yu to the study and pointed to the book Zhan Yu had dreamt so long to find, saying calmly, "It's on the table. Help yourself. I'll go down to get a glass of water."

"Thanks." Zhan Yu's complexion changed slightly, his eyes locked onto the table. With every step he took towards the table, he felt his heartbeat growing quicker.

After Lu Junxing went out of the study and was about to shut the door behind him, he looked still at that tall and slender body for a moment before finally shutting the door.

Lu Junxing made a bet. If fate willed them to meet, and Zhan Yu agreed to come back with him, he would tell Zhan Yu the truth. So, when he bumped into Zhan Yu at the restaurant, his first reaction was surprise.

And after that, there was endless worry.

He asked Zhan Yu to drive him home.

Zhan Yu agreed.

So, Lu Junxing lost. He was reluctant to say anything on the way back, even if the chance for them to spend time together was hard to come by.

But as soon as he thought about the distance that would inevitably be wedged between them after Zhan Yu finished that book, he couldn't let go.

But then, he told himself again that he never had Zhan Yu to begin with.

All their closeness, their ability to talk about anything with each other, they were all just illusions in the end.

How could Zhan Yu's feelings for Lu Bai compare to his own?

Lu Junxing who was thinking all this to himself and suddenly paused on the steps. He said to himself, "You deserve this, Lu Junxing!"

Naturally, Zhan Yu was unaware of the complex activity going on inside his mind.

Zhan Yu sat down and flipped open the book, page after page as the familiar memories immediately began flooding back.

At around 200,000 words, the book wasn't too long, but Zhan Yu read it very seriously for three hours. The strange thing is.

Lu Junxing never came up to disturb Zhan Yu after heading downstairs.

Zhan Yu held his breath every time he flipped the pages.

The first part of the developments in the book was the same. They mainly wrote about Chu Hua and Lu Bai's meeting, and their heartfelt affections.

But after Zhan Yu was accidentally pushed down the stairs by Shi Shi and hit his head, the plot began to change.

The core of the male supporting character, Zhan Yu, changed.

Zhan Yu began to change...

Everything felt like déjà vu.

Everything was just as Zhan Yu experienced it.

Zhan Yu and Lu Bai, and all the hiding and the stumbling they encountered along the way.

Lu Bai had given Zhan Yu so much.

Lu Bai loved Zhan Yu so much that he could give his life for him.

Lu Bai was devoted to Zhan Yu from start to end, until his death.

But now, Lu Bai was in that world alone, watching over their child by himself, waiting bitterly for the day where Zhan Yu could wake up.

"Zhan Yu was deep asleep while his child bawled. None of Lu Bai's sweet words he gave Zhan Yu when he waited by Zhan Yu's beside each day could wake Zhan Yu. But no matter how often people try to persuade Lu Bai, Lu Bai never stopped believing that Zhan Yu would one day wake up. The sun rose, and set, year after year...

Time passed unnoticed.

The large living room was quiet without a single noise, with only Lu Junxing sitting on the grey sofa with his arms folded over his chest.

The warm water in the two glasses on the table had long since cooled.

Lu Bai sat there with his eyes unfocused, not looking at anything in particular. After a long time, he looked up towards the direction of the study. The door was still closed.

Zhan Yu was still inside.

A faint smile slowly emerged on his lips.

Was Zhan Yu feeling nostalgic? Or perhaps, was Zhan Yu mourning his long lost feelings and lover?

Zhan Yu wiped away his tears that had been flowing for a long time in the study. After closing the book, he saw a letter clasped between the last two pages.

It wrote: To Lu Junxing.

Zhan Yu's face was blank for a long time.

Finally, Zhan Yu picked up both the book and the letter and went downstairs.

The living room was brightly lit. Sitting on the sofa, Zhan Yu couldn't tell what Lu Junxing was thinking about.

Zhan Yu walked up to him and handed him the letter. With his voice still hoarse from crying, he said, "It's yours."

Hearing that, Lu Junxing looked up. First, his attention was drawn by Zhan Yu's red and swollen eyes. "You cried again?"

Zhan Yu saw how seriously Lu Jinxing was observing him and Zhan Yu turned his head away awkwardly.

But seeing that Lu Junxing continued to stare at him, Zhan Yu said honestly, "I just couldn't help myself for a bit."

