
Project Apocalypse

What if they didn't meet at the UA through normal means? What if they weren't able to become heroes because of their own demons? Four teens kidnapped four years before canon? Gone were normal teenagers and in were incarnates of Death, War, Famine and Pestilence. Can they become heroes or will they be casted aside and be seen as nothing but evil?

ChaosHellLaser · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Training Montage

Izuku, Ochaco, Tsuyu and Katsuki were standing in front of the UA Gate as they wind blew through their hairs. All them were prepping themselves for the UA exam, the first step to becoming heroes in the world.

"This still feels like a dream." Izuku whispered, staring at the entrance of the school grounds.

"I know right, it was one second where four teens trying to find our place in the world and the next were standing in front of UA." Ochaco agreed as she took in their surroundings, amazed at the scenery around them.

"*ribbit* I'm still trying to process all of this." Tsuyu said following Izuku's statement as she herself didn't think it was real.

"Tch… doesn't feel like a warm welcome now does it?" Katsuki growled as he noticed some of the other kids staring at them, earning them a heated glare in return causing them to walk away.

"I don't care, that we have to come here, I want to know is why are we still doing this?" The blonde questioned while inwardly he was thinking about himself. It wasn't that Katsuki disliked the fact that he was at UA one of the top schools in Japan, it was more of how he viewed it. If he was his old self, brash, arrogant and foul-mouthed then he wouldn't care about it… but he wasn't that person, not anymore.

He turned to his childhood friend for an answer but he saw him doing the same thing.

"I… I honestly don't know…" Izuku answered as he thought back to the months of their training.


Months 1-3:

The first thing that group Apocalypse started to train with was physical training. Izuku planned everything out for everybody, he literally went all over the beach and named each section depending on the type of junk they had.

Refrigeration Section

Rust Section

Trash Section

Tire and Pile Section

Rotten Section

Literally everything. He even made a small jogging track that goes around the beach for all them to do first thing in the morning.

Each section was also made specifically them to train their quirks and embodiments of course Izuku didn't make one for himself seeing his connection with Death and everything. While they thought he was holding off Death to not kill again, he wasn't. He was doing something else.

For the past few nights, he would run off and build something at the beach for them to use later. None of them knew what he was working on but they didn't pry him about it, although Ochaco did threaten to force him to sleep if he ever came home sleep deprived again.

Katsuki and Izuku were pulling two rusted trucks together that were tied up either by chains or rope.

"Go Papa! Go Uncle! You can do it!" Eri cheered from Ochaco's lap waving two small flags, one green and the other red, the latter keeping one arm around her child's waist while holding the watch with the other. They both were sitting on the roof of another truck watching the boys from the sideline.

"Go Deku!"

"I'm gonna… beat you… Kacchan."

"As if… I refuse to be beaten by you Deku." Both teenagers were pulling with their upper body focusing on the muscles around their torso. Racing to a white line made of tape Eri found and behind them were large tires.

Ochaco held up a stopwatch as they both teens were now at three minutes with doing their exercise, The destination from start to finish was about 100m. They were about 25 meters away from the goal. A few seconds later, both boys crossed the black line as they dropped to the ground panting.

"And time." The brunette shouted.

"Hahaha!" Eri laughed as Ochaco levitated them to the ground before running up to the adult figures. "That was amazing!"

"Haha…beat you…Deku." Katsuki panted while having his hands on his knees as Izuku did the same thing.

"Don't… think…so…Kacchan."

"You both crossed the line at exactly…" Ochaco started off, reading the stopwatch before showing to them. "3 minutes and 28.45 seconds. So it's a tie."

"A tie! Are you kidding me!?" Katsuki yelled anger as Ochaco gave him a smirk.

"Remember Kacchan~~" Katsuki grew a tic mark as the brunette called by his pet name. "This is training. Not everything is a competition, winning or losing does not matter."

"As If. I'm stronger than you all are and I have the best apocalyptic power and quirk to show." He argued as the brunette rolled her eyes and Izuku gave him a blank stare.

