

"I'll never leave you." I made a promise to my brother, but I didn't keep it. When a William Alexander, the perfect man who has a big secret in the past, an adopted son who left his younger brother to take the place of a business empire heir who has special needs. William must keep his promise to be loyal and obey any request from his adoptive father Jackson Alexander, an ambitious and cold-hearted rich businessman so that Jackson reunites him with his brother again. One time Jackson asked him to return to his home country, to become a governor in order to make it easier for him to do real estate development, for that he had to marry a woman, a twenty-three year old girl, Roseline a superstar who was loved by all the people who turned out to be the lover of his biological brother. His brother, Rayhan Adamson who has grown into a famous music producer without William knowing, he just wants to meet his younger brother as promised by Jackson if he succeeds in becoming a governor and gets a development permit then Jackson will bring him together with Rayhan. Will William be able to meet Rayhan again, atone for his sin of leaving Rayhan when he was seven years old and getting his slowly growing love for Rose? *** hi, thanks for reading my novel I will really appreciate every review and comment you give. You can contact me at: lmarlina8889@gmail.com

mrlyn · Teen
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53 Chs


Rayhan was still kneeling in front of Rose's gate even though it was night and the rain had stopped, even his clothes were almost dry on his body but Rayhan wasn't at all afraid and still hoped that Rose would come to forgive him.

His face was very pale while his body was shivering, I don't know how long he had been kneeling there but Rose still didn't come to see him.

Seeing the car's headlights hit his face, with a smile that even felt stiff, Rayhan hoped that it was Rose but the one who got out of the car was not Rose but Nisa.

"What are you doing here? You want a thrill?" Nisa asked so close and confirmed that the man who was kneeling in front of her house was Rayhan.

"Get out of here, what if the media takes a picture of you. You want to destroy my daughter's reputation huh?" said Nisa without feeling sorry at all.

"I want to meet Rose, let me see her, Auntie." Beg Rayhan still kneeling.

"Rose isn't around, she's gone to stay with her husband-to-be at their new home!"

The rain had stopped but Rayhan seemed to have just heard the sound of thunder.

I hope it's just a hallucination, I hope what I heard was just a bad dream, Rose couldn't be like that to me.

"Don't lie to me Auntie, just this once, I beg you to let me in to meet Rose."

"It's up to you to believe it or not! But get out of here, you're getting in the way."

Rayhan's heart was torn apart, instead of getting Rose's forgiveness but what he got were two bitter facts.

Rose was staying with the man they called her future husband and now he felt insulted again by the way Rose's mother treated him.

With a shaking body, Rayhan tried to get up and walked unsteadily into his car.

While holding back his tears, Rayhan drove his car at full speed.

Even if he dies, he doesn't care anymore, the only happiness in his life also leaves him.

"Am I that bad? Why did all those I love to leave me?" Rayhan couldn't hold back the pain in his heart until he screamed in his car and banged on the steering wheel.

"Promise me that I'm the only man in your life."

"Is there another man who has filled my heart beside you and my dad?"

"Sometimes I'm afraid you will leave me at the last moment, you know not if I only have you in this world. If you turn away then I will be completely alone."

"I will never turn away, I only love you."

All those promises were bullshit, all those sweet memories were just poison that slowly killed him with excruciating pain.

After the death of his parents and his brother left him, Rose was the biggest wound after that.

What Rayhan had feared all along came true, Rose turned away from him and he was completely alone now.

Even though Rayhan screamed, even though he was crying profusely but the pain didn't go away in the slightest from his heart.

No one can heal his heartache if not Rose.

"Don't leave me, Rose! Don't leave me!"


William scrolled through the photo of Gwen on his cell phone.

Gwen smiled happily while holding his hand, it was a photo that she took two years ago, there were only two photos and even then because Gwen whined forcing him to take a photo together and after that, they never took a photo again.

William used to never want to be photographed and the photo turned out to be the last before Gwen finally lost both her parents and was sentenced to have leukemia.

"I'm sorry Gwen," William said feeling guilty.

"I'm sorry..."


Rose opened her eyes after who knows how long she had been asleep. The atmosphere of the room that looked strange made him wonder where he was now.

Still confused, Rose tried to get out of bed just as William opened the door and entered the room.

"You want to go to the toilet?" William asked while carrying a tray of fried rice and a glass of water.

"Where are we?" Rose asked ignoring William's question.

"At our house," William replied as he put the tray he was carrying on the table.

"Why are we back here? Let's go home, my parents will be very angry if we both stay here." Invite Rose while trying to walk even though it's a little limp.

"Your father has allowed us to stay," William said making Rose's steps stop.

"He doesn't care at all," Rose muttered sadly.

"Eat, don't move too much or your leg will take longer to heal."

"I'm not hungry, I want to go home."

"I won't do anything bad to you so calm down."

"How can parents allow their daughter to stay with a foreign man!" Rose shouted emotionally, she was even starting to cry now.

"Am I nothing?" Rose was crying now.

William could only move to hug Rose warmly.

"You mean a lot, calm down. Your parents may trust me too much doesn't mean they don't care about you." William said soothingly.

"How can they entrust their daughter to a man she's only known for three days? It's all bullshit, they just don't care about me!" Rose's cries grew louder.

Rayhan brought up her trauma and sadness, how Rose used to feel broken because she wasn't cared for and loved and that feeling came back after the fear occurred.

"I care about you, you have me, calm down... Calm down, Rosie."

"I hate you, Will, my life is ruined because of you... I hate you." Rose said while pounding William's chest softly.

"I hate it when I have to depend on a foreign man. Why should you, a foreign man pay so much attention to me?" Rose this time couldn't help but hug William and cry in his arms.

"I don't know either, I can't be cold to you," William said in his heart.


After a while Rose finally calmed down, she ate even though William had to feed her a little forcefully.

"You have to be responsible if my concert clothes suddenly don't fit later!" Rose threatened after she finished her meal and now they are sitting relaxed in front of the television with Rose's feet on William's lap.

"Oh God, eating one plate is going to make your weight go up how much?" William said chuckling softly.

"But it's late, look what time it is." Rose said not wanting to lose "Oh my gosh, I forgot we don't have clocks." She continued after realizing that there was still no clock in this house.

"Is that true?" William finally realized that he had forgotten to buy a watch after looking around the room.

"You don't intend to give me a house, do you?" Rose's sarcasm made William laugh.

"Alright what kind of clock do you want?" William asked.

Rose then fumbled in her pocket but she forgot that her cell phone was high up in the practice room yesterday.

"What are you looking for?" William asked.

"Cellphone, but I forgot I left my phone in the practice room." Answered Rose.

"What is it for? You want to contact someone?"

"No, I want to buy a watch at the online shop."

Without hesitation, William then gave his cell phone to Rose.

"The code is 2423," William said giving his cell phone password.

Rose was so surprised by what William did, even in the five years she had been in love with Rayhan, she had never once held Rayhan's cell phone let alone known the phone code.

"Why?" William asked.

Rose still didn't answer, William finally lowered Rose's legs and sat close to her than fiddled with his cellphone and finally took a picture of Rose without permission.

"Now there's no need to use codes."

William made Rose's face, as well as his cellphone, unlock code.

"Why did you do it?" Asked Rose who still didn't understand why William was behaving like that to her.

"Because I will be your husband."
