
Protagonist Became Bent and is in love with the Villain

As tragedy befalls on Zhan Yu , he soon finds himself transmigrated into a novel world as a character. To his disappointment, he became the villain who obsessively chased after the male protagonist and was in love while scheming to tear apart his relationship with his beloved (but male protagonist was straight). To avoid his death route, Zhan Yu carefully avoided the male and female protagonists at every turn. Instead, he went off on his own to enjoy life. But somewhere along the way, he made a mistake- the male protagonist took notice of him! Zhan Yu's eyes teared up as he was being kissed in Lu Bai's arms. 'No! This wasn't in the plot! What just happened?!!! ' Wasn't the male protagonist straight?!!! To be continued.... To get to know what happened Let's read .... .... NOTICE ------ Hi, How are you? Hope you are well. I read the comments and many said the story * The protagonist became bend what to do* is a novel same to one of bg novel. Yes, I agree it is same . Actually I haven't read that book I just read few chapters some months before it was intresting so I read it as a bl novel prespective so I just thought why not write it as a bl novel prespective type. I am very sorry for the hurt and everything happened I didn't wanted to hurt anybody's feelings. Hope you don't mind and please don't report or anything if you don't like so you can not read the bl type if its such hurt just pls just message I will delete the novel as soon as I can if you don't like the bl novel prespective. Its for an entertainment purposes only and does not attend to hurt anybody's or anyone's feelings or anything. I hope you just enjoy the bl prespective of the novel . .Sorry for the hurt. (⌣_⌣") Hello everyone, This story is for fun and this novel is been edited to bl version, Hope you enjoy it. Pls don't complaint or anything it's for entertainment purposes only. This novel/story is available on wattpad too as I am a writer on wattpad. I got offer for WebNovel, I am new to WebNovel and don't know much functions on this app. Hope you enjoy reading it... Happy Reading... ( ◜‿◝ )♡

Mensai_Esh · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
53 Chs

Chapter - 50 You...How did you know?

As soon as they meet, Zhan Yu was bound to think of that man and feel sad.

Lu Junxing too would feel bad as well. In this case, why should they continue torturing each other?

"Zhan Yu, I hope you'll be able to let go soon." Lu Junxing told Zhan Yu that solemnly again.

"I'm sorry, and thank you." Zhan YuZhan Yu said to Lu Junxing with relief, "You showed me that there are still people and things connected to him in this world. That alone is enough."

Lu Junxing sighed. Then, he watched on as Zhan Yu headed into the hotel. After that, he drove away from that suffocating place. He accelerated his car fiercely, watching car after car pass him by on the road. It felt like something was stuck in his chest!

Lu Junxing thought about the whole thing after he returned home, but the more he did, the angrier he felt. After searching on the internet for a long time, he concluded with much certainty that there was no way anyone could build the exact same design as him in this world. That was his own idea and he poured all his own blood and sweat into it. That was his unique design in this entire world.

But why would Zhan Yu say that that man had designed it before?


Then where was it now?

Lu Junxing looked at the screen but he couldn't figure anything out even after a long time. Leaning back on his chair, spinning his reclining office chair every so often, he began to become immersed in his thoughts. As he was deep in thought, his dad that was usually busy during the day and rarely left work early actually came home early today. It was unprecedented.

"You're back, dad?" Lu Junxing stood up.

Father Lu looked at him with a heavy gaze and said to him unhurriedly, "I heard you went to watch a performance today and even brought a man back with you?"

Lu Junxing smiled and said, "Dad, don't tell me you've got your eyes there too? How did come out so quickly?"

"Old Liao called me up to congratulate me on whether I'm going to be welcoming a son-in-law soon. Did you think I wouldn't know after that?"

"No such thing, dad. Your son-in-law hasn't even appeared yet!"

Father Lu eyed him down and asked again, "So, what is your relationship with him?"

Lu Junxing told him with a serious face, "There's nothing between us."

Even his father knew about his firm attitude, and he wasn't sure whether he should be happy or worried to hear him respond so determinedly. He never does this, but for the first time, he said to his son with a voice filled with sincerity, "You're already at that age. If you find yourself a decent boy that you really like, you should bring him back and show him to your mom and me."

Lu Junxing didn't know whether he should laugh or cry. "When have I ever gotten mixed up with 'indecent' boys?"