"And yet you still have very bad temper and bound to get angry as soon as someone shows you up or scolds you. Other than us, you're pretty much hostile to everyone we meet." Izuku said as he stood up from his position while Katsuki yelled at him with white eyes and shark teeth.


"I have to agree with Izuku." Tsuyu said approaching them, water dripping from her form as she put a finger near her mouth. "If we were in school right now, you would never be popular with an attitude like that."

"Frog Face!" Katsuki yelled turning his anger towards her now.

"See." She pointed at him innocently as the latter grabbed his hair in frustration and then went off to a section with old clothes and toilet paper to blow off some steam, literally.

"Do you try to antagonize him every time he goes off like that?" Ochaco asked with an exasperated sigh.

"Antagonize, I'm only being honest." Tsuyu replied.

"Yeah but you're just a little too straightforward with your statements."

"I'm always straightforward." Tsuyu said as if it was obvious.

"Right…" Ochaco sighed as a bead of sweat drop from her forehead. "Deku… what was the plan you had in mind for us with this training?"

"You mean nobody read my training routine?" Izuku asked with a bit shock in his voice.

"I tried to Deku but…" The gravity user paused as she pulled out the booklet and pointed down to the small words at the front. "… you wrote them too fast and all the words are mixed together."

"Tsuyu did you—" Izuku started only to stop as Tsuyu raised her tongue threateningly at him. "I-i-I mean Tsu, did you read go through booklet too or no?

"No, *ribbit*. Didn't get a chance too." The frog girl replied as both teenagers gave her a confused look.

"What do you mean?"



And now a preview for next week's episode of Frogs, Lizards and Snakes.



"….*Chomp!*…." The lizard was about to speak until the snake behind suddenly chomped his form and swallowed it whole.

".Aaaaaaahhhhh….. Lizzzzzardroni…..the besssst dissssh ssssserved cold." Tsuyu looked at the tv blankly before replying as a bead of sweat dropped from her forehead.

"I don't think that's how the cycle works."


"I never got to it." She finished while Izuku turned to Katsuki, opening his mouth before closing it and sighing.

"Not gonna ask Katsuki?"

"I'm pretty sure the explosions behind us tell me all I need to know." He said as another explosion went off ruffling their hairs and clothes as the said ash-blonde came back with a smirk on his face.

"Aah that was fun. What I'd miss?" Katsuki asked then noticed the booklet in Ochaco's hands and glared at it. "Oh… that. Deku if you have any more of those things-?"

"I don't but can someone tell me why you guys didn't read my booklet, if you wanted to do your own things you could've just told me." Izuku explained.

"I didn't want to hurt your feelings."

"Too much muttering."

"I could care less."

"I read it Papa." Ochaco, Tsuyu, Katsuki answered in order as Eri raised her hand in air.

'Eri you are the only who cares.' Izuku thought as tears went down his face comically before straightening himself out and formed a serious expression. "*Sigh* okay. The only reason I made those was for the physical part of training. None of us are exactly fit. We have control of our quirks a bit but we still lack the physical fitness needed to become strong."

"What about our embodiments, *ribbit*?"

"I still have no idea on what to do with those." Izuku said scratching the back of his head nervously.

"I thought you were supposed to be the smart one in the group." Katsuki smirked at him as the latter glared back at him.

"And you're the hothead with an inflated ego who acts like a bomb ready to explode."

"What was that nerd? You wanna fight right now, I'll give you one and pound you into the ground."

"He's not wrong, you do tend to act hostile towards anyone other than us." Tsuyu added earning Katsuki's glare.

"Frog Face!" Katsuki yelled.

"See." Tsuyu pointed ignoring the blonde's irritated stare. "Anger aside, what else are we doing beside physical training Izuku?"

"That is weapons."


"I don't need a useless weapon, when got all the power right here." Katsuki stated as he glared at Izuku

"The useless weapons are to help us gain better control our Apocalyptic powers." Izuku stated while Katsuki scoffed.

