

what will happen when a lion falls in love with a lamb??..what will happen when an extremely hot-tempered scientist falls in love with his insanely beautiful assistant?? he is like a fireball and she is like an ice cube.is it really possible for two completely opposite people to fall in love?? Christopher stone is a 29-year-old young scientist who left all his inheritance and CEO's position in his father's business empire for his research and lives on a remote island. This young genius is considered the god of science and worshiped by many science students. but he has only one problem, that is his anger management issues. Erika is a 21-year-old sweet science student and a big fan of Christopher stone who dreams to work in Christopher's team and learn from the science god himself. what will happen when Erika finally gets the chance to work with her idol Christopher stone only to find out that he hired her as a personal cook but not as his team member. read on to find out the sweet love story of a hot-tempered scientist and his cool assistant:)

dacy100 · Realistic
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34 Chs

Love or Obsession

Erika (p.o.v)

"Hi...I am Stephen King, Christopher's best friend, and business partner" he said extending his hand toward me.

So he is caroline's brother?? same red hair and honey-colored eyes as Caroline, he looked tall but not as tall as Mr.Stone, he has a lean body and looked quite handsome.

"umm..hi..I... I am Erika, nice to meet you sir" I said and shook his hand. he observed me from head to toe with a smile and said "pleasure is all mine princess".

"is that black coffee?? may I trouble you to make one for me??" he asked in a friendly manner and i nodded in a yes, there is something sweet about his nature that makes people comfortable around him, Caroline gives a little mean girl vibe but this guy seems different from his sister I thought and started preparing coffee for him.

While I was preparing coffee someone took the coffee from my hands, I thought it was Mr.stone and nervously turned around but to my surprise, it was Mr.King. I tried to get away from him but he held my hand and said"I am sorry I couldn't wait to have this coffee, the aroma is mouthwatering" .huhh...I was thinking Mr.Stone is the only person who does such things but his friend was also the same.

"Ms. Williams are you sure I will get my coffee today or should I wait till tomorrow?? " Mr.Stone's voice boomed through the pantry startling me, I immediately stepped away from Mr.king and took the coffee without sugar and handed it to Mr.stone, he stared seriously between me and Mr.king and took the coffee from me.

" Stephen how many times do I have to tell you not to mess with my team members," Mr.Stone said in his usual cold voice giving Mr.king a pointed look.

"Whoa..chill bro I was not messing with your team member, I was just introducing myself, anyway how have you been, you still act like your ass is on fire huh?? " Mr.King said and went to Mr.Stone and gave him a side hug, Mr. Stone gave him a death glare but returned the hug and patted Mr.king's shoulder and said" Just shut up bro...i have been good but now that you are here I am not sure anymore, anyway what brings Mr.party animal to my lonely Island"

"Well my visit was to check on my sister and to give you some updates on our company but now that I see more interesting things here, I might have to extend my visit," he said looking in my direction, I immediately resumed my work not wanting to disturb them.

I thought they both would leave but they didn't and sat in the pantry, I didn't wanna hear their conversation but I can't help it since they sat too close to me and started talking, "your stepmom is trying so hard to get the board member's support to appoint her Nephew as CEO of Stone industries" Mr.king said taking a sip of his coffee.

"Let her play her dirty tricks, I know what to do with her when the time comes," Mr.Stone said thinking deeply, in Laboratory he looks like a studious researcher but now he looks different like some experienced businessman, this guy has so many shades I thought.

Mr.King sighed and said "I really pity her man because she is plotting against a genius like you, all her tricks will be for nothing when the day you decide to return to your father's company. anyway, how's my sister doing ?? I hope she is not giving you any trouble"

"Huhh..she almost gave me trouble when she collaborated with Richard and cheated her way through the exam, " Mr.Stone said shaking his head, Mr.King laughed a little and said, "That's caroline for you, she never gives up when she sets her mind on something, you should be more careful with her than your stepmom".

Whoa...after hearing what Mr.King said about Caroline I have to be careful too and keep my distance from Mr.Stone, while I was thinking all this I heard Mr.king saying "Where did you get this pretty assistant bro?? can I borrow her if you don't mind??"