His father glanced at him. "You know the history of your own affairs. I don't even know whose genes you inherited. Even though your mother and I are so dedicated to each other..."

Lu Junxing looked at his father who was talking while walking towards the study at the same time, feeling a little helpless. He was clearly very clean and self-respecting, okay?! You need at least a little proof to accuse someone!

Seeing that he [Lu Junxing] was left alone in the room again, he thought back to Zhan Yu's suppressed pained cry from earlier, and he couldn't help but feel troubled!

What kind of man is he that was worth Zhan Yu reacting like that?!

Even if Lu Junxing was curious, he didn't have the opportunity to see Zhan Yu after that.

For an entire year, even running to several places and staying at his grandmother's place for more than half a month, Zhan Yu never appeared. Lu Junxing didn't feel good about asking his grandmother, worrying that she might overthink things. Moreover, he didn't want to investigate Zhan Yu in private either.

If Father Lu finds out, he might also overthink it.

Because it hasn't just been a day or two that his elders have been urging him to bring a boyfriend home.

When Lu Junxing saw Zhan Yu again, it was on TV.

Zhan Yu was the dark horse in J City's Summer Host Selection Competition, stunning everyone with his outstanding looks, unparalleled eloquence, and reflexes, as well as his melodic and moving piano performance.

Many people were astonished, and Zhan Yu won as the champion without any suspense.

Lu Junxing suddenly went silent as he saw Zhan Yu in his long form-fitting white dress, smiling beautifully on stage as he received his trophy.

What did Zhan Yu go through this past year?

This person seemed to be Zhan Yu, but also different.

Zhan Yu's temperament and his expression, they were different from that boy who would suddenly become sad every so often.

Lu Junxing smiled lightly.

Has Zhan Yu finally walked out of it?

Is Zhan Yu working hard to continue on with his life now?

But Lu Junxing wasn't far off from the truth.

Ever since leaving J City that time, Zhan Yu spent several days collecting his own emotions. He can't go back anymore, he thought. So, he'll work hard to live hIS life to the fullest. He will show Lu Bai who's still in that world that even if he has nothing now, he'll still work hard to climb up to a position where he will be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with him. He survived through his toughest days this year. Working two to three jobs at the same time, he made use of his dancing and piano playing skills, constantly working to improve his financial situation. He even opened a training center of his own and made a name for himself. He participated in countless talent competitions and won many trophies.

A month ago, Zhan Yu quit hIS job so he could focus on preparing for J City's Host Selection Competition. Nobody knew how much effort and sweat he poured into each level of the competition, but he earned his coveted entry into the industry. He told himself that anything was possible as long as he had the guts to work for it.

On the second day after the competition ended, Zhan Yu was able to start his career officially. So, he called up Mother Zhan to share the good news with her.

Mother Zhan Yu was also overjoyed. "That's good! That's wonderful! It's great that you won!"

"Yeah, Mom. So I won't be able to return for some time. When I have free time during the weekends, I'll go pick you up. You can come stay with me. I've already started looking at some homes. This time, I'll get a bigger and more comfortable house."

"Yes! That would be great!"

When Zhan Yu heard the soft whimper of a sob in his mother's voice, he couldn't help but say, "Why are you crying, Mom?"

"I'm just too happy! I'm so happy that I have a capable son like you!"

"Don't worry, Mom. I'll definitely work even harder so we can have a better life!"

"That's wonderful! I'm really happy to have a daughter like you. You have to take care of yourself out there, don't stay up too late at night and remember to eat your meals on time."

"I know, Mom. You should take care of yourself too. Alright, I still have some work to attend to so I'll hang up now. Bye Mom."

But Zhan Yu had no idea that his mother was still holding her phone after he hung up, tears continuing to fall down her cheeks.

It was Zhan Yu's fourth day at work today. While he was just about to get off, he was stopped by the program team leader from the same show who informed him of a dinner party they wanted him to attend.

Zhan Yu was confused. "What kind of dinner party?" And why did he have to attend?

"Just a dinner with some of the chairmen. It's all thanks to their generosity that we can keep the show going, and it just so happens they're all free today. They've already made the arrangements, they're just waiting for us to head over now."

