

" If it wasn't for my love of exploration , I would have killed myself five years ago " (Reading this synopsis, you're going to think it's another novel about transportation to another world, and the mc is going to get bitches and live with happiness and make friends and something like that, but TRUST ME, IT'S NOT.) "PROJECT ZESTA: The Lord of Chaos" is about a mentally ill and unstable young man. When Kayne was about to turn 15, an accident made him forget all his memories, leaving him to face a completely strange world with no friends, no family, no dreams, and no hope. All he remembered was his own name. Years passed and when Kayne reached the age of 19 and entered university, all his expectations about the world burned, leaving him with more mental illnesses and a fucked life experience. The only source of joy he found was in reading novels and fantasy stories that let him wish and dream about being transported to another world, where just maybe, he could find his true identity. Kayne wakes up one morning at 3am from the nightmares he always has when he forgets to take his medicine. He think it's just another long night he’ll have to spend alone in his dark apartment, but surprisingly, Kayne gets sent to another world. In that world, Kayne will go through a lot of events that change both his mentality and his view toward life but not in a good way. As Kayne goes through different experiences and meets other people, he's going to find himself killing and destroying himself from the inside. After reading my novel, chapter by chapter, you’ll realize that the MC is neither a villain nor a hero; he just wants to find his true identity from before losing his memories and try to live his life.

Potato_Big · Urban
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

chapter 16 : my points !!!

Chapter 16

" You find anything suspicious?" A woman with grey hair with his face covered in sweat shouted to a black horse coming toward her

" No ma'am, we checked all the areas near here, there's no sign of any human being around here " the man who was riding the black  horse was wearing a heavy metal shield yelled " there's only one place we didn't check" Robert said while  turning his head towards the cursed forest

"Huuuh , we have no choice but to do that " Samantha said after gasping and shaking her head " order all the soldiers to gather we're entering the forest" Samantha shouted summoning the other soldiers

_after a while all the hundred soldiers are gathered, they were preparing to enter the forest even though it was a Forbidden place

" Are we really going to enter the forest "

" I didn't sign up for this at all"

"Fuck it's my first patrol ، I didn't expect this going to happen "

" I'm still Young I didn't Even get married I'm not ready to die "

"The soldiers are completely terrified even though they're strong and capable of killing monsters they can't hide their fear " Robert said  shaking his head while looking at the soldiers complaining 

" It's a normal reaction, no it will be more awkward if they weren't stressed " Samantha said in a mocking Tone " I don't think it's fear for them to, they were planning to gain experience but they ended up in a A difficult situation related to their life " Samantha said while looking at the forest with a cold expression " all Recruits I Know it's surprising but we're entering the cursed forest, let's finish this thing fast and I'll pay for the dinner when We  go back " trying to cheer up the soldiers Samantha offered them a free meal and it's seems that her plan was successful

" Okay everyone let's go " Robert shouted while waving to the soldiers to move

After searching for a couple of minutes

" There's blood " a terrified soldier shouted out to the other soldiers to hear him " too much blood" he said while looking around seeing A pool of blood

The blood that was in the pool was the mixture of the goblins blood that kayne killed and kids from the village

" Wha_ what is that " a soldier woman shouted in fear  while looking at the tree that the goblins made to surprise Kayne and who was with him before

" There's a body here "

" There's one here too "

" It's a monster body here "

The scream of the soldiers who were finding bodies and People's limbs in the pool  kept travelling in the air

" What tf is happening here??" Samantha said while grabbing The rope tied around the horse  with an expression of curiosity and rage " I can't understand all this things first the village just disappeared then the pool of blood then bodies and then the Goblins that seems Bigger than their normal size I just can't _ " Samantha with a tired and angry face was complaining until Robert grabbed her shoulder

" When the leader is lost all the soldiers are lost too , I Know it's a totally weird situation but as a leader you need to calm yourself and think about the most important thing " Robert said while pointing at the exhausted soldiers who were completely shocked and traumatized from the scene

" Yeah you're right, thank you Robert " Samantha smiled at Robert then She composed herself and adjusted her condition " all recruits no need to be sad you're out region pride, imagine if people saw you at this condition the will think that our pride is broken so composé yourselves up and let's go home , I still owe y'all a dinner " Samantha stopped and then turned the horse around toward the exhausted soldiers  then shouted trying to rise their

spirits then she turned around to continue her path

Cause her way has worked,

• meanwhile in another place •

In a place that seems to be Rocky valley

In a huge cave who had a well shaped entrance , a scream can be Heard

"What the fuck is wrong with all these windows?!" This what kayne said after summoning his statistics Window and looking at all the notifications he got

