
Project Island

Kasai could feel the girl tremble in his arms and he heard her weep 'Oh man, she's crying! What are you supposed to do when girls cry!?" He thinks to himself. "Don't worry, they probably won't charge you for damaging the Island cruiser." He says trying to make her feel better. Adrien looks at him confused and angry, "That's not what I'm worried about dummy!" She shouts. Kasai, A guy who has no power to call his own, and Adrien a girl who is a long way from home. LOST island, an island where the government placed all the people who have the Lost gene in their DNA, a gene that gave them extraordinary abilities, a gene only found in males, until Adrien. As the only girl on the island, and the only guy who hasn’t been able to form his ability, how will these two find a way to survive.

Mikaylah_Breedlove · Action
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21 Chs

Worth the risk

"Nanaji! Hey Nanaji! Where are you going!?" Kyle calls after him as he watches him run the other way.

'There's no way, he's probably back at the dorm! Yeah, chill out he's at the dorms!' Nanaji thinks trying to reassure himself as he's running back toward the dorms. It had been a few hours since the aura explosion happened, the smoke ceased and the guards still wouldn't let anyone through.

Nanaji makes it to the dorm rooms and rushes through five flights of steps to kick Kasai's door down. "Kasai!?" He shouts into his room, but he doesn't see any sign of him being there. He's startled by his ring tone going off in his right pocket. He takes out his phone and looks at the caller ID. 'BEST Buddy!' It reads. Nanaji immediately presses the call button and starts screaming into the phone. " OMIGOSH KASAI YOU SCARED ME TO DEATH I THOUGHT YOU AND KATALI-" he's suddenly cut off by a women's voice on the other side.

"Hey Nanaji." Katalina says sounding dejected.

"Wha- Katalina? I'm confused why do you have Kasai's phone. Is everything okay?" He asks her eagerly to find out where Kasai is.

"Yeah, everything's fine." She lies.

"Are you sure, because I saw an explosion out in the middle of day and Idir said he saw Kasai go that wa-"

"WAIT! You saw what! Was there anyone else there did they see it as well!?" Katalina starts flailing questions through the phone like a maniac.

"Woah woah Katalina, of course everyone saw it was broad daylight outside. It was too huge to miss! Now what's going on!?

"Nothing! Everything is fin-"

"STOP SAYING EVERYTHING IS FINE! BECAUSE CLEARLY EVERYTHING IS NOT FINE!" He yells. There's a foreboding silence for a couple minutes until Nanaji speaks again. "Where is Kasai?" Silence washes over them again as he waits for an answer.

Katalina has tears streaming down her face and her voice starts breaking. "The hospital."

"WHAT!" Nanaji's eyes go wide and he drops his phone and dashes to every single hospital until he can find Kasai.

Katalina hangs up the phone when the call goes offline. She walks out of the hospital room Kasai was in and goes to the front desk.

"Hello Lieutenant, can I help you?" The security guard asks.

"Yes. If you see anyone asking for a Kasai Akihito, don't let them through. Understand."

"Yes ma'am"

Katalina walks back to the quarantine room and looks at Kasai's unconscious face. 'I'm sorry Nanaji, but I can't let you see Kasai right now.'

"Hey Katalina!" Jiro walks up to her with an analysis chart in his hands. "How's he doing?" He asks while looking at her distraught face.

"He's doing better I guess, but when he wakes up I'm gonna slap him!" She looks at the chart in his hands. "What's that?" She asks

"It's the blood test and DNA sample we got from Adrien and this one is Kasai's." He says as he hands Katalina the form.

"Why did they do another test on Kasai? He already got examined." She looks at the paper in disbelief. "But then, why are his bar codes higher than the last one?"

Jiro hands her Adrien's charts and points to her graph. "Look, Adrien's are the same as well. They have the same LOST gene pattern."

"Wait, so their both genetically identical!? That's impossible, identical twins don't even have the same DNA sequence, and their not related in any type of way. So why?"

"Kasai hasn't been able to develop any aura yet, Adrien could develop aura, but she couldn't control it herself, it seems as though she was missing a strand of DNA that helped her aura stabilized , but Kasai was missing a strand that helped his aura flow naturally." Jiro says as they both go over the charts separately.

"So what would've happened if He didn't let her go? Would they have just been like that forever?" She asks expectantly.

"No, I'm afraid the outcome would've been much worse. It's a good thing you knocked him out when you did, if he kept over exerting his aura they both would've died from the impact explosion and loss of life energy."

Katalina's eyes go wide thinking about how they could've died if she didn't get her away from him. "It's my fault. If I didn't leave her alone she wouldn't have escaped and they both wouldn't be in the hospital right now!" She shouts.

"Lieutenant. Please keep in mind that we're in a hospital. It would be wise for you to keep your voice down." Lucien says as he walks up to them.

"Sorry Headmaster. How's General Daichi doing?" Katalina asks as she scratches the back of her head from embarrassment.

"He's doing well. He's already up and moving, he only sustained minor injuries. I wish I could say the same for Adrien." Lucien says as he turns to Katalina.

"Can we see her? She should be stable now." She asks.

Lucien gives her a sad look and turns around. "Follow me."

Jiro and Katalina follow behind Lucien to the lower floors still on the quarantined levels. Katalina runs up ahead of both of them and finds Adrien hooked up to a large machine. "Wh-what is that?" She asks fearfully.

Lucien stands right next to her. "That. Lieutenant is the only thing keeping alive right now. She has a high fever and two broken ribs, but I can't allow anyone to go in there."

"What! Why not! Can't you see that machine can't heal her, she needs medical attention now or she's gonna die!" Katalina shouts.

"I can't send anyone in there Lieutenant. She's still unstable. If anyone else goes in there they could die. I just can't risk anymore lives." Lucien says regretfully.

Jiro steps into their conversation. "We do have an option we could try, but I don't think your gonna like it."

"Any idea is a good idea right now! Tell us!" Katalina says eagerly.

"We can use Kasai."

Lucien and Katalina look at him with confusion on their faces. "What?"

"Just hear me out, their DNA is similar to one another, it may be risky considering what happened today, but what if we use Kasai to calm her aura down so that the doctors can treat her"

"Is that the only option we have! It could be days before Kasai wakes up, how long do you think she can stay like that?! Even if he does wake up, how can you be sure he won't go berserk again." Katalina shouts at Jiro.

"I know its a big risk, but its really the only option we have. Its worth the risk." Jiro says.

Lucien sighs and looks at Katalina. "Well, Lieutenant?"

"Fine! We'll do it."