"Yeah right."

"Deku, why the weapons?"

"It's like you said Ochaco, we have zero control on our ghosts and there's no telling when they'll try to takeover our bodies again. Izuku said as he remembered his problem with Death and their words trying to influence him. "Plus, the weapons are for us to use just in case we can't use our quirks or ghosts altogether."

"And you think that they'll help us in the future?" Katsuki asked skeptically.

"Well…" Izuku paused as he put a hand to his chin. "I'm thinking that if we have a weapon that's more suited for us and our embodiments then maybe we'll have a less tough time bonding with them than fighting." He explained..

"I'm all for it." Ochaco agreed while Tsuyu croaked in acknowledgement. They all turned their heads to Katsuki who snorted and looked at Izuku with a scowl.

"If it slows me down, you're dead got it?" He threatened as Izuku raised an eyebrow.

"Technically, I'm kinda already am."

"Don't get smart with me."


Months 4-6:

The group were still doing the harsh physical training routine, as the months went by, they were able to do it a little faster.

Katsuki still believed everything was a competition and challenged everyone through it all on multiple occasions where they just decided to let him do what he wants. Now was the time for the second part of their training… which was getting in touch with their ghosts.

"So what's the point of this?" He asked as all of them were sitting in a circle.

"It's about maintaining a bond with our tenants. If we could establish even the smallest connection with them than we might have trouble fighting them." Izuku said thinking that maybe meditation would help the process.

"You do realize it's mostly you who needs it right?"

"Katsuki!" Ochaco shouted.

"What it's true."

"Still that didn't mean you needed rub salt in the wound." Ochaco argued as Katsuki clicked his teeth.

"And how am I doing that Round Face?" He sneered while getting into her face.


"Ochaco…while I hate to be the bad guy, Katsuki is right." Tsuyu said before whispering into the brunette's ear. "Izuku needs it the most, but I doubt that he'll go first willing."

The frog girl then told the boys to excuse themselves before leaving the small area, she took the brunette to a tree with some metal beside it. They leaned against the tree and slid down.

Ochaco let out a sigh in frustration.

"*Sigh* You're not wrong. He'll make sure we're okay with our ghosts and then probably try to do his alone for our sake."

"Not wanting to be a burden." Tsuyu proclaimed.

"He's slowly asking for help but… he still believes he feels like a nuisance or a bother if he asks for help. He thinks we think of him as weak." Ochaco whispered the last part before clicking her teeth in anger, clenching her right arm while glaring at the ground. "Why is it so hard for him to believe that we're trying to help him?"

"It might just be speculation, but I think Izuku only told us what we wanted to hear." Tsuyu guessed as the brunette raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

"He didn't show it but when he explained that he saw the deaths of those in the future… he looked terrified, and he was hesitant to answer you when you asked him how long he had this going on."

"What should I do? I can't just ask him about it, he's sick and he'll deny it. He'll say he's fine but we all know he isn't." Ochaco asked as she was having a hard time thinking of ways she could get Izuku to talk to her.

"I think you should ask him about it at a later date…" Tsuyu offered as the brunette gave him a small glare before her expression morphed into a frown.

"Yeah that does seem to be the best—"

"I wasn't finished." Tsuyu cut her off. "I think you should ask him and tell him about your desire at the same time."

"That's not necessary Tsu." Ochaco thought with a blank expression on her face.

"When will you tell him then, you can't hold it off any longer and it's only a matter of time before you lose hold of yourself."

"I know." The brunette sighed softly. "It's just that… his nightmares have been getting worse and it's causing him to become less open with us. He's also becoming more frantic whenever he wakes up and is gone twice the normal time than usual. I love Deku… I really do but now isn't the time to pursue a relationship with him."

"I thought you guys already were…" Tsuyu asked as her friend giggled and winked at her.

"Not yet." Ochaco said.