Zhan Yu's intuition told him that it wouldn't be easy to weasel out of this one. So, cautiously he asked, "Then, will Host Xie and Host Zhang be going together as well?"

"Of course! And we'll be running late if you keep asking questions! Hurry, pack up your things and let's go."

Zhan Yu wanted to excuse himself by saying he had something to do, but that person told him directly, "And don't try telling me you're not going. Even if you don't go this time, you'll still have to go tomorrow! So hurry up, let's go!"

When Zhan Yu got on the car, he couldn't stop himself from feeling uncomfortable.

When they arrived at the private room, the sight of the chairmen who were all over forty and fifty-years-old made Zhan Yu feel a little disgusted. Looking around, he saw that he was the only young man in the entire room. When he looked back at the team leader who brought him here, that man was toasting everyone with ease.

"Oh? This must be the new Mr. Zhan who joined the station, right? He's a real handsome one he is!" The balding chairman whose name Zhan Yu did not know was holding a glass of wine while he eyed Zhan Yu lustfully, showing the glass into Zhan Yu's hands.

Zhan Yu accepted the drink awkwardly before distancing himself from him in a casual manner. But in the next second, another chairman leaned in closer and asked with a smile, "What brand of perfume is Mr. Zhan Yu wearing?"

Even if Zhan Yu was stupid, it was easy to know that he had ventured into the tiger's den. Zhan Yu smiled and quietly asked the team leader, "Didn't you say that Host Xie and the others will be coming as well?"

"Oh! They're still on their way!"

Zhan Yu's face sank. This was definitely a trap.

Zhan Yu was just about to get his bag he brought with him and leave, but before he could get up, his wrist was caught by the balding chairman and was pulled over by a force Zhan Yu could not resist.

Falling to his lap, Zhan Yu struggled desperately.

"Oh! Look at this! The little boy says no, but his body seems to say, yes? Let's have a kiss and see how sweet these lips are!"

Then, there was a crash. While struggling, Zhan Yu managed to grab onto a wine bottle and picked it up, smashing it down on that balding head with all his might!

"Ah!" A ghostly cry rang out.

"Blood! There's blood!"

"Quick, call an ambulance!"

"Catch him, don't let him run!"

But how could Zhan Yu stick around here any longer? After throwing the wine bottle, he immediately ran out.

The situation was chaos in the room. It didn't take long after Zhan Yu left to be chased by a large group of men in black suits.

Zhan Yu waited for a long time, but the elevator wouldn't come. So, gritting his teeth, he ran for the stairs. Only, he bumped into a man as soon as he turned around the corner of the hallway.

As soon as Zhan Yu saw that the men dressed in black were about to catch up to him soon, he was just about to push him away and run, but his wrist was grabbed firmly and he was pulled into a nearby room.

The private room was dimly lit, but Zhan Yu could still faintly make out the outline of the man's face.

"Lu...Lu Junxing, why are you here?"

Lu Junxing motioned for Zhan Yu not to speak. After the urgent clatter from outside the room ceased, he responded, "There was a dinner tonight."

Zhan Yu also understood that the group must have headed in a different direction.

Zhan Yu couldn't help but feel relieved. "Thanks."

Then, turning around, Zhan Yu listened attentively for any movements outside. Aside from a year or two, everything was quiet.

When Lu Junxing saw Zhan Yu reaching for the door, he quickly stopped him.

"Tell me clearly. What on earth is going on?"

Zhan Yu took a breath and said, "I just fell for a trap."

Lu Junxing's brows knitted together. "And how does that end with you being hunted down with such a large commotion?"

Zhan Yu responded helplessly to Lu Junxing, "I guess they were trying to pull the unspoken rule thing on me but I smashed a wine bottle over his head. If they catch me, I'd probably be skinned alive...if I do stay alive."

Lu Junxing held his breath, but his face wasn't looking so good.

Zhan Yu peered at Lu Junxing. "This isn't a big deal, really. At most, I just won't be able to stick around in J City anymore. Not like I still want this job anyway! My win is enough to prove my capabilities. That alone is enough."

"So you're going to just give up on the job you just got?"

Zhan Yu responded with scorn, "What, and you think I'm just going to stick around for them to get rid of me? If I may be so bold, they don't have that right, Lu Junxing! I don't need a job that requires fancy 'rules' to climb to the top."