The corners of Lu Junxing's mouth twitched a little. He didn't know how to respond to Zhan Yu so he asked instead, "Is this from you?"

"No. It's from the book's author. I was asking your grandmother about her when we first met."

Lu Junxing looked at the letter but he didn't seem to have any intentions of picking it up.

Zhan Yu said, "I think you should look at it."

Lu Junxing accepted the letter. After shooting Zhan Yu a meaningful glance, he opened it.

Words poured out over the faintly yellowed paper.

Zhan Yu could only see the title at the beginning. That person wrote: To the one and only person I've had a secret crush on, Lu Junxing...

Lu Junxing's eyes dimmed after he saw the first line.

"To the one and only person I've had a secret crush on, Lu Junxing:

Hello. I know you don't even know my name, and I'm not going to tell you my name here. It's enough for me that you know that there was once a very timid girl who once loved you.

The first time I saw you, it was an evening with pouring rain. After the heavy downpour all afternoon, the color of the sky was terrible. I knew there would be few people outside at this time, so I found the courage to go to the supermarket before it was dark. After paying, I turned around and was instantly greeted by the sight of you who had come in to buy an umbrella. When I saw your handsome face, I forgot to react for a moment, but you didn't even seem to notice my presence. I know I've always had a weak presence, and I've always been very inconspicuous.

I bought too much and the bag couldn't bear the weight and broke. When everything fell to the floor, you leaned over and helped me pick my things up. With blushing cheeks, I said thank you to you expectantly, and I still remember the "you're welcome" you told me back then. That was the best sounding voice I've ever heard.

Lu Junxing, I fell in love with you at first sight.

But I have nothing to offer you, I'm not good enough for you.

After a few days, I saw you taking a walk with your grandmother early in the morning.

I kept my head down and we brushed past each other.

In that instant, I could feel my heart beating loud.

Lu Junxing, you gave me the feeling of love.

I was scared of seeing you, but I also looked forward to seeing you every day.

One time, I secretly listened in on an old person who was gossipping about you in the neighborhood. They said you were from a rich family, that your father was in a high position, also that you had been excellent since you were a young boy. They said you had a successful career despite your young age and a resounding reputation.

Lu Junxing, I felt so inferior at that moment.

You see, the person I chose to love was so outstanding! I had such good judgment!

But I felt deeply inferior.

How could I be with you if you were so outstanding?

I didn't even have the courage to talk to you.

Lu Junxing, I've already gotten used to seeing you walk past me from afar through my window.

Even if I would never be able to stand openly in front of you and confess my feelings.

At the very least, I want you to know that somebody in this world loved you in the past.

My beloved Lu Junxing, thank you for appearing in my life.

For me to fall in love with a man like you in my life was enough for me.

I wish you happiness. —The me who loves you."

Zhan Yu kept observing the expression on Lu Junxing's face, trying to discern a hint of his emotions from the subtle changes in his expression.

But after reading the letter, Lu Junxing put it back down on the table and asked Zhan Yu, "Where did it come from?"

Zhan Yu pointed to the book on the table beside him. "The last two pages of the book were stuck together, and that letter was hidden inside."

"So, this letter was written by the person who gave my grandmother this book?"

Zhan Yu said, "The person who gave you the book is also the person who wrote the book."

Lu Junxing was silent for a moment. He asked, "You know each other?"

Zhan Yu shook his head at first, but then he nodded.

"So, was the Zhan Yu in the book based on you?" Lu Junxing asked.

Zhan Yu smiled bitterly. "She hated me so much that she wrote me into the book as well. But she loved you, and it was because of that love for you that Lu Bai was born."

"That...Lu Bai...Did he really exist?"

"He's always been there."

Lu Junxing looked at Zhan Yu. "So, what do you plan to do after seeing this book?"

"I want to go back to him."

"That's just a fantasy world created by someone. Even if you know it's not real, would you still want to do that?"

"I knew it was the world inside of the book. I've known from the very start. But I'm still so in love with Lu Bai I love him, and we have a child together that I'd only been able to see once in my life. I have to go back since both he and my child are waiting for me."

"Go back? How are you going to achieve that?"

"I don't know! But I'll find a way. If I can get in once, I'll definitely be able to find a way to get in again."

"What way?"

"I have to die."

