
Protagonist Abuser Chat Group

A question & answer quiz appears in the ninja world. Answering the question correctly can get you incredible rewards but wrong answers may take your life as punishment. An ordinary young man, who was reborn as a passerby character of the Uchiha-clan, decides to use his knowledge of the plot to save his life in the upcoming Uchiha genocide. As he got more powerful, a 'Protagonist Abuser Chat Group' invited him to join. He becomes the group owner and members from the different Anime and Movie worlds are invited in. Watch as they abuse the protagonists of all worlds together. ‐------------------------- MC: "A protagonist is someone with incredible luck. They may pick up a pet fox on the street and it will become a celestial Nine-tails or something unreasonable like that. If they fall off a cliff they will find the inheritance of an ancient cultivator. You get the idea. Anyone who goes against the protagonist will have their IQ lowered and end up miserably." Loki: "But didn't you say that I am also an Antagonist?" MC: "Yes, you are." Loki: "So...will I die?" MC: "Mhm indeed." Loki: "..." --------------------------- Yun Che: "Hey beauty my name is Yun Che. Do you want to travel together?" Esdeath: "Hello Yun Che. My name is Esdeath and this is a robbery." Yun Che: "Is this a jok-puff! Wh-why did you hit me?" Esdeath: "I'm not playing, give me all your valuables!" A few minutes later. MC: "I get that we rob him for the strategy, but why exactly did you take off his clothes?" Loki: "Clothes have value too." MC: "What about his underwear?" Loki: "Yes." Esdeath: "Don't forget his socks." -------------------------- The questions will be designed in a conspiracy theory type. This fanfiction is not copied from a Chinese fanfiction, I just used the theme and wrote my own story. Dark. Single heroine. One chapter a day. Enjoy my new fanfic (the other one will not be dropped) I don't own Naruto, Against the Gods, Bleach, Marvel, Akame ga Kill.

Iamxourtingdeath · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Last Luck Explosion (Part One)

When Takashi got back to the location of the golden cage, the rest of the members were already waiting for him. In fact, except for Aizen, who had been conducting experiments during this week, the rest of them returned on the first day he left.

"Takashi you are finally back! These guys are all antisocial, you don't how awkward it was for me to be alone with them."

As soon as Loki saw Takashi arrive, he started an emotional drama and complained loudly. In fact, you can't completely blame him for that. He has been accustomed to liveliness as he likes it, back in Asgard. With his status as a prince, he spends most of his time fighting against boredom. Regardless if this is done by throwing huge parties, pranking Thor in the most vicious ways or participating in orgies.

But his fellow group members ignored him completely, they are all proud people and don't want to waste time talking to the weakest person in the group, making Loki almost die from boredom.

"Alright, I have no interest in listening to your little problems. Stop acting spoiled."

Seeing Takashi ignore him too, Loki became frustrated and started yearning for Asgard. There he could at least become wasted to relieve his sorrows.

"Welcome back group leader."

"Hello, Aizen."

"How was your trip Senior?"

"It was fine, thank you, Bibi Dong."

'It seems the group members are still very distant from each other and from me. Although it makes sense that it takes time, these polite greetings are a bit annoying.'

He himself doesn't plan to become very chummy with them either, it's better not to become attached to people if you are focused on becoming stronger. With the chat group, they are completely dependent on him and he is also protected from any type of betrayal or harm by it.

Getting rid of unnecessary thoughts Takashi glanced at Esdeath and Bibi Dong, but ultimately turned his head to Jasmine. Although he wanted to ask about their fight, it's not really that important. The situation of Yun Che and the potential helper that may come is his focus now.

"How was the situation with our captives these days?"

Jasmine thought for a moment and then told him what had happened with them.

"On the first day, the old man almost beat Yun Che to death, because his emotions got out of control. But then the situation took a strange turn.

Honestly, it made no sense to me because he was going completely insane, but after his relationship with Yun Che broke, he spat out a mouthful of blood and then fainted. When he woke up again, he was still very emotional and furious but he never tried to attack Yun Che again.

But his relationship with Yun Che became very bad and they did not talk to each other anymore. That Yun Che is really a disgusting Sex Fiend! He was depressed for only one day and then he started flirting and even kissing his aunt on the second day!"

Ignoring the blushing Jasmine, Takashi thought about the reason for Xiao Lie's change.

'Luck! As someone who originally had a very close relationship with the son of luck, he should have also been blessed by it.

So when their relationship broke it made him suffer a backlash of luck and the luck returned to Yun Che's body, effectively stopping Xiao Lie from attacking him further.'

"What about after that?"

Jasmine started narrating what happened after that. Basically, their plan worked very well. At first, they tried every means they can think of to escape the golden cage, but it was of course completely useless. But Yun Che still wasn't very worried as Jasmine before started flirting with his aunt.

That went on until after the fourth day when started to show clear signs of being affected by the negative effects of the evil cultivation technique.

'It took four days to start affecting him...Yun Che's willpower is really strong.'

At this point, Yun Che started to feel bloodthirsty and his aunt and grandfather looked more and more like food to him rather than humans. His thoughts frightened him and he started distancing himself from them both. To convince his aunt he even told her that he had contracted a strange disease that made him uncomfortable when there are females around him.

The strange thing is that Xiao Lingxi actually believed him and kept her distance. In this way he had spent until today, his bloodthirst had grown almost to the limit he can bear by now.

Takashi finished listening to the events during the last week and looked at the cage, where he saw Yun Che shivering in a corner. The blood vessels in his eyes seem to almost burst, his fists were tightly clenched and he was staring at Xiao Lie and Xiao Lingxi with drool on the corners of his mouth.

Xiao Lingxi was looking at him with a worried look, completely devoid of any fear at his state.

'As expected of the heroine, she is really devoted to the protagonist. Even when he is looking at her with such a scary expression, she is completely fearless.'

"He really seems to be at his limit, now let's see if our speculation of a last desperate luck explosion and a helper from the god realm comes true."

Finished speaking, he looked at the thoughtful Aizen and asked him.

"By the way what were you doing during these days?"

Aizen smiled a little and adjusted his glasses before he started talking.

"Well, my trip was a really interesting group leader. I took control over two sects called Frozen Cloud Asgard and Burning Heaven Clan.

Then I conducted simple experiments on these cultivators. Defensive power, offensive power, mental fortitude, response under extreme stress, things like that. I am considering becoming a cultivator myself, after all, so knowing their approximate capabilities is necessary."

'Not unexpected. Directly controlling two of the four strongest sects in this empire, but in front of Aizen, they are nothing I guess. But it's a bit interesting that he tested females with ice powers and males with fire powers.'

"Your test subjects are a bit too weak, but I guess they can help you understand cultivation a bit. What did you do to them afterwards?"

"They are indeed not good experimental subjects. About the two sects...I took some things and let them go, except for those who didn't survive the experiments."

Nodding at Aizen, Takashi looked at Esdeath and Bibi Dong.

"What about your fight?"