
Promise: The Favour

This Novel focus on a person who is the a professor in a university of South Korea. He is only 30 year old, young, handsome and come from a good background family and can do anything for his promise. One day he is traveling in his car to go to a town for a work and there he found a injured girl on the middle of the road and from there comes the tragedy in his life. Follow him to know who the hell is this girl and how a tragedy come in his life. This is my first novel, so please support me and give me some pointers on comment about the storyline of this novel. Disclaimer: This novel is a work of fiction that explores historical events within the context of a parallel Earth. Any similarities to real-world historical occurrences are purely coincidental and are a product of the author's imagination. The intent is to offer an alternate perspective on history and should not be construed as an accurate representation of actual events. Reader discretion is advised. If you own the rights to the profile picture used by the author, please Let us know in the Comments for proper attribution or its removal. We appreciate your understanding and are committed to resolving any concerns regarding intellectual property rights.

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Chapter 17: Finding The Traces Of The Mysterious Person

"So, according to the nurse, the person left here, and from his motive, he already filled out the Guardian Form and also paid her medical fees. Not only that, he also reported this to the police station. So, I think he might not be the one who injured that patient," Detective Kim said to them.

The team pondered over the information, trying to make sense of the situation. The Chief took a deep breath and spoke, "If he reported the incident and paid the medical fees, it doesn't seem likely that he's involved in causing harm to Ji-Won. We need to find him and get more details about what happened."

Eun-Ho returned with the medical papers, and the team gathered around to examine them. Detective Kim scrutinized the documents, looking for any clues or inconsistencies. "This person paid the bill of an unknown person. But why did he do this much?"

By seeing the report, everyone also wants to know this type of person who paid someone's medical fees without knowing anything about that person.

The Chief then asked Detective Kim to check this person's information and contact him to tell him to come back to the hospital now. "Kim, see if this person wrote his mobile number or anything. Call him to come back here for the investigation."

Detective Kim replied, "Ok, Sir, I am doing this right now."

Detective Kim dialed the mobile number of the person and when the call was made, the call cut off.

[The person you are calling is out of reach. Please call again after some time...tut.. tut...tut...]

Upon hearing this, Detective Kim made another call to the person and again heard the same customer support message.

[The person you are calling is out of reach. Please call again after some time...tut.. tut.....tut]

"Sir, I am sorry, but his mobile phone can't be reached," Detective Kim said, facing the Chief.

The Chief furrowed his brows, a sense of urgency creeping into the room. "This is suspicious. We can't let this lead slip away. Eun-Ho, check the hospital's security footage to see if we can spot this person leaving. Maybe we can get a clue about his identity."

Eun-Ho nodded and with Sergeant Choi rushed to the hospital security room. The team anxiously waited for any updates, knowing that time was of the essence.

As Eun-Ho reviewed the footage, he noticed a man leaving the hospital around the time of the incident. The man was wearing sunglasses and, whether by luck or deliberately, his face was not captured on any of the hospital cameras, making it difficult to identify him. Eun-Ho grabbed the footage and rushed back to the team.

When Eun-Ho and Sergeant Choi went to the Security Room, they did not sit there.

Both the Chief and Detective Kim went back to the information desk to collect information related to this person.

Detective Kim and the Chief went to the information table and asked the nurse who had provided them with information about the person, "Do you remember the person's face who brought the patient here or anything about that person?"

"Sir, it is impossible for me to remember his face because there are thousands of people who come to the hospital, and it is not possible to try to remember their faces or anything related to this. So, I am sorry, sir," the other nurse who was adjacent to the nurse being questioned interrupted, as she had also noticed that these people had been asking for information for a long time.

"I don't know about that person, but I can say he is a very handsome man. Just by halfly seeing his face, anyone wouldn't be able to forget it," the nurse interrupted their conversation and said. She was the nurse who had provided them with all the information, and there was a slight blush on her face as she said this.

"Good, so do you remember his face?" Detective Kim asked her excitedly.

The nurse nodded heavily, agreeing with his question.

"But I can't tell you much because he was wearing sunglasses, so I can't tell you much about his facial structure."

Before they could think or ask her anything, there was a sound from behind them, and they turned to see who it was.

The sound was from Eun-Ho, and Sergeant Choi was with him. They were both running towards their side.

"I found something, Chief," Eun-Ho said, panting slightly from the haste. He played the footage, pausing at the moment the mysterious person left. "This is the best shot we have. It seems like he deliberately tried to conceal his identity."

"So, what she said is right, but why did this man wear sunglasses at night? And according to what we know, he brought her here with a car," Detective Kim said, and they all nodded in agreement.

"Sir, did you know that this person was wearing sunglasses?" Eun-Ho asked, his facial expression showing surprise.

"Yeah, we got some information from the nurse at the information desk. She told us about him," Detective Kim said, answering Eun-Ho's question.

"Eun-Ho, call headquarters and get a sketch artist to draw that person's face. With that face, his name, and number, we need to find that person at all costs," Detective Kim said to Eun-Ho.