"Heh, you're still young to the world." Lu Junxing's face dimmed in a rare sight as he stepped over Zhan Yu and opened the door, saying, "I'll send you back first. If you ever find yourself in any trouble in J City, just say my name. I can't guarantee how lucky you'll be with it, but most people will still show some respect to the Lu family at the very least."

"What's the Lu family's deal in J City anyway?" Zhan Yu asked this question carefully, worried that Lu Junxing would give the same answer he expected.

Fortunately, it wasn't.

While bringing Zhan Yu downstairs, he said, "Well, it's nothing big. We just have some power and some official positions. You know how the rules of the world are."

"So that's how it is." Zhan Yu smiled. "Yeah, money and power are really handy after all."

Lu Junxing looked at Zhan Yu and finally said, "If you ever need it, I'd be very happy if you asked me for help."

"Thanks. I'm sure I will."

Lu Junxing smiled. "Good. I'll be waiting!"

After sending Zhan Yu home, Lu Junxing did not leave immediately. He looked up at the lit-up window upstairs while he tapped his slender fingers on the steering wheel. Then, he took his phone out and made a call.

Zhan Yu packed his bags that night itself. When he went to work the next morning, he even prepared his resignation letter, waiting to pass it over when his superiors would criticize him behavior later. But unexpectedly, though he was in fact called to the conference room, there were a few familiar faces present besides Director Zhong, one of which was a fat face with bandages wound over his head several times.

Zhan Yu had the subconscious idea that they must have come to get him to apologize. But the scene was different instead everyone was all smiles and apologizing to him over and over again.

Zhan Yu was mystified.

At the very end, Director Zhong also smiled amiably at Zhan Yu, telling him that what happened last night was just a misunderstanding.

If Zhan Yu received a shock from it, he could take two days off from work and that things weren't very urgent.

Zhan Yu was simply dumbfounded. What's going on?!

The balding chairman bent over and apologized over and over again. "I was really blind last night, Mr. Zhan. I'm so sorry for rushing into you! Look, this is all just a misunderstanding! If you told me earlier that you were related to the Lu family, then I wouldn't dare to have any ideas even if you lent me some courage!"

"Hmph. You wouldn't dare have any ideas? So are you trying to say that a woman without any money or power is fine then? You really opened my eyes today, Chairman Ai!"

"It was just a misunderstanding, Mr. Zhan!"

Zhan Yu sneered. "It's no longer important whether it's a misunderstanding or not. I think think that this is what J City's TV station is like. Thank you for teaching me. Director Zhong, here is my resignation letter. I hope you can approve it."

"It's just a misunderstanding, Host Zhan Yu. Your resignation...I hope you'll reconsider it."

"Thank you very much, Director Zhong. I have already made my decision."

Seeing Zhan Yu's resolution, there was nothing he could do but approve of his resignation. Only, after letting him go, Director Zhong made a call to Lu Junxing.

Zhan Yu casually packed up his stuff and after returning home, he went to look at a house. He had already contacted the developer and settled the details with them. Even if he lost the job, he could still find a new one in J City as the development prospects in this city was quite promising.

After Zhan Yu was done checking out the place and feeling that it was to his satisfaction, he was just about to return home and give Mother Zhan a call about the construction and designing of the house to see if she had any opinions before he signed the papers. But unexpectedly, he saw Lu Junxing's figure as soon as he went downstairs.

Lu Junxing was dressed in a white shirt and black pants, standing next to a silver car while his head was buried in thought. All the passersby secretly took a few glances at him when they walked past but he didn't notice them at all.

Zhan Yu suddenly chuckled and walked to Lu Junxing.

When Lu Junxing heard the sound of Zhan Yu's footsteps, he raised his head to see Zhan Yu's gazing at him.

Looking at Zhan Yu, Lu Junxing was quiet for a moment.

Instead, it was Zhan Yu who broke the silence with a smile. "Thank you."

Lu Junxing smiled as well. "What're you thanking me for?"

"I know you were the one who spoke up about it. Otherwise, they wouldn't be groveling and apologizing to me today."

Lu Junxing squinted. "And you're so convinced I was the one behind it?"

Zhan Yu smiled. "Yeah. Nobody else in this world would do this for me besides you."

