
Protagonist Abuser Chat Group

A question & answer quiz appears in the ninja world. Answering the question correctly can get you incredible rewards but wrong answers may take your life as punishment. An ordinary young man, who was reborn as a passerby character of the Uchiha-clan, decides to use his knowledge of the plot to save his life in the upcoming Uchiha genocide. As he got more powerful, a 'Protagonist Abuser Chat Group' invited him to join. He becomes the group owner and members from the different Anime and Movie worlds are invited in. Watch as they abuse the protagonists of all worlds together. ‐------------------------- MC: "A protagonist is someone with incredible luck. They may pick up a pet fox on the street and it will become a celestial Nine-tails or something unreasonable like that. If they fall off a cliff they will find the inheritance of an ancient cultivator. You get the idea. Anyone who goes against the protagonist will have their IQ lowered and end up miserably." Loki: "But didn't you say that I am also an Antagonist?" MC: "Yes, you are." Loki: "So...will I die?" MC: "Mhm indeed." Loki: "..." --------------------------- Yun Che: "Hey beauty my name is Yun Che. Do you want to travel together?" Esdeath: "Hello Yun Che. My name is Esdeath and this is a robbery." Yun Che: "Is this a jok-puff! Wh-why did you hit me?" Esdeath: "I'm not playing, give me all your valuables!" A few minutes later. MC: "I get that we rob him for the strategy, but why exactly did you take off his clothes?" Loki: "Clothes have value too." MC: "What about his underwear?" Loki: "Yes." Esdeath: "Don't forget his socks." -------------------------- The questions will be designed in a conspiracy theory type. This fanfiction is not copied from a Chinese fanfiction, I just used the theme and wrote my own story. Dark. Single heroine. One chapter a day. Enjoy my new fanfic (the other one will not be dropped) I don't own Naruto, Against the Gods, Bleach, Marvel, Akame ga Kill.

Iamxourtingdeath · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Xiao Che Took My Family From Me

When Xiao Lie heard her words he looked at her with disappointment.

"Lingxi...he literally called himself Yun Che in front of me and not Xiao Che, would anyone really forget his own name?

But let's pretend it's true and he really changed his name after being expelled from the clan, but what do you say about his healthy Profound Veins?

You and I know that our Xiao Che has been crippled since childhood. I have never heard of a way to heal Profound Veins in my life. Even if there is a way, it's impossible for him to have such an opportunity in the few weeks since he has left the clan.

Please use your little brain Lingxi."

But Xiao Lingxi didn't listen to his words at all, she is completely sure that this is Little Che and seeing his injuries makes her feel anxious and distressed. So without mincing matters, she started screaming at her father.


Seeing the hysterical state his daughter is in, the disappointment in Xiao Lie's heart grew stronger. He doesn't know why but her small mistake in this situation was amplified multiple times in his mind. The disrespectful words she is using made even him have the urge to disown his stupid daughter. (Fun fact: In Chinese culture, especially in ancient times, respect and worship for their parents are seen as one of the most important virtues. It's the so-called filial piety. Disrespecting one's father for example was seen as a grave sin.)

'Sure enough, daughters are useless, they should be solved in the cradle. Only sons can help me at the critical moment.

Son...I miss you every day! Why did you have to leave me? May your soul rest in peace for eternity..."

The memory of his dead son made tears stream down his face. His heart seems to be torn apart by the infinite sadness and pain.

When Xiao Lingxi saw the miserably sad expression on her father's face, she calmed down and then regretted what she just said. In fact, now that she thinks about it, it makes sense for her father to think this Little Che is an impostor. If she didn't have this special and strange feeling in her heart she would be sceptical too.

She slowly walked towards her father with an apologetic face, crouching down she hugged him in her arms.

"I am sorry father. I lost control of my emotions, please forgive me."

She knows that her father is a calm and warm man, who loves her very much. He will surely forgive her right away and then she can convince him that this is indeed Little Che. But things didn't turn out as she had expected, instead, Xiao Lie jumped up and started roaring with a furious face.

"You scream at me for Xiao Che! You unfilial daughter, I've had enough!

The reason your brother and your real nephew died is to protect him, your mother died soon after from sorrow and now even you want to leave me! FOR HIM! WHY DO YOU ALL LEAVE ME FOR THAT ADOPTED BASTARD; WHY?! I RAISED HIM LIKE MY OWN GRANDSON, EVEN THOUGH ALMOST EVERYONE IN MY FAMILY DIED FOR HIM, BUT HE EVEN INTENDS TO TAKE MY LAST DAUGHTER FROM ME?!"

A switch in his mind seems to have been flipped, and all the repressed feelings over the years are pouring out at once. As an originally rational and calm man, he of course understands that all this is not the fault of Xiao Che at all. He was just a baby at that time after all and his son made his own choice. So his resentment for Xiao Che had been suppressed and almost completely annihilated by his rationality and love for him.

But the potion from Loki made his emotions go completely out of control. Xiao Lingxi was stunned by her father's words and couldn't calm down for a long time. But she didn't blame her little Che for all these things, her love for him is too great and it's not his fault after all. But she still understood the feelings of her father and intended to calm him down.

"Father, Xiao Che was just a baby and these things are not his fault. Everything was just unfortunate."

These words seem to have been the last words to make Xiao Lie go insane. Pointing his finger at her with a red face, he roared.



Suddenly his eyes turned extremely icy.

"If he is the real one, then I should finish what I started..."

He mobilized the profound energy in his body and flashed in front of the bloody Yun Che, intending to completely obliterate him.


Under the desperate eyes of Xiao Lingxi, his palm quickly descended towards the head of Yun Che, with enough power to make it burst open like a watermelon.

Fortunately, the gory picture Lingxi had expected did not appear and Yun Che narrowly moved his head away at the last possible moment. Xiao Lie's palm missed and hit the ground with a bang, shooting out debris in all directions until it hit the lower barrier of the golden cage.

Yun Che looked at the place his head was just now with cold sweat. In fact, he had woken up a while ago but didn't show it. He wanted to wait until Lingxi convinces his grandfather and he doesn't get beaten up again, but the situation got completely out of control. When his grandfather blamed him, he felt a little bit desperate. Yun Che is someone who loves and values his family very much. After the death of his master in his last life, who had adopted and raised him, he sacrificed everything to avenge his death. But now his grandfather hates him...