
Project Apocalypse

What if they didn't meet at the UA through normal means? What if they weren't able to become heroes because of their own demons? Four teens kidnapped four years before canon? Gone were normal teenagers and in were incarnates of Death, War, Famine and Pestilence. Can they become heroes or will they be casted aside and be seen as nothing but evil?

ChaosHellLaser · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Reunions and First Day

This was it… this was the moment they were waiting for. The time for excuses has come and gone and it was time to face their fears and move forward.

"Our parents are here, not only but we haven't even seen them in almost a decade. I knew we would see them soon, but I didn't think this soon not to mention we didn't plan on how we would approach them, nor did we even think about when we just blindly accepted All Might's and Nezu's suggestion—"

Or.... they can stall and start thinking about all the negatives possibilities and downsides to their reunions. Yep, that's exactly what Izuku is doing.

'He's doing it again.' Katsuki and Ochaco thought as they watched the death user walk in circles around the conference room.

"Deku, you need to stop pacing around." Ochaco called but was ignored as the boy continued muttering to himself as different expressions played across his face. at this rate he's going to put a hole in the floor.

"For god's sake nerd, take a chill pill and calm the hell down." Katsuki growled, annoyed at seeing his childhood friend go into muttering mode, also being ignored. The blonde was tempted to smack him in the back of the head with an explosion as a growl escaped his throat.

It seems like Uraraka beat him to it as she walked to Izuku's line of sight and quickly did something that he did not expect her to do. She raised her hand and smack Izuku across the face out of his muttering mode before covering his mouth with the same hand, leaning her face into his with their noses barely touching.

"Izuku, calm down." She ordered softly while removing her hand from his mouth. "At this rate, you're going to put a hole in the floor." She gestured to the ground as he follow her hand and saw that she was right... there were marks of his footprints all

"I'm sorry… it's just…" Izuku paused for a moment before taking a deep breath. "Our parents. We haven't seen them for four years, and I feel nothing but anxiety from this."

"Why the hell would you feel that?" Katsuki asked making the latter sigh.

"On one end I'm extremely happy and joyful because I get to see my mother again but… at the same time, I'm afraid of what I would be telling her. I've always been a burden to her when I was quirkless and then getting kidnapped just made her extremely scared and worried. I mean…. What am I supposed to tell her, how am I supposed to tell her that her child is no longer the innocent boy she raised but now a failed experiment and a killer?" He said with a sullen look on his face.

This time Katsuki slapped him upside the head in an irritated manner with a growl before glaring at him.

"Katsuki." Ochaco yelled annoyed at his action, but the blonde spoke before she could say anything else.

"Listen here you shitty nerd, stop thinking with your brain for one minute. If anything, I know that Auntie will never see you for anything other than her son, the son she has loved and cared since you were born." He growled at him earning a stunned look from the greenette.


"My parents are the same as well." Katsuki growled in a soft tone. "As much I don't like to admit it but even though I was one hell of an arrogant prick, they're love for me never changed. Even though we shout and curse, we love each other all the same."

"He's right." Their our parents and we're their kids, they're own flesh and blood." Ochaco agreed, taking a step forward and grasp Izuku's hand softly. "Although, Izuku's nervousness is understandable." The brunette said while looking down at the ground. "You are right, they might not like what they find and will reject us. If they do... we need to be ready. We need to be ready to embrace whatever feelings they have towards us." Ochaco stated with a steel look on her face. Inwardly, she was feeling scared and nervous just as much as Izuku was. She could tell Katsuki was too, although they both know that he would never admit his feelings aloud and would say it differently in his own way.

"And you won't be alone, we'll be there with you. After all we're all meeting them at the same time." She reassured until Katsuki shook his head.

"No they won't, from what the bear-mouse principal said we're all going to be in different rooms when we see them again." He said earning wide looks from both teenagers.

"Oh." Ochaco deflated as Katsuki sighed.

"Yeah, oh." He repeated.

Silence entered the atmosphere as the teens pondered about the next set of scenarios that would play out in their heads. How would their parents react? Would they still love them as who they once were or would they reject them because of what they are now? Would they be seen as the children they lost so long ago or the monsters that were born into the world?

All these questions played into their minds on repeat until the soft click of a doorknob was heard and a door opened into the small lounge, enter Nezu with two other teachers that they both recognized.

The first was a slender and tall man with shoulder-length black hair with half open black eyes. He was wearing a ragged black outfit consisting of a long-sleeved t-shirt and matching pants tucked into his boots with a scarf around his neck. The man looked like he had dry eyes and needed some sleep.

The second teacher was a curvaceous woman with long black hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a dominatrix like uniform, a black breastless leotard over a white bodysuit, emphasizing her breasts, body and legs along with black thigh-high stockings and black knee-boots. She had a handcuff on each wrist and a utility belt around her hips.

