

"I'll never leave you." I made a promise to my brother, but I didn't keep it. When a William Alexander, the perfect man who has a big secret in the past, an adopted son who left his younger brother to take the place of a business empire heir who has special needs. William must keep his promise to be loyal and obey any request from his adoptive father Jackson Alexander, an ambitious and cold-hearted rich businessman so that Jackson reunites him with his brother again. One time Jackson asked him to return to his home country, to become a governor in order to make it easier for him to do real estate development, for that he had to marry a woman, a twenty-three year old girl, Roseline a superstar who was loved by all the people who turned out to be the lover of his biological brother. His brother, Rayhan Adamson who has grown into a famous music producer without William knowing, he just wants to meet his younger brother as promised by Jackson if he succeeds in becoming a governor and gets a development permit then Jackson will bring him together with Rayhan. Will William be able to meet Rayhan again, atone for his sin of leaving Rayhan when he was seven years old and getting his slowly growing love for Rose? *** hi, thanks for reading my novel I will really appreciate every review and comment you give. You can contact me at: lmarlina8889@gmail.com

mrlyn · Teen
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53 Chs

Let's not fall in love 2

"I want to marry you."

"I'm going to propose to you in front of thousands of your fans at your concert. Do you mind?"

"Our relationship will end happily like a romantic drama. I can't wait for our wedding day."

The sweet memories seemed to evaporate with the wind that hit Rose's face.

Rose hoped this was all just a bad dream, but time had passed and she hadn't woken up yet while her tears had dried.

"Will our relationship end this way?" Rose murmured, her tears falling again to hold back the tightness that was bubbling up in her heart again.

Rose was still sitting dreamily on the balcony of her room, alone imagining all the good memories she had with Rayhan, the pain in her heart had not disappeared, the memory of how Rayhan shouted at her and pushed her to the ground still swirled in her head.

"Your feet feeling better?" William asked who came suddenly with a blanket to cover Rose's body.

The wind was blowing quite hard, especially because the sky was cloudy and it was starting to drizzle but Rose looked comfortable sitting on the balcony of her room an hour ago while William previously left her after applying medicine to Rose's ankle because William knew Rose was sad so he didn't want to disturb her.

Rose didn't answer, so William decided to leave Rose alone but before that, he took the time to squat down and see the condition of Rose's legs which turned out to be swollen again.

"If you're mad at me, are you going to yell at me and push me too?" asked Rose unexpectedly.

Rose's question indirectly said what happened to her, William didn't think that Rose's lover had a violent temper that made him feel annoyed instantly.

William raised his head and looked at Rose who was still looking straight ahead blankly.

"Won't," William answered with certainty while touching the back of Rose's hand which was already very cold.

"He's jealous of you, but I can't turn you on to let my disappointment go away. What if I can't forgive him?" Rose asked quietly, her voice muffled.

William knew Rose was holding back her tears.

William couldn't respond to Rose's words with words other than he could only take her into his arms and hug her tightly.

In William's arms, Rose finally cried again even though she didn't return William's hug.

Now that William can confirm that Rose loves her boyfriend so deeply, even her body trembling now but that only makes William want to protect Rose even more.

William slowly let go of his embrace, he wiped the remaining tears that rolled down Rose's cheeks.

"Come on, don't cry anymore, the rain won't stop." William's teasing made Rose finally smile even though her face was still sad.

"If I stop crying will the rain stop too? Oh, come on I'm not a five-year-old you can fool with that silly fairy tale." Rose's chatter made William laugh softly.

"But you're as adorable as a five-year-old." William teased as he pinched both of Rose's cheeks gently.

"I've been adorable since birth." Said Rose who was finally able to laugh.

"Looks like I have to be careful not to fall in love with you."

"Haven't you fallen in love with me yet?"

Oh Rain, William accidentally said that if he didn't love Rose, it was different from the initial reason William proposed to him, even though it was all Jackson's doing, but William couldn't avoid it and could only follow the path that Jackson had made and now he stupidly admits.

William could only press his lips together and put on a tense face, hoping that Rose wouldn't ask further.

"Your face is very cute like this. Has my annoyance been contagious to you?" Rose joked, at least her heartache would be reduced a little if she joked with William because William's face is indeed very adorable right now, much different from William's the first time she saw him.

"As long as it's not love, then I have no problem getting anything from you," William muttered to himself.

He felt happy because Rose had started to smile and even laugh even though he didn't let go.

"Are you feeling better now?" William asked changing the subject.

"My heart or my feet?" Rose asked back.

"Both of them."

"Everything hurts but for now my legs seem to need more help because after all, I have to continue my concert even though I'm heartbroken."

William nodded in understanding "My wife is very professional." William muttered as he picked up Rose picked her up and carried her away from the balcony.

"We are not married yet!" Rose protest.

"Yeah but we're getting married," William replied not wanting to lose.

"Don't be too confident, you'll break your heart."

"No baby, I've been saying it since the first time we met. We're getting married."

Hearing William's definite words made Rose fall silent again thinking, could it be that she and William would have a match then what about Rayhan?

Rayhan, loves Rayhan but Rayhan being rude to her makes her feel afraid that Rayhan will make the same mistake at any time.

Rose herself is traumatized by screams because as a child her parents used to yell at her and be rude to her and what Rayhan did to her made her reminisce about her trauma that had not appeared in a long time since she became a superstar and received lots of love and support...

"Where are we going?" Rose asked as William lowered himself into the car seat beside the wheel and gently buckled Rose.

"Treat your feet," William replied.

William was so attentive to her, even William took the time to fix her bangs.

"I will treat your heart afterward," William said with a smile before closing the car door and walking towards the driver's seat.

"Healing your heart..." The sentence was like a sedative that eased the pain that had been making Rose's chest tight for a long time.

Oh come on, Rose, don't make what Rayhan thinks come true. You are not a traitor, calm down, and don't be swayed by William's kindness alone.

"What's wrong? Are you short of breath?" William asked after realizing that Rose was holding her breath while patting her chest.

Rose who was lost in her thoughts couldn't hear clearly what William was saying until she answered "Yes." Without thinking long.

"Do you have a history of asthma?" asked William to confirm.

"No, apart from that my legs and my heart are fine and very healthy too," Rose answered quickly.

"Then why do you seem to be losing your breath? You're nervous because I keep watching you? Want me to give you artificial respiration, honey?" William teased.

"Don't be crazy, I'm fine!" Rose shrieked in annoyance.

"Let me confirm," William said as he leaned his body closer making Rose hold her breath for a moment.

Oh come on, don't kiss again, Rose prayed in her heart because she didn't want to be swayed by William's charm, which was deliberately teasing her.

But unexpectedly, William didn't kiss her and instead smiled sweetly as sweet as cotton candy before finally sitting up straight and starting to drive.

Rose could breathe a sigh of relief now, at least she didn't want to let herself be swallowed up by William's cradle.

"Strengthen your faith, Rose!" Rose's prayer in the heart.