Lu Junxing's eyes flickered and he asked, "So, am I considered a special and important existence to you now?"

"Yeah." Zhan Yu nodded. Because you always remind me of him.

The corners of Lu Junxing's mouth rose and he asked, "Are you free? I'll treat you to a meal."

"A meal?" Zhan Yu gave him a puzzling glance.

Lu Junxing, "May I have this honor?"

Before Zhan Yu could respond, his phone rang.

As Lu Junxing watched Zhan Yu pick up his phone, his expression changed faintly. After the call ended, he quickly asked, "What happened?"

Zhan Yu quickly responded, "I'm sorry, I won't be able to have lunch with you! I still have some business to attend to."

"You heading to the airport? Need a ride?"

Zhan Yu weighed the situation and nodded. It would probably be a waste of time if he was to hail a cab on his own. After going back upstairs and quickly grabbing the documents, he hurriedly booked a ticket back while they were on the road.

When Lu Junxing saw how pale Zhan Yu's face was and how tense he looked, he tried to comfort Zhan Yu, "Calm down. You'll still be stuck on the plane for a couple of hours so there's no use being so anxious now."

Zhan Yu sighed. "I know, I just can't help it!" Why did his mother faint all of a sudden?

After parting with Zhan Yu, Lu Junxing said, "157... , that's my number. Feel free to call me if you need any help."

Zhan Yu hurriedly thanked him and rushed to board the plane.

At the hospital, it wasn't until Zhan Yu heard everything from the doctor that he finally realized how serious his mother's condition was, and he had no idea this was happening at all.

"Fourth stage stomach cancer. We discovered it too late, so she may not have much time to live even after the operation."

After Zhan Yu heard that, he felt as if he had lost his soul. Back in the hospital room, Zhan Yu looked at the aging and emaciated face on the bed and he couldn't help but cry silently.

So, it turns out that he wasn't able to protect his last loved one in this world.

Zhan Yu signed the consent form for the operation. Even though the operation was a big success, his motherr's condition worsened just a few days later, to the point where it was out of control.

After checking his mother's condition, the doctor shook his head and told Zhan Yu to prepare himself mentally, and also to prepare the funeral.

Zhan Yu's eyes were red. Through the door, he looked in tearfully at his last family member on the bed, fading a little more each day.

Mother Zhan knew as well that she didn't have long to live. She would always talk to Zhan Yu any time she was sober.

"Mom felt really lucky in my life too, to have such a filial and capable son like you."


"The only regret I have is that I wasn't able to give you a complete family. When you went away to study after high school, I would always have a sit in your room any time I thought of you. To be honest, I even snooped through your diary. You wrote that you regretted being born into such a family, that you hated him. But, Ah Yu... Please don't hate him anymore. For Mom's sake, please. He actually does love you as well..."

"Mom, stop it..."

"Ah Yu..., if Mom has to leave first in the future, you have to continue your life well. Find a person who is devoted to you, then get married to him, have kids. Live a happy life."

"Don't worry, mom! I'll be fine!"

"The only thing I'm worried is that you'll be left all alone after Mom leaves..."

"Don't worry, mom. I won't be alone. I've already found someone I like. He's a very good person and he treats me very well. You have to get better soon, mom. When he's back, I'll bring him here to see you, okay?"

"Yes! Yes! That's wonderful!"


Mother's illness dragged on for half a month, but they still failed to rescue her from death's hands.

Dawn had just come when Zhan Yu's mom departed.

Through his tears, Zhan Yu gave his final goodbyes.

It was the day after when Lu Junxing found out what happened. When he rushed to the hospital that afternoon, he saw Zhan Yu sitting in the hallway right outside the ward, Zhan Yu's face lifeless. He paused in his steps. Coming to Zhan Yu's side, he sat down.

"If you want to cry, just cry it out."

Zhan Yu shook his head. "No. I've already cried enough since I came back. I want my mom to see me happy. Only then will she be able to leave in peace."

Lu Junxing looked at pained expression of Zhan Yu. He wanted to reach out and hold Zhan Yu, but after his hand hovered in mid-air, he still decided to retract it and just sat quietly beside Zhan Yu.

The funeral was mostly organized with Lu Junxing's help.