"Why do I feel like I've seen them before' Izuku thought to himself before Nezu spoke.

"Now then, before we get on to our scheduled meetings, let me introduce you three to some teachers. Meet Eraserhead and Midnight."

"Good evening." Shota greeted in a dry tone, pulling a juice pouch out of his sleeping bag and started sucking on it, making the three teens sweat drop at his intro.

'Way to make a first impression.' They all thought as the man continued drinking from the juice pouch. The woman rolled her eyes at her fellow staff member before turning back to the teens with a smile.

"Nice to meet you three." Nemuri greeted as she introduced herself, eyeing all three of them from head to toe. Izuku instantly felt a shudder go through his body, while Ochaco eyed her warily and Katsuki simply scowled as his eyebrow twitched.

"They will be with you while you are talking to your parents, to subdue you just in case something happens." Nezu explain while eyeing Izuku, the latter knowing that it was him he was watching.

"Subdue?" Katsuki quirked an eyebrow in question until Ochaco answered him.

"We can worry about that later, but can we please see our parents now. I don't think I can wait patiently anymore." She said as she started rubbing her arm, as the bear mouse nodded at her request.

"Of course, now that everyone is here, let's go reunite you with your families." He said with a chipper tone, raising his right paw in the air.


Izuku was in one of the empty lounges that the school had, pacing back and forth in the room waiting for his mother to come here. Eraserhead told him to wait while he went to retrieve his mother, and to be honest, the anxiety was killing him.

He was terrified out of his mind, seeing his mother again made him wonder what would happen and how would she react. What if she didn't love him anymore or doesn't see him as the same boy, she lost years ago.

'No. I can't think like that.' He thought as he slapped his cheeks and shook his head. He had to remember what Katsuki told him, his mom loves him wholeheartedly. He's basically her world and wouldn't see him anything but… but at the same time he also had to ponder on what Ochaco said, he had to be ready to embrace her feelings of rejection if she doesn't accept him for who he is now.

He was brought out of his train of thought when a voice echoed in the room.


The said boy froze at hearing his name being called, and by a voice he hadn't heard in years. It wasn't Ochaco, Tsuyu, Katsuki or Eri calling him, it was her.

"Izuku… is that you…?" Izuku started to shutter as he turned around to meet someone and his eyes widened in shock at who he was seeing.

Right there, standing in front of the door was the matriarch of the Midoriya family. Inko Midoriya. She was staring at her son with a hand covering her mouth and her eyes watering at the sight of her son.

Izuku stared at Inko's form as they were still frozen in time. She still had that slim form from before when he was taken, but he saw the dark circles under her eyes. It looked like she never got any sleep from when he went missing.

Looking into her eyes, he could see how much pain she was put through all because he was taken from her, and he hated to know how much more pain that he would put her through when he tells her what had happened to him.

He was staring at her for so long that he never even noticed that she moved slowly towards him, each step heavy than the last as if she was about to collapse to her knees.

Inko couldn't believe it. After many years of searching and endless weight of self-hate and guilt, she had finally found him. She had found her little green pea, her sweet little Izuku. The son she thought she lost forever, the son she wanted back so much.

Slowly she reached out a hand towards his right cheek and let out a shaky breath as her hand made contact. He was real, and he was here in front of her, not an illusion or a hallucination. She then let out a small gasp as her hand felt warmth as Izuku shakily placed his own hand over hers and his breath also got shaky as his eyes glistened.

"Hi… Mom…" He said slowly as his knees started to buckle, tears rolling down his cheeks faster than he could wipe them away. Inko did nothing more than wrap her arms around her son and pulling him into her chest, letting her chin rest atop of his head. Her own tears went down faster than his as she felt him return the hug and started sobbing into her chest, causing her tears to flow even faster and let out convulsive gasps.

His voice, she hasn't heard his voice in so damn long that that she felt huge relief and joy inside her when he spoke. He was back with her.

"Izuku! My baby!" She cried her heart out as she tightened her hold on him, afraid that he would disappear if she let go. Feeling him return the gesture, made her heart warm even more and the life in her eyes returned as they sat there on the floor and the sadness, they had of never seeing each other again left their bodies.

"I've missed you! I've missed you so much Izuku!" Inko sobbed, not caring if her voice was any louder than normal or if anybody heard her. The only thing that mattered to her right now was her baby, and she raised hell on earth to anybody that tried to separate him from her.

"I've missed you too." Izuku said with a muffled reply as he continued to cry into her arms.


Katsuki sat in the room against the wall on the far side of the room. He was afraid to be anywhere near the door when Midnight had return with his parents.

His hands