Back with the boys, Katsuki was tapping his foot into the ground impatiently as he stared at Izuku who was sitting down beside Eri as she yawned loudly. The nerd was hiding something from them and he knew it. He's been quiet for the past week and trying to avoid them altogether mostly the girls. He noticed that he had this guilty look in his eyes as if he did something horrible.

Whatever it was, it caused him to be less active around them besides training. Gritting his teeth, he stomped over to them and grabbed the green-haired teen's shoulder.



"We need to talk." Katsuki stated as Izuku gave a confused glare.


"You and Round Face. When are you two going tie the knot?" He asked bluntly making Izuku blush bright red.


"I'm serious, Deku. Kid over there already views you as her parents and you interact with her more than me or Frog Face so what's the hold up?" Katsuki asked him firmly.

"I-" He stuttered.

"If you say you don't want to be a burden, I will blow you up to the f-freakin moon…" the ash-blonde threatened him while at the same inwardly hating the fact that he couldn't curse because of Eri. Just because she was asleep doesn't mean that he was free to say it.

"*Sigh* I love her. I love her but… I don't deserve her." Izuku stated as he looked down at the sand finding it more interesting.

"That doesn't even sound like a good excuse to be-" Katsuki was cut off when Izuku gazed at him with dull eyes.

"Remember when I told you guys the people I saw in dreams, the one where they were dead in the middle of the battles or how I can see in the future?" he asked earning a nod in return. "Well, I didn't just see into the future… I could also see in the past."

"…What?.." The war host was a bit thrown off by this, it was already bad enough that Izuku could see in the future but it turns he could see into the past, does that mean he can because see everyone's death, past, present and future?

"Remember how Tsuyu's family died." He said suddenly catching the hothead off guard.

"Yeah… she lost them the night she was captured…" Katsuki answered but didn't like where this conversation was heading. "Where are you going with this?" He asked but the green-haired teen stayed silent while his gaze remained at the sand. Katsuki was about to yell at him to spit it out but Izuku answered him in a hushed tone.

"…I did it." Izuku whispered causing the blonde to lean in a bit to hear him.

"What…" He asked as the teen looked at him with sad eyes.

"I killed them… I'm responsible for her family's death." Izuku's voice was laced with sadness.

"….What!?..." Katsuki was in shock that Izuku admitted that he was at fault for killing Tsuyu's family.

"I remembered… I was in this cell and I was…. they were… they forcing me to choose…. They had this gas and they were gonna release it into a hospital… or the city…" Izuku's breathing was getting heavy as he spoke, his lips were quivering, and his shoulders were trembling as his mind went back to that memory… that horrible memory.

'Izuku…' Katsuki thought as he was concerned for his brother, wondering what the hell happened. He then remembered that Izuku was the first one out of all of them to be taken and experimented on, so they didn't know what else he endured before they got there.

"I begged…. I didn't want them to… I begged them to kill me… to let them take their place but…. seeing my tears… and how desperate I was…. they had ultimatum."

Katsuki just stayed silent as he listened to his childhood friend. He turned his head over to Eri to see the child fast asleep on a pile of tires with her head cushioned by her little yellow backpack. Glad she was fast asleep he turned back to Izuku.

"Izuku… what happened?"

"They said they wouldn't kill them unless… I killed someone else." He said slowly.


"They said they would spare the hospital unless I choose a family… a family they were targeting, I didn't know why but they said I either do that or… the hospital…" Izuku shivered as he recalled the memory.

"Izuku…" Katsuki said softly, which was rare since he was hothead. He was at a loss of words for what he heard. Izuku… was tortured through the worst way possible, he was forced to play god, to choose who lives and who dies. And those scientists…had this sick twisted pleasure of watching him in despair.

"I didn't know what to do… I didn't know how to…" He started crying. Tears flowed freely down his face as he spoke. "And Tsuyu… she shouldn't even be involved in this… she doesn't deserve it…. It's my fault… It's all my fault." He finished as his tears started fall faster than before Katsuki grabbed his shoulders and glared into his eyes.