When Lu Junxing heard Zhan Yu announce that so calmly, he instantly said, "Are you crazy?!"

"I wish I was. But I'm clearly so sober. Lu Junxing, this book wasn't the book I read in the beginning. I have no idea how he could know all the changes that happened after my transmigration and even written it down. I also have no idea whether I went in after she had finished writing the book and giving it to your grandmother. Maybe she was able to travel back and forth between the two worlds before she died, but the book always existed. At the very least, it proves that everything I went through was real. Even if that was in an unknown world." While speaking, Zhan Yu looked straight at Lu Junxing. "I want to thank you for telling me about the existence of this book tonight. Thank you for letting me find out that I still have people who love me who are waiting for me to return."

Lu Junxing didn't say anything for a long time.

Zhan Yu could feel how down Lu Junxing mood was.

After a long moment of silence, Lu Junxing asked, "What about me, then?"

You discovered that there are people who love you waiting for you in that world.

But what about me? Did you never realize that I was waiting for you too?


"I don't want you to go back to him. If you have to use an extreme method like death, then I'll stop you. Zhan Yu, are you sure that the person who created this world is dead and that, that world still exists? To put it simply, are you sure you'll be able to see Lu Bai and your child if you die?"

When Lu Junxing saw that Zhan Yu wanted to refute him, he went on, "Don't do anything stupid and stop thinking about those ridiculous things. Can't you just continue on with your life happily? Even if it's...for me."

"Huh?" The moment Zhan Yu raised his head to look at him, Zhan Yu's brows were knitted in a frown.

"You're a very special person to me."

So, will you stay for me?

But Lu Junxing had no idea that he would never get the chance to say those words he was unable to say to Zhan Yu again.

Zhan Yu's two words of "sorry" and "thank you" were enough to stop Lu Junxing's unspoken words of confession in its tracks.

Lu Junxing couldn't even remember what Zhan Yu said in the end.

All he knew that when Zhan Yu left, he asked him, "Can I take this book?"

Even if Lu Junxing was reluctant, he still nodded when he saw Zhan Yu's earnest gaze.

Then, Zhan Yu thanked Lu Junxing and left with the book.

Half a month later, Lu Junxing finally learned that Zhan Yu went to do an on-the-spot interview for a small town where a magnitude 8 earthquake had occurred. Nobody in the publishing house was willing to take the job, so Zhan Yu volunteered to go.

Only, everyone was busy trying to save the victims after the disaster. Unexpectedly, the aftershocks came in, killing and injuring countless people.

Lu Junxing watched the news reports silently. He could see that everything was in ruins in the disaster area, and he saw all the injured citizens, and also the people who were crying as they sent away their loved ones. Then, the familiar name "Zhan Yu" appeared on the list of victims. His eyes gradually turned red, tears slowly flowing down from them.

Lu Junxing sought help from all his contracts in hope of getting the chance to head to the disaster area himself despite Father Lu's firm opposition. But when he saw the scene with his own eyes...all his tiny hopes were shattered.

Zhan Yu was dead.

When Zhan Yu died, Zhan Yu still held that book tightly in his hands, and that book was covered in his blood.

But Zhan Yu's expression looked so serene.

When Lu Junxing cremated Zhan Yu with the book, he looked at the gray sky and thought to himself: did Zhan Yu return to that person's side as he had wished?

Maybe Lu Junxing'll never find the answer.

All Lu Junxing knew was that for the first time, he had someone he wanted to stay with, and that person was gone.

Forever, never to return.

All the friends who Lu Junxing had come in contact with said that something wasn't too right with him these days, and those problems were reflected in his mood.

It seemed that Lu Junxing who had always been very good with his work was getting more and more irritable recently.

That's right, Lu Junxing himself also felt strangely irritated. It was that kind of irritability that you would never get rid of without getting a holiday to calm yourself down. He had been working on a design for a full month without any developments. The scrapped sketches were piling up like a mountain.

Lu Junxing was even at the point of wanting to use cigarettes and alcohol to ease the irritability he could not get rid of. He was so troubled that his designing wouldn't go smoothly.

Lu Junxing gulped down a mouthful of wine and said to his childhood friend, Liu Ying, "Do you think my well is finally running dry?"

All his old inspirations that made him proud seemed to have disappeared in a flash. Now, he doubted himself with every single stroke, and the half-ruined products that came out were hardly worth his time.