                   _ ACHIEVEMENT _



CONGRATULATIONS you have done your first 5 kills

You will be rewarded by 1 strength statistic

CONGRATULATIONS you have done your first 15 kills

You will be rewarded by 3 agility statistics

CONGRATULATIONS you have done you first 20 kills

You will be rewarded by 5 unused statistics

                       _ ACHIEVEMENT _

CONGRATULATIONS You're Swordmanship skill has updated

You got know

• swordmanship : rank F ( PASSIVE) {1%}

                       _ ACHIEVEMENT _


•PAIN TOLERANCE : rank F ( passive ) { 77%}

"So this psycho program rewards me for killing monsters? " Kayne said with a curious face while Sitting on the ground crossing his legs " does it work on people too ? " Kayne said then his expression went cold

" Who are you talking to " with a lazy tone the girl asked Kayne, this time she was talking to her self

' so no one but me can see the window, huh kayne though " ah ! Sorry I didn't notice I was thinking out loud" kayne played dumb while looking at the girl " anyway did that woman tell where she was going? " Trying to change the topic Kayne said

The girl just nodded her head then kept writing on the ground some random things

Kayne kept looking at the girl with an emotionless face with his eyes all black thinking on only one thing ' this girl , she was the one who ordered the goblins to sacrifice the villagers to that beast , why ??,, ,  why don't I hate her ?? Why do I feel some Familiarity with her ??! ' kayne almost pierced her head with his eyes while thinking

After looking at the girl for a few seconds he remembered the window was floating in front of him

' I didn't distribute the unused points ' with a surprising face Kayne turned to the window ignoring the girl that he didn't she was watching him too

' she was waiting for this guy , a powerful creature like her , searching for a normal human? ' the girl though while glaring at Kayne

"Hmmmmm how I'm going to deal with all these points ?" Kayne was thinking while scratching his Chin



AGE : 19

RACE : HUMAN / ???


TITLE : A traveler between dimensions _monster slayer_ GOOD STUDENT _ COLD KILLER

General characteristics :



• Swordsmanship (Class F) Mastery Rate ( 1%)

• Pain Tolerance (class F) Mastery Rate (77%)

•Assassination (passive skill) ( class D)

•Hide attendance (active skill) (class D)

• Rationality (active skill) ( class ?)






BODY : 4


" So if the program gave the disturbed the points I won't pass out, and my skills have leveled up too ,With all the points I get I can say that the one goblin gave me 10 points, okay then I'll raise All the statistics to 10 first"


STRENGTH: 8 ⬆️ 10

ENDURANCE: 7 ⬆️ 10



BODY : 4 ⬆️ 10

UNUSED POINTS : 205 ⬇️ 37

" Wait !? What the _ ?? Why my unused points are _ " Kayne's face turned white after realizing that unlike the other statistics the body statistic was increased every time he added to it by six points what cost him 150 points all going to the body statistic

"I can't believe it how could I forget something this important? Ooh my dear points " kayne was laying on the ground holding his tears "and I don't recognize any changes in my body "


" It's not your time "with tears in his eyes Kayne was looking at the sign Infront of him " fuck it what are you going to say "


DEAR USER we did notice the side effect of raising the statistics that may put the USERS life in danger so the side effect of 'passing out ' for raising the statistics has changed to ' sleeping '

' tf isn't the same is it playing with me ? Or could it means that the effects of raising the statistics will be showed after sleeping?' as a crazy man Kayne kept talking to himself

What makes the girl rude her guard towards him

" Alright then let's just Distribute the other points " with a sad face Kayne summoned the statistics Window again


STRENGTH: 10 ⬆️14

ENDURANCE: 10 ⬆️12



BODY : 10


"My statistics looks a bit respectable now but my points" with a shaking voice Kayne was holding his tears while hugging himself to be looking like a ball

The girl couldn't keep ignoring his moaning " can you stop doing that I'm working here " the collapsed with her lazy loud voice making her echo spreading all the way in the cave

Then a Squeaking sound came from the other side

" Fuck what have you done " kayne yelled because of the loud squeaking while He lay down with his stomach on the ground

" What are you doing what is this sound? " The girl yelled back with a shocked face while looking at the direction of the loud sound and Kayne who was hiding his head and neck

" It's a cave idiot of course it has bats " kayne yelled at the girl then waved to her to come closer to him and lay down on the ground

At the moment the girl was in the ground a wave of huge bats that were the size of big TV appeared and the first thing they were looking at was Kayne and the girl besides him

" Okay I didn't actually expect that " Kayne said while making a dumbfounded face

" Fuck !! Change on the plan we're running" kayne stood up and started running while he was grabbing the girl from her Old robe that she was wearing before when she was in the shaman goblins shape

" Heee? " Kayne was Ahead of the bat thanks to his speed but alas he ended up in a closed corner

" Another change in the plan we have to fight" Kayne held the metal sword that was in his waist and prepared himself to fight "come on fuckers I need more points"

Chapter 16 : ended