"It's not your fault." He said sternly.

"B-but…" Izuku stuttered but Katsuki was having none of it.

"It's. Not. Your. Fault." Katsuki gritted his teeth as he gazed at Izuku with anger in his eyes. Not at him but at someone else. "You didn't kill them… you didn't torture her parents in front of her… you didn't kill her siblings… you're not the one who targeted them. You didn't pull the trigger." He explained at him.

Katsuki was doing the best he can to try and convince him that it wasn't his fault, but he knew otherwise that until this thing is settled, the nerd will think that it's his fault and his alone.

"Who knows…" He asked slowly.

"Just you…" Izuku whispered as Katsuki gritted his teeth once more but contained his anger. "…I wanted to tell Tsuyu but… I don't know how… she's still grieving over them and…"

"Tell Round Face." Katsuki interrupted as Izuku looked up at him with wide eyes. "I don't mean right now but… You can't take too long either… you have to tell them eventually and Tsuyu needs to know too."


"Look if it helps, I'll be there to make sure you don't chicken out." Katsuki offered, knowing that his idiot brother will have a hard time talking about it.

"Thanks, but, you're right. I have to talk to Tsuyu about this. Better late than never."

"Not gonna tell round face?" The explosive hothead asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I think she'll figure out my behavior and ask me before I could even tell her about it… but this is something I have to face on my own." Izuku said with a serious expression.

Katsuki glared at Izuku for a moment before letting out a sigh. "Fine… but you better tell her because I know that if you don't you will torture yourself over it and become weak. I don't want you as a weakling Deku, so you better tell her and get stronger because I will show you I'm the better host." He stated as Izuku sweat dropped at his reply but nonetheless nodded his head.

"Thanks." Izuku said nervously, inwardly he was glad that he talked out his problem with someone. He was thinking about if he really should tell Ochaco first since they tell each other everything and she would feel hurt that he didn't tell her about but at the same time, he needed sort it out with Tsuyu.


Months 7-10

The group has had an interesting encounter during these last few months. The biggest encounter that had happened to them was that they met All Might, the symbol of peace.

Yeah, not something you would expect huh. Also, during that time in those months they've learn how to use weapons that would benefit not only themselves but their alter-egos.

Izuku wanted to use a dual-bladed scythe that he can break apart and easily use them to attack. Katsuki is using gauntlets with micro-launchers hidden beneath the wrist. Ochaco decided to use a collapsible whip and Tsuyu went with mounted blades on her wrists and toes. How they got their weapons will be a story for another chapter…

All Might also known as Toshinori Yagi was walking along Dagobah Beach as he was inwardly thinking about his quirk One for All. His time was getting shorter and shorter, there was no telling how long he still has until he leaves the world for good. He needed to find a successor now before it's too late.

"I better hurry and find a successor now, not to mention I need to get back to the Police Station and talk to Naomasa." He said as he thought about the case he was helping his friend with. Ever since the death of the Eight heads and Kai Chisaki, Naomasa has been scrambling to figure out who killed them and sent their corpses like mail but all leads came up to dead.

Toshinori was in the middle of thinking when he smell of the sea reached his nose. He stopped walking as he realized his surroundings and was in shock at seeing no trash around the area. Looking around he saw that the beach was completely clean. He's heard rumors of trash mysteriously disappearing day in and day out but to see the entire Dagobah beach clean as if the trash never existed was amazing.

"Unbelievable. They did it…they actually clean the entire beach… it looks brand new." Toshinori said in amazement. "Still, I would like to know who did it?"

His question was answered when he heard a couple voices not far from where he is currently standing. Walking over and hiding himself near a few palm trees he gazed at the voices location and his eyes widened in shock at who he was seeing.

"No way… is that who I think it is?" He asked himself as he remembered what Naomasa asked him a few years ago. He asked him to update or call him if he found anything related to the Project Apocalypse kids, but he never thought he would find all four teenagers and a little girl standing in one spot altogether.