"Huhh..she is dumb as that rock in our playground, you will know if you work with her. I am only keeping her because I badly need a cook right now" Mr.Stone said without any emotion, huh this arrogant Idol of mine thinks I am only capable of cooking food for him huh...I will show him one day how serious I am about project042 I thought.

"If she is that dumb why are you keeping her around?? is there any other reason??" Mr. King asked with a hint of humor in his voice, huh...I am standing right here fellas, can you please stop talking about me like I don't even exist.

"what other reason can I have to keep her, I just needed a cook .anyway let's talk about something important, come on... let's go to my office" Mr.Stone said and with that they both headed towards Mr.Stone's office,huhh..good riddance now I can work peacefully.

"whoa...Eri, why did you come to work today?? Ms.Steele asked you to take bed rest for a week" Daniel said entering the pantry, seeing him made me happy, there is someone who thinks I am important and cares about me here,i smiled at him and said"oh come on Daniel it was not that serious and I would be bored to death in that haunted house if I stayed there for a week "

"Do you know how worried I was when I saw you lying unconscious in that parking lot, if not for Ms.Steele I would have had a heart attack. Anyway, I am happy to see you safe and sound" he said with a sweet smile, so he was the one who took care of me when I was unconscious?? I thought it was Mr.Stone.

"Yeah.. it's good to be back to work, anyways I don't think Mr.Stone would give me a week off even if I wanted to rest, he is really picky about his food so I can't be absent for so long," I said taking the cookies out of my bag and serving them in a plate.

"I don't know how you are living with Mr. Stone Eri.., his behavior really makes me doubt his humanity," he said shaking his head and looking annoyed.

" He is not that bad Daniel just a little strict anyway let's not talk about him. I don't know how to thank you and Ms.Steele for whatever you guys have done for me, I really owe you guys " I said feeling grateful and handed him the coffee and cookies I made.

"Have some coffee and my world's best cookies, I am sure your mood will be lightened after eating them" I said, he stared at me for a few seconds with a sweet smile and started drinking his coffee and ate the cookies, he kind of reminded me of Edward, always taking care of me like a big brother.

"mmm...these cookies are so yummy. Eri..thank you so much, can I have some more please" he said with food in his mouth and coughed, I patted his back and gave him some water. huh..he is really a kid "slow down Daniel nobody's gonna eat your food, I had put some cookies in the jar over there you can eat them whenever you want..ok!!" I told him still patting his back.

"Thanks, Eri..you are the best,ohh..by the way, we are going out on fieldwork today, it's a good chance for you to learn specimen collection, did you read the book I have referred to you before??" he asked taking a sip of his coffee and I nodded my head in yes.

"yes I did, you were right about Mr.Stone's library, there was a huge collection of books on plant science, I studied some yesterday and took some notes," I told him and took my notes out of my bag and handed it to him.

he saw the notes for a few seconds with a serious expression, even though daniel is carefree and easygoing he is quite serious when it comes to studies, I was a little nervous about what he would say but he smiled a little and said"These are some good points Eri..well done if you keep working like this I am sure you will catch up with us in a few days".

I felt relieved after hearing that his words really motivated me and gave me the courage, I will work hard and earn my place in Mr.Stone's team and work on project042 I thought, meanwhile caroline entered the pantry and gave me a cold look, I smiled at her and asked: "would you like some coffee caroline??"

"Huhh..why would I drink coffee and lose my perfect figure like some people, get me some fresh orange juice without sugar," she said and sat beside Daniel, he rolled his eyes and said "She is not a servant here Caroline if you are concerned about your health why don't you make it yourself"

"If she is not a servant here, then what is she?? why is she getting paid?? last time I checked she wasn't a part of our time, she was just staring blankly when Mr.Stone was Explaining things in the laboratory. so tell me Daniel why is she here??" Caroline asked sarcastically, why's she picking on me ?? how did I offend her??

"Ms.king keep your voice down, this is not your house to talk the way you want people are trying to work here unlike you .last time I checked you were not that good either in my class, remember your place and concentrate on the project," Mr.Stone said standing at the entrance of the Laboratory.