It was annoying, and it bothered him.

Liu Ying nearly spat out his wine. He wiped his mouth and said, "Hey man, cut the rest of the world some slack. If a divine being like you has a dried-up well then what about everyone else? Do they not need to live then?"

Lu Junxing sighed and did not answer.

After observing his expression, Liu Ying said, "If you ask me, I think it's 'cause you're being too demanding of this project. That's why you're looking down on your own work."

"Hmph. It's a pity I don't even have a full draft for my design."

Liu Ying saw how gloomy he was, he widened his eyes a bit and pretended to ask casually, "Hey, great prince Lu, it's rare for you to be so bothered about something. You're not nursing a broken heart, are you?"

"Why would I..." But half way through trying to refute, Lu Junxing suddenly stopped.

Liu Ying grinned. "Look! I thought it was weird the last time you called me! A man who can trouble you so much, and now he's stolen your soul too! Quickly tell me, who is it? I heard from someone that he's a dancer. Couldn't be that one, right? Heard he's quite handsome too..."

"He's dead." Lu Junxing suddenly said while seeing him happily chattering away beside him.

Liu Ying couldn't react to it for a moment. "What?"

"He's dead." He calmly repeated himself. But he himself knew that his heart hollowed out when he told him that cruel reality. His eyes felt hot and there was almost a choking sensation bubbling up inside his throat.

He's dead.


He died.

Lu Junxing wanted to get him to stay, but before he could do anything, he was gone.

Liu Ying saw how off he looked and pushed him. "Hey, you're joking, right?"

Lu Junxing smiled bitterly. "I really wish I was."

Liu Ying didn't know what to say anymore. "How could it be...so sudden?"

Lu Junxing said, "Maybe it's just fate."

Liu Ying finally understood that Lu Junxing must miss him very much. "Look at you, don't be so sad. What's gone is gone, but you still have to go on!"

"I know."

"You should take a vacation. I'm sure you'll forget it with time."

Lu Junxing smiled but did not comment. How long, how many years would it take to forget a person?. Zhan Yu left so freely, so unencumbered, so what was he (Lu Junxing) to do?

Lu Junxing just hated that he didn't confess sooner!

Maybe if Lu Jinxing did, then Zhan Yu might never think about going back to that place. Maybe if he did, Zhan Yu'd call and tell him before Zhan Yu left, and naturally he would've stopped Zhan Yu. He wouldn't have let Zhan Yu go. If he confessed, then Zhan Yu could be alive right now.

Lu Junxing thought that as long as someone was alive, it didn't matter even if they were thinking of someone else, because he would still protect Zhan Yu. But Zhan Yu wouldn't even give him that chance.

The person Lu Junxing once loved would never appear before him again in this lifetime. He tried to ease his sorrows with alcohol, but that only made things worse.

After going back, he looked at his dark and empty room. He turned on the lights and then the TV. There, a handsome man danced concentratedly on the large LCD screen.

Each one of his sweet smiles seemed to dissolve into tears in his drunken daze.

Zhan Yu was a person full of resilience and perseverance. Even if Zhan Yu was tired, even if Zhan Yu cried, Zhan Yu would still rather carry his burdens all by himself.

Even if he wanted to help Zhan Yu.

Zhan Yu would never take the initiative to hold out his hand.

Lu Junxing felt that he was a disappointment. He had never experienced this in his entire life. Perhaps he was wrong to have been so self-confident in his feelings.

Love wasn't something you could get just by waiting. If you loved someone, you had to work to seize the opportunity. Otherwise, the chance will never come again.

He had lost him.

And Zhan Yu would never come back.

"Zhan Yu, I wish you happiness as well. To you who gave me all these feelings, I hope you can find him. As for me, I'll continue my life in this world, going back to the old days until the person who's fated for me appears. And when he shows up, he'll help me forget about all the pain and sadness you've caused me."

Things don't always go perfectly.


On the otherside of the world in the book...

But, Lu Bai who did not understand. why would another disaster happen as soon as he welcomed his long-awaited baby son into the world?

His beloved fell into a long sleep ever since the baby was born for no reason at all. None of the doctors could find a cause.

A few days later, they all collectively gave him the same news: Zhan Yu was dead.

No! He's not dead! How could he be dead?!

