

"I'll never leave you." I made a promise to my brother, but I didn't keep it. When a William Alexander, the perfect man who has a big secret in the past, an adopted son who left his younger brother to take the place of a business empire heir who has special needs. William must keep his promise to be loyal and obey any request from his adoptive father Jackson Alexander, an ambitious and cold-hearted rich businessman so that Jackson reunites him with his brother again. One time Jackson asked him to return to his home country, to become a governor in order to make it easier for him to do real estate development, for that he had to marry a woman, a twenty-three year old girl, Roseline a superstar who was loved by all the people who turned out to be the lover of his biological brother. His brother, Rayhan Adamson who has grown into a famous music producer without William knowing, he just wants to meet his younger brother as promised by Jackson if he succeeds in becoming a governor and gets a development permit then Jackson will bring him together with Rayhan. Will William be able to meet Rayhan again, atone for his sin of leaving Rayhan when he was seven years old and getting his slowly growing love for Rose? *** hi, thanks for reading my novel I will really appreciate every review and comment you give. You can contact me at: lmarlina8889@gmail.com

mrlyn · Teen
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53 Chs

Cruel Univers

Rose didn't think that William would bring her back to see her cousin Ghani to check the condition of her ankles which of course with 'the drama' of carrying and she could only surrender and cover her face as best she could.

And now, instead of directly checking the condition of her legs, Ghani was on her knees in front of William who was clearly taller than him.

"What did you do to my sister again? Why are her legs getting so swollen?" Ghani asked with a fierce face even though he's handsome and cute face didn't deserve a fierce expression.

"William didn't do anything!" Patience Rose before William spoke up.

"Don't defend him, just because he's your future husband!"

"I'm not defending him, and he's not my future husband!" Rose protested angrily.

"She sulked at me, I didn't pay attention so she fell back while going to take a shower earlier," William replied lying.

"Bath? You two live together?" Ghani was shocked to death because even until he was twenty-eight years old, he had never kissed and the girl he had thought of as a little sister turned out to be living with a man she had not even married. Oh, this world is so unfair to him.

"Right!" "Not." One contradictory word spoken by William and Rose at the same time made Ghani even more confused.

"She's sulking at me, you better hurry and check her feet," William said he tried to smile even though he was deeply annoyed because Ghani had been asking questions since about half an hour ago without checking Rose's condition first.

For some reason, William has an irresistible aura so even though Ghani still wants to ask, he still follows William's words and starts checking Rose's feet again.

"You reckless! Don't let me have a nephew before you guys are officially married!" Ghani chirped while examining Rose's feet.

"Don't talk nonsense! Just check my feet!" Rose said angrily.

"Calm down honey, we've been playing it safe after all, aren't we?" William teased as he gently stroked the top of Rose's head, it was really nice to see Rose annoyed than hse had to be gloomy and sad.

The sentence that William said successfully gave Ghani goosebumps for a moment.

"Don't be crazy!" Rose cursed annoyed but whispered a little, she didn't want Ghani to ask more because she had been so fussy before.

"What honey? We can't make love tonight?" William's words made Ghani launch a cold sweat instantly and Rose certainly didn't stay still, she immediately launched her attack by hitting William's stomach with her elbow.

"You pervert!" That's roughly the meaning of Rose's eyes at this time and William replied with a smile and innocent look in his eyes as if he was innocent.


Not only was Rose drowning in her heartbreak, Rayhan also felt the same.

Jealousy raged along with his regret for hurting Rose.

What if Rose didn't forgive him and what if Rose really left him?

Rayhan's head felt like it was going to burst. He couldn't make music at all today, all his thoughts were on Rose especially because William had come to take Rose away.

Why should that man? Why did he have to come and mess things up?

Rayhan's hatred for William is very big now, he will not let Rose be owned by that man.

Without thinking, Rayhan immediately grabbed his jacket while walking briskly out of his room.

Looking for Rose and apologizing was his goal at this time, regardless of the greeting from the company staff, Rayhan kept running until he heard someone calling his name.


Rayhan turned and stopped in his tracks, waiting for the source of the voice to approach him.

"You saw Rose? Yesterday she fell and her bodyguard took her away. I think the escort brought Rose to treat her leg but she didn't come back and left her cell phone." Rini's story is Rose's assistant, she couldn't meet Rose at her house because she was afraid of Rose's parents, so she still kept Rose's cellphone with her.

Rayhan grabbed Rose's silver cell phone with shaking hands. How stupid he was, Rose didn't accidentally pick up his phone call and he even pushed Rose this morning, is that why Rose was wincing in pain? Because she was injured before and I made it worse?

Without saying anything to Rini, Rayhan immediately ran away. He didn't want to waste any more time seeing Rose.

Rayhan drove his car at a speed almost touching the limit, his current goal was Rose's residence, and apologized to her.

Heavy rain didn't become a barrier for him, even he did not care about the safety of his own life.

It didn't take long for Rayhan to arrive at Rose's residence. The high gate of Rose's house was tightly shut and no one opened it.

Even though it was still raining heavily, Rayhan didn't flinch and didn't think long to get out of his car to shout for Rose.

"Rose, let me see you... I'm sorry Rose!" Rayhan shouted.

"Rose I'm sorry! Please let me see you, I'm really sorry, Rose!" Rayhan shouted while crying, he continued to stand in front of the gate of Rose's house and banged on the brown gate.

Rayhan finally could not hold back the sadness of his heart, yes, his body fell limply kneeling down while continuing to cry.

"Rose... I'm sorry." Rayhan is relentless.

William saw it, he saw Rayhan crying while kneeling in front of the gate from his car because he had just returned from the hospital while Rose was fast asleep next to him.

He saw that Rose's lover was so sorry for his actions that he knelt down crying in the rain like now.

"I'm sorry, but I'm the one God destined to destroy your relationship." William said before finally driving his car back, he would not let Rose see his lover's sacrifice and they were back together.

William couldn't let any of that happen.

"Think of this as punishment for hurting Rosie."


"Rose and I are staying the night at our house, do you mind, dad?" William asked on his cellphone, he finally decided to take Rose to the house he had bought.

"Stay overnight?" Adam's deep voice sounded muffled, William would be very happy if Adam refused his request because it was a sign he still cared about Rose but the answer Adam said did not match what he thought.

"Of course, you'll be getting married soon after all."

William cut the call as soon as he got an answer which made him feel even more sorry for Rose who was still sleeping next to him.

"I thought if I was the only unlucky in this world but it turns out you are too." William muttered with a sad smile before getting out of his car and carrying Rose into the house he bought yesterday.

"Will, where are we?" Rose asked faintly, her eyes were still half closed and she was still very sleepy, it seemed that the painkillers she had taken on the trip had a drowsy effect so Rose continued to sleep.

"We're home."

"I like a peaceful house."

"Then sleep well, I will take care of you."

"Thank you so much Will... If I didn't meet Rayhan first then I would have fallen in love with you." Rose said, she opened her eyes when she said those words while smiling at William's face before closing her eyes again.

William then lowered Rose's body on the bed and pulled the blanket to cover half of Rose's body, she was seen squirming comfortably in the middle of her sleep.

William smiled as he looked at her and smoothed the strands of hair covering Rose's beautiful face.

"If I didn't have Gwen then I would have fallen in love with you the first time we met. But the universe has always been cruel to me. I had love but couldn't have it and now I have you but can't love you."

"Both you and I may we find our happiness someday." William continued, he kissed Rose gently on the cheek before leaving Rose alone.