"I...I am sorry Mr.stone, I was just asking her to make some juice for me but it looks like Daniel doesn't want her to cook and stress herself" caroline said trying to hint at something, what is she trying to imply here?? I shook my head in a no and tried to explain but Mr.Stone interrupted.

"Enough with your petty fights, prepare your materials and equipment, we are going on a fieldwork today," he said and went back to the laboratory. caroline turned to me and chuckled a little and went back to the lab as well, why was she being weird??

"come on Eri..don't mind her let's go," Daniel said and we both left the pantry walking into the lab, I packed the materials we needed for the field trip and helped Daniel with his materials, Caroline ignored us and prepared her bag by herself.


I left those two losers to themselves and started preparing my equipment, I had put on my sexy hot shorts and I wore my victoria secret sports bra. I can't miss this chance, I have to win Christopher's attention during this trip .huhh..this silly Erika... who does she think she is?? her good looks are of no use before me I thought and slipped a few condoms into my bag.

Chris looked angry before, I don't want him to think that I was bullying Erika so I went to his office to talk to him but to my surprise, I saw my brother inside and my face brightened immediately at the sight of him, "oh my god Stephen... when did you get here "I asked hugging him.

"Heyy..honey cheeks, how are you?? " he asked hugging me back, "I am good Stephen, why are you here anyway ?? " I asked at which he sighed and said "dad was worried about you staying here. so he asked me to check on you, is everything ok here ??" he asked me with concern.

I nodded my head and said"yeah... it's good, it's just that I miss my party nights in the city but that's ok, once Chris agrees to our marriage we both will fly to new york and throw a big party"

He sighed deeply and shook his head "Why are you so stubborn caroline, you know that he doesn't love you right?? why are you wasting your time on him?? you should spend your life with someone who loves you and cherishes you" he started nagging like always and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh come on brother...I am sure he will fall in love with me if I stay closer to him and you know what?? dad and Chris's father want us to get married too, so why are you talking like this now??" I asked him at which he got annoyed at the mention of our dad.

"Seriously caroline...you want to follow dad's plans ?? you know better than anyone that dad and Mr.Stone sr don't care about anything but money and I know about Christopher very well, he would never agree with his father's plans. I am actually here to put some sense in your mind" he said looking serious.

Why does everyone think I can't win Christopher's heart?? I lack nothing right!! I will prove to everyone that I am the future Mrs.Stone, "I have fallen in love with Chris the moment I saw him, I have tried everything to get his attention, if not for that *** we would have been married already, now that he broke up with that homeless bitch I will make him agree for our marriage this time" I said determinedly.

"And what if he never loves you, Caroline?? do you really want to spend your life with someone who doesn't love you back??" he asked,huhh..how innocent he is, becoming the wife of someone like Christopher Stone is never easy, I am sure i can make him love me after we get married .

"Fine... I won't argue with you anymore I just don't want you to get hurt in this process ok!! and remember something caroline there is a fine line between love and obsession, I just hope you choose the right thing" he said with concern, I know that he is concerned about me but I am not that weak to get hurt by anyone, I would rather hurt anyone if they come between me and Christopher I thought.

I smiled and said "Don't worry big brother no one can hurt your sister and now that you are here I am sure you will help me persuade my love right"

He immediately looked scared and said" No...no way.. I know my best friend's temper better than anyone, please don't drag me into your stupid plot and moreover, I love my life more than anything" huhh...he was giving me a big lecture before and now he is scared.

I put my cute puppy dog's expression and said" Please..pretty please brother, just this once,today we are going on a field trip ,i just want you to join us and distract the rest of the team ,i have already made my plan to spend some alone time with Chris"

"you little witch...fine..only this time ok!! if something goes wrong I am not responsible ok?? "he said looking annoyed, I immediately hugged him and said "I know that you wouldn't say no to me...thank you "

"Huhh god knows what will happen today, hope this trip doesn't bring problems to me" he said and went outside.

I looked around Chris's office and saw his pics on the wall with some tribals, I saw a shirtless photo of him and thought" Today you are all mine Chris, no one can disturb us today".

I will show that Loser Erika that you are mine by tomorrow.