

"I'll never leave you." I made a promise to my brother, but I didn't keep it. When a William Alexander, the perfect man who has a big secret in the past, an adopted son who left his younger brother to take the place of a business empire heir who has special needs. William must keep his promise to be loyal and obey any request from his adoptive father Jackson Alexander, an ambitious and cold-hearted rich businessman so that Jackson reunites him with his brother again. One time Jackson asked him to return to his home country, to become a governor in order to make it easier for him to do real estate development, for that he had to marry a woman, a twenty-three year old girl, Roseline a superstar who was loved by all the people who turned out to be the lover of his biological brother. His brother, Rayhan Adamson who has grown into a famous music producer without William knowing, he just wants to meet his younger brother as promised by Jackson if he succeeds in becoming a governor and gets a development permit then Jackson will bring him together with Rayhan. Will William be able to meet Rayhan again, atone for his sin of leaving Rayhan when he was seven years old and getting his slowly growing love for Rose? *** hi, thanks for reading my novel I will really appreciate every review and comment you give. You can contact me at: lmarlina8889@gmail.com

mrlyn · Teen
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53 Chs

Let's not fall in love

Rayhan was just about to step into his car which was parked in the parking lot after he had not come home all night because he was anxiously waiting for news from Rose who suddenly disappeared and didn't pick up his phone at all, especially the words that William said kept ringing in his mind and bothering him, making him even more worried.

"I'll mark her." Rayhan even felt pain in his heart just remembering that disgusting sentence.

With a wrinkled face, Rayhan walked lazily towards his white sports car but then stopped when he saw Rose's car moving into the parking lot.

With feelings of joy mixed with relief, Rayhan stepped quickly toward Rose's car until then his steps suddenly stopped.

A sight that damaged his eyes and hurt his heart was seen directly by him very clearly.

Rose was with another man, it was William, and he was seen moving closer to Rose and then pinching Rose's cheeks.

But why did Rose not angry and instead seemed to enjoy the man's touch? Even Rose looks spoiled at William.

Rayhan's chest immediately felt tight, he held back his tears so they wouldn't drip and then he saw Rose moving out, Rayhan quickly hid behind a wall so Rose wouldn't see him.

"I know I'm handsome honey, thanks for the compliment!"

Rayhan's heart was shattered to hear that, Rose praised the man? Why did Rose do that?

Rayhan was still holding back his tears and the pain in his chest that burst through his body when he saw Rose walking past him with a smiling face.

Rayhan's heart still hurts because he feels jealous and seeing Rose so happy makes his heart suddenly freeze.

Rayhan then quickly followed Rose's steps but Rose still didn't notice his presence until Rayhan entered the elevator Rose still with a happy face entered the elevator without realizing that Rayhan was behind her.

Rayhan's heart ached, he was jealous and at the same time afraid of losing Rose.

Without making a sound, Rayhan immediately grabbed Rose's body and carried her in his arms, put his arm on Rose's chest, and brought his face closer to Rose's face even though he had to look down a little.

The tears couldn't be stopped anymore until they couldn't help falling on Rose's neck.

"It seems so fun for you to be escorted by a man who freely touches your face, you can't even see me," Rayhan whispered in a low voice.

"Ah or maybe you've thrown me out of your heart so you don't recognize me anymore." He continued with an increasingly sore heart.

"What do I mean to you now?" Rayhan asked again.

"I don't want to believe it but you look happy with him, then where should I put myself?" Rayhan said sadly, his hand slowly letting go of Rose, he then turned around and hit the elevator wall so hard it made his knuckles bleed.

"Don't tell me I misunderstood again now!" Rayhan's snap made Rose feel scared for a moment.

Rayhan then returned to Rose who was still frozen while crying, he felt very guilty for Rayhan now.

"Tell me..." Rayhan looked at Rose with red and puffy eyes as he gripped Rose's arm tightly.

"You won't marry him and leave me, will you? Tell me if only I will be your husband! Tell me that you only love me!" Rayhan shouted, jealousy overcame him until he became frantic and shouted at Rose very loudly.

"Why are you just silent? Are you mute!" Rayhan shouted once again which made Rose feel even more scared, she felt very scared because when she was little her parents always shouted at her like Rayhan is shouting at her now.

"Please don't shout at me..." Rose pleaded with a trembling voice, her body was already weak from feeling scared.

"Why? Are you afraid of me? Or do you feel guilty for betraying me? I was worried about you to death but you enjoyed being with that stranger man so much? Is it because he's rich? Is it because I'm just an orphan so my heart and feelings are worthless? I don't deserve you?" Rayhan shouted blindly, not caring if Rose was crying while trying to cover her ears in fear.

Feeling annoyed that Rose didn't answer any of his questions, he reluctantly pushed Rose's body so that Rose fell and crushed her sprained ankle again.

Rose was crying even more as she tried to get up but her legs hurt so much that she couldn't stand up.

"Why are you treating me like this?" Rose asked quietly, she ventured to look at Rayhan's angry face.

"I've never once looked down on you but why do you treat me like I'm a bitch? You can ask polite questions to me without yelling at me! Without being rude to me!" Rose said again, she started screaming because she didn't accept Rayhan's treatment.

"My heart hurts not because I was treated badly but my heart hurts because the person I love did it all to me!" Rose said again, she felt so disappointed with Rayhan's attitude towards her at this time that her pride was hurt.

Rose's words made Rayhan realize, that he had gone too far for Rose to even have the heart to shout at her and push her.

Jealousy overtook him and now regret overtook him, his legs suddenly went weak, and Rayhan knelt while crying in front of Rose.

The sound of the elevator doors opening didn't t stop their sobs.

"I'm sorry..." Rayhan said quietly, he moved closer to Rose while crawling but someone blocked him.

"Let's go home," William said, his voice calm as he picked up Rose and carried her out of the elevator.

Rose could only cry and hide her face behind William's chest while Rayhan was still kneeling and crying until the elevator door closed again.

Rose didn't know if William would suddenly come and take her out of her suffocating situation.

"I came back because I wanted to ask for your cell phone number," William said explaining why he could suddenly come like a savior.

William did catch up with Rose to ask for her cell phone number, but Rose was in a hurry to get into the elevator so he decided to follow Rose by climbing the stairs right on the third floor the elevator door finally opened by itself and how surprised William was to see Rose sitting in the elevator crying together with Rayhan. A man was seen kneeling while looking down. Without thinking, William immediately approached Rose and took her away.

"Your leg hurts, doesn't it? Don't cry anymore, I'll treat your leg again." William said again, even though William knew for sure that Rose and his girlfriend had just had the fight to see how they were crying but William deliberately didn't ask about what happened.

"It hurts, I didn't think it would hurt so much."

"I will heal your wounds..."

Hearing William's words, Rose was instantly stunned, she lifted her head and looked at William who didn't look tired at all even though he had to go down the stairs carrying her.

"All I know is love has never been this scary," Rose said slowly.

"All I know is love always leads me astray," said William.

Seeing Rose's current state made William even more eager to make Rose happy. Rose is like a reflection of herself, maybe by making Rose happy she will also find the happiness that has been missing for a long time.

"If love always ends in pain, let's not fall in love with each other."