When Zhan Yu stood in front of the grave that day, Zhan Yu who had long cried his tears dry stood under the blazing sun. Even when Zhan Yu had gotten dizzy from heatstroke, he was still unwilling to leave. He looked at the familiar photograph and forced out a smile. "Mom, you can get rid of your unfortunate fate in this life and move on to a better one. That's good. Find a happy family with someone who will offer you all their heart and soul. Unlike this one..."

"Ah Yu, Papa came to see your mother." The sudden voice of a man caused Zhan Yu to drown.

Zhan Yu turned around to see a man in a black suit and he scoffed, "Who are you? You're not welcome here!"

"Ah Yu, are you still angry with Papa?"

"Please, my father has already departed several years ago!"

The man still wanted to continue, but Zhan Yu said before him, "Hmph. For someone like you to still be able to live such a glorious life. Heaven really is blind!"

"Zhan Yu!"

"Don't call my name! You're not worthy to!" After that, Zhan Yu looked at Lu Junxing who had been silent at the side and said weakly to him, "Can you give me a ride?"

"Yeah." Lu Junxing nodded. Before leaving, he took one more glance at the man.

So Zhan Yu and his father had such an explosive relationship?

In the car, even if Zhan Yu's head was hurting badly, he closed his eyes and said to Lu Junxing, "Indeed, we don't have a good relationship. You saw it yourself. I never admitted my relationship with him. Sometimes, I even wished he would die. I never thought that things would go so against my wishes. To think a shameless person like him can still live such a good life!"

Lu Junxing kept silent.

Zhan Yu continued, "I hate men who cheat on their wives the most. And that's not enough for him, he even abandoned his wife! I can't take it anymore! I'm so sorry I'm letting this out on you, Lu Junxing."

"No, it's alright. You're just allowing me a chance to know you better. Just sleep if you're tired. I'll wake you up when we're there."


After the funeral was over, Lu Junxing asked Zhan Yu about his plans after this.

When Zhan Yu thought back to the phone calls asking him about his considerations on the house and when he was going to complete the formalities. So, he said, "I'm going back to J City."

Hearing that, Lu Junxing looked at Zhan Yu with a meaningful glance.

Of course, there was no way Zhan Yu would not realize that Lu Junxing was no longer treating him as just a normal friend. So, Zhan Yu explained, 'There's no reason for it, I just picked out a house last time that I'm planning to settle down in. So I'll probably head back there and develop my career."

Lu Junxing smiled. "The developments in J City has been going well these years. My house is there too."


"Mhm, you're welcome to visit."

"Thank you."

Lu Junxing had originally planned to book Zhan Yu's plane ticket together with his, but Zhan Yu felt that he would be more comfortable going back alone, so Zhan Yu politely declined.

Lu Junxing seemed to have understood something from Zhan Yu's rejection. In a gentlemanly manner, he said to Zhan Yu, "Take care. When you arrive, just give me a call if you need any help."

"Thanks." Even though Zhan Yu thanked Lu Junxing, he had never given Lu Junxing his phone number.

Lu Junxing seemed to have disappeared as well and never took the initiative to contact Zhan Yu.

After arriving in J City and completing the formalities for his house, Zhan Yu began job hunting. He was quite successful in that venture, and he was hired a few days later by a magazine publisher as a reporter, and Zhan Yu was also brave enough to try a new career. Even though there was a lot of work, Zhan Yu's abilities were great all-round, so he was able to adapt very quickly to it. The next time he saw Lu Junxing was in a famous restaurant in J City.

That evening, the editor-in-chief of the publishing house was treating everyone for dinner. When Zhan Yu was waiting at the hall to leave with one of his colleagues, Zhan Yu unexpectedly bumped into Lu Junxing who just happened to be leaving after dinner as well.

Lu Junxing whispered a few words to the two older chairmen in suits who were with him and they said goodbye to him with a smile.

When Zhan Yu saw Lu Junxing walking towards him, Zhan Yu subconsciously turned to look at his colleagues who were happily chattering away just a short distance away.

As expected, Lu Junxing who carried an eye-catching aura of his own like Lu Bai attracted many speculations and curious gazes around him before he even approached Zhan Yu.

On the other hand, Lu Junxing acted completely naturally as he stood openly in front of Zhan Yu and asked, "Out with your colleagues today?"