"Midoriya, Bakugo, Uraraka, Asui. They're all here… and well but who's the little girl?" He wondered as he stared at them before leaning his head back and went into a thinking pose. "Okay how should I approach this…"

He could approach them as a civilian and say that he was with the police but that idea is stupid because he could scare them off and out of the blue they would disappear. The next option was going in his persona as All Might, luckily he hasn't gone in his form at all today say he could hold it for a few hours.

Option B seemed to have a lot more pros than Option A.

While he was thinking that, the others were sitting on the sand enjoying the view of the beach. Well everyone but Katsuki as he stood there with his hands in his pockets and gazed at the sun with red eyes.

"It's finally done, after 9 months of pulling tires, tugging trucks and lifting dryers… we finally did it." Ochaco breathed out in contempt.

"Yeah, picking up all that trash deep beneath was a hassle but it was worth it if it meant getting stronger." Tsuyu added placing a finger near her mouth.

"Doesn't matter it's the last month of training and we already cleaned up this entire place leaving us nothing left to do." Katsuki said his eyebrow twitching before glaring at Izuku with shark teeth. "Deku! You better give me a good reason to not blow you up this instant!

"I-I d-do. It's about our weapons." Izuku said frantically as he waved his hands back and forth in panic.

"Our weapons?" He asked him as the green-haired teen nodded his head. "Tch. It's about time." He muttered under his breath and crossed his arms.

"So what do you have in mind?" Ochaco asked.

"Well… I have everyone's choice of weapon and I got the designs but I'm not sure if it will work. I still don't have the materials to make them yet… I've been going around the city to find them but it's still not enough." Izuku said as he stared at the sand with a disappointed gaze.

"Why the materials, Can't we just create our own weapons…" Tsuyu asked only to be cut off.

"Yes but not the ones we're looking for. The only thing we'll be able to create is the weapons of the Four Horsemen. Our souls are forever bonded with them and they are the originals, so all other attempts at trying to make one are futile."

"That explains… the material shopping." Katsuki huffed.

"Wait… so where are we going to get the materials…?" Ochaco asked.

"I believe I can help you that." Izuku turned his head at the voice that spoke before his eyes widened in shock. It wasn't long before the others followed his gaze and their eyes widened in shock as well while Eri saw this new person and tilted her head in a confused manner.


"No way…"

"Is it really…"

"No kidding..."

"ALL MIGHT!?" All four shouted at seeing the number one hero, the symbol of peace, All Might.



That was a crazy day that none of them would ever forget. Meeting the number one hero who got them to come and talk with principal who decided to let them apply for trying out at UA. It was all foreign for them.

"Still, we should at least give this a shot. I mean the principal did say go through the trouble of making sure we didn't get taken away by the HPSC." Ochaco said with a sheepish smile on her face.

"Tch, Bastards would only use us as lab rats and it would be the damn project all over again." Katsuki scoffed as his palms sparked with tiny explosions until Tsuyu laid a hand on his shoulder calming him down.

"We're not there anymore… we're here. Also, you get to see your parents after all this time remember?" Tsuyu reminded as he scoffed and turned his head away but silently nodded his head.

"Is little tadpole gonna be okay with All Might?" Tsuyu asked perturbed about Eri being by herself. It's not that she didn't trust them, but she was worried for Eri's safety since none of them would be around her until after the practical exam.

"Hai. He took her to the principal since he volunteered to watch over her for us." Ochaco answered. "Speaking of which, I'm glad he decided to let us take this."

"Tch, it wouldn't be much of challenge if we got in UA for free." Katsuki scoffed as he looked over to his childhood friend who was quiet for a while. The said teen was silent as they stared at him expecting to say something until they saw him breathed in slowly before turning his head to look at them… his family and gave them a huge grin on his face.

"You guys ready for this?" he asked them. The girls nodded their heads while Katsuki smirked as lit his hand in smoke.

"Okay… let's do this." He said as they all walked inside to take the first step to becoming heroes… the practical exam.

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