Lu Bai had no idea how he should respond to such a ridiculous statement at the time.

Lu Bai just remembered Zhan Qiancheng telling him afterwards that he was like a feral lion, thrashing the entire ward if any doctor so much as dared to say anything bad about his wife.

So be it then.

His wife didn't need to stay here anyway, Lu Bai thought.

Who were these quacks to tell him that Zhan Yu was dead!

Zhan Yu was clearly still alive! He's just asleep!

Lu Bai could hear Zhan Yu's weak breaths! Zhan Yu wasn't dead at all!

Look! He's still breathing! No matter how light it was, Lu Bai could feel Zhan Yu's feeble breathing as Lu Bai watched over Zhan Yu at night!

And that was enough!

As long as Zhan Yu still had a hint of breath left in him, Lu Bai definitely won't let anything happen to Zhan Yu!

Lu Bai transferred Zhan Yu to a new hospital, and this one had a very nice environment. However, the doctors couldn't find the cause for Zhan Yu's coma either, but they wouldn't use the word "death" to describe Zhan Yu. They just said they will try their best to save him.

But as for how large that possibility was, Lu Bai himself was not sure.

But all Lu Bai had to do was have hope and to work hard!

Zhan Yu was his beloved, how could he leave Lu Bai and his son behind without so much as a word?!

Speaking of their son, he was very cute. The baby had Zhan Yu's eyes and nose, but the rest of his features were almost like an exact replica of Lu Bai.

Everyone said the boy looked just like Lu Bai.

But when Lu Bai was holding his son and looking at his big black eyes, all he could think about was Zhan Yu.

It would be wonderful if Zhan Yu could wake up and hold his child.

It would be wonderful if Zhan Yu could wake up and argue with him about who the child resembled more!

Then Lu Bai would surely coax Zhan Yu and say that the baby looked like Zhan Yu.

But Lu Bai knew that Zhan Yu would definitely say the baby looked like him because Lu Bai knew that Zhan Yu'd always hoped for the child to resemble Lu Bai more.

Zhan Yu achieved everything he wanted, but how could he be so cruel as to leave such a small child alone?!

In the first dozen days the baby was born, it would always wail loudly at night. Neither Bai Ning nor Weng Yinlin could coax him. That voice was loud and clear and the baby's face that was red from its crying made everyone worry.

As soon as Lu Bai held him in his arms and coaxed him, he miraculously stopped crying.

The elders all say it was because of their kinship.

The baby must have realized that something has happened to his mother and became insecure. That's why the baby would cry all night, unable to calm down without Lu Bai by his side.

So, in less than half a month, Lu Bai who had to watch over his wife and take care of his child lost a lot of weight.

Lu Bai had no energy left to take care of work, but fortunately, Mao Shiyuan was there in the subsidiary company and Lu An was also there to help in the Lu Group, so everything was going smoothly.

Each day felt like years as Lu Bai waited for Zhan Yu to wake up, but Zhan Yu's eyes were always closed as he remained deep asleep.

Lu Bai wondered, is the reason why the doctors were never able to find the cause related to that world?

Did Zhan Yu return? Zhan Yu went back to his own world after he completed hiz mission here, didn't he?

The person Lu Bai loved so deeply went back to the world he belonged and wasn't going to come back, right?

Even if that were true, how could Lu Bai just sit and do nothing, allowing their family of three to live such an unhappy life?

"Zhan Yu, no matter what method I use, I'll wake you up."

Lu Bai began to look high and low for famous doctors. After seeing two or three of them, he was once again discouraged when they shrugged.

When Zhan Qiancheng came over to the hospital and saw him holding the sleeping child in his arms, he looked heavy-faced at Zhan Yu who was still unmoving on the bed, unsure what to do.

Zhan Qiancheng was silent for a moment before he reminded Lu Bai, "The child is asleep."

Lu Bai and Zhan Yu's child hadn't been given a name yet.

Lu Bai said, "I told him I would leave the naming of the baby to him, but he hasn't given the baby a name yet, so he definitely won't leave! Zhan Yu'll wake up!"

But everyone looked at each other, choosing to remain silent.

So, to this day, the child still bears no name.

Zhan Qiancheng looked at Lu Bai's facial hair that he hadn't taken care of for a few days and said, "You should put the child down and clean yourself up as well."

"No need."