Zhan Yu didn't really dare to look at Lu Junxing just in case his colleagues were to try and pry some gossip out of him afterwards, so he just nodded. "Yeah, we were just about to go."

"Oh. I had a bit to drink tonight," Lu Junxing suddenly said to Zhan Yu.


"I couldn't refuse them earlier so I had a bit too much."

Zhan Yu suddenly had the illusion that he was Lu Bai. They were too alike, really much too alike.

"So?" Zhan Yu asked, unsure.

"The alcohol level was a bit high, so I can't drive." After saying that, Lu Junxing added a question, "Can you drive?"

Zhan Yu nodded. Then, he looked up to see Lu Junxing happily tossing a set of keys at him.

Zhan Yu didn't see it, but he still caught it out of reflex. By the time the keys were laying quietly on his palm, he was stunned.

Zhan Yu asked, "What's this for?"

"Drive me home."

Zhan Yu was speechless. "You want me to drive you home?"

Lu Junxing nodded. "Yeah. Didn't you say you knew how to drive? Isn't that great, then? It's always better to have someone I know drive me home than a stranger."

"That's too troublesome. You should find another driver."

"Zhan Yu, I helped you out so much and you can't even grant me this small request?"

Zhan Yu sighed. Sure enough, it's best not to owe anyone any favors, because it'll always be troublesome to pay them back.

"Alright then, let's go. I'll drive."

Seeing Zhan Yu compromise, Lu Junxing smiled in satisfaction.

Seeing that Lu Junxing was leaving first and waiting for Zhan Yu outside, Zhan Yu went over to his colleagues to tell them he needed to leave first to handle some matters.

Zhan Yu's colleagues probed, "Is that your boyfriend, Zhan Yu?"

"No, we're just regular friends."

"A regular friend won't just hand over their car keys so easily to you, would they?"

Zhan Yu responded, "He had some alcohol so I'm just helping him drive."

"I don't believe it!"

"Me neither!"

Zhan Yu smiled, "Can't help it if you don't believe me. He helped me a lot in the past so I'm just returning the favor."

Zhan Yu left through the door under the cheering of the crowd to see Lu Junxing waiting outside for him.

When Zhan Yu saw Lu Junxing smiling at him, Zhan Yu couldn't help but turn his gaze away. "Where's your car? Let's go."

"Sure." Lu Junxing shook his head with a grin still on his face. He put his hands into his pocket and followed behind Zhan Yu.

On the way back, Zhan Yu saw Lu Junxing sitting in the passenger side with his eyes closed, as if he was really enjoying himself. When they stopped at a red light, Zhan Yu thought about it for a moment before asking, "Do you need some water?"



Lu Junxing opened his dazzling eyes that sparkled like the stars in the night sky and looked at Zhan Yu, seemingly wishing to speak, but stopping.

The green light came on.

Zhan Yu didn't pay much attention to the unspoken feelings inside of Lu Junxing's eyes. Zhan Yu just kept his eyes forward and drove silently. When they arrived at their destination, Zhan Yu looked at the huge villa and deliberated for a moment.

In the end, Zhan Yu still decided to wake up the person beside him who could just be taking a nap but could also be deep asleep.

"Lu Junxing, we've arrived." Then, Zhan Yu was quiet for a few moments. Seeing no response from him, he called out to him again. "Lu Bai? Lu..."

"So his name is Lu Bai?"


Lu Junxing slowly opened his eyes and looked at Zhan Yu, saying, "Can you tell me about you and him?"

That voice was very light. If it wasn't for the fact that it was late at night and the world was quiet around them, and that the two of them were so close together in the limited space of this car, then Zhan Yu would not have heard that light, inexpressible pain in his voice that was as light as a feather.

"Lu Junxing..."

"He's identical to me in appearance, has similar interests, and even our personality is almost the same, right?"


"You've known each other since college. You liked him and found the courage to pursue him. Since you couldn't get him, you began to avoid him. Then, he fell in love with you for real, and you had to be separated from him for more than two years for your own work. In the end, he saved you without regard for his own life and you realized you'd been in love with him all along. The two of you got to know each other, fell in love with each other, and then you shared a good life together after marriage. You even had a child..." Lu Junxing kept saying everything out calmly.

Zhan Yu interrupted Lu Junxing with a trembling voice. "You...How did you know?"

To be continued...