Zhan Qiancheng sighed. He resisted the urge to swing his fist and went on, "Didn't you say he's just sleeping?! Are you going to let him wake up to see you like this?!"

Lu Bai looked quietly at him for a moment, and he suddenly scoffed, "I don't even know if he'll ever wake up! Tell me, do you think he'll wake up?!"

Zhan Qiancheng did not respond, but his complexion was bad.

Lu Bai laughed. "I didn't think you'd be unsure as well, how rare. But I still believe that he can wake up!"

Isn't he the male lead?! Shouldn't he be happy with him until the end?!

That's right! Shi Shi!

Lu Bai quickly turned around and put the child down lightly and covering him up with a blanket before saying to Zhan Qiancheng, "Help me look after him for now. I'll be back after going out for a bit."

"Where are you going?!" Before he could even finish speaking, Lu Bai had already disappeared.

When Shi Shi saw him, she wasn't surprised in the slightest.

She raised her chin and laughed proudly at him. "So, you're here to see me, Lu Bai? Zhan's baby is born?"

"Is this your doing?"

Shi Shi shook her head. "What could I do in jail?"

"Then what happened to him?"

"Nothing!" Shi Shi said casually to him. "Isn't he just asleep? Lu Bai, go back and save him with your son's blood. That might work. Only, ZhanYu would probably hate you when he woke up, wouldn't he? Haha, Lu Bai, if I can't be happy, then I won't let him be happy either. This is the ending I created from sacrificing my own life and my blood. How could I give Zhan Yu an easy time? Hahaha..."

Lu Bai glared at her.

But Shi Shi was proud of herself. "So, how about it? Have you decided? Lu Bai, if you don't seize this opportunity, then you won't get another chance in the future. Zhan Yu will never return to you! You'll be left to die alone!

"Zhan Yu will never return to you! You'll be left to die by yourself!

Shi Shi's words echoed in Lu Bai's ears over and over again.

Die alone?

Even if Zhan Yu never woke up, Lu Bai'll still always stay by Zhan Yu's side, watching over him.

Lu Bai opened his eyes and saw that pale, nearly bloodless face under the dim lights and reached out to stroke his cheek. Softly, Lu Bai called out, "Darling, wake up! Please, wake up!"

If this went on, then Lu Bai was afraid he wouldn't be able to hold on and surrendered first.

Lu Bai's days in the hospital were extremely lonely and unbearable. Lu Bai hadn't returned to the home that belonged only to him and Zhan Yu for a very long time.

On this day, when Weng Yinlin came over early in the morning, she brought him a letter.

Lu Bai looked at the letter and asked before taking it, "What's this, Mom?"

"I found this letter on the dresser in your bedroom when I went over to your room to pack up some things to bring over for Zhan Yu."

Lu Bai seemed to have realized something and reached out to take it, immediately unwrapping it frantically.

Indeed, the writing inside belonged to Zhan Yu!

It wrote:

Lu Bai, if you're reading this letter, then I'm sure you must be very sad at this moment. I've been worrying a lot ever since I was pregnant with our baby, because I had a feeling that I would have to leave you when this baby was born.

Lu Bai, I can't let you go.

I don't think I would have found happiness if I hadn't met you.

Thanks to you, I experienced all this love and warmth.

If I'm really gone, I hope you won't forget me. Raise our child. If you find someone else you like, please ask him or her to treat our child well too.

Lu Bai, if you really do want to forget me, then just forget about me. If forgetting me makes things easier for you, then just forget me. Living alone in your memories is much too bitter.

I feel regretful that I'll never have the chance to be by the child's side as they grew up.

I think I'll miss them a lot, and I'll probably dream of his upbringing inside my mind.

Lu Bai, I think the child will be able to keep you company at the very least in the future. So let the child replace me. Let the child go through these days with you without me.

Also, when you left the name of the child to me, I thought about it for a long time. If it's a boy, then his name will be Lu Chenan. If it's a girl, then she will be Lu Chenning. What do you think?

I just want our child to grow up healthy and peacefully.

Lu Bai, please take good care of our child. I love you.

Lu Chenan read the letter over and over, countless times.

Tears flowed down his eyes and he raised his head, closing his eyes.

He loves him too.

He'll wait for his return.

Together with their son, they'll wait for him to return.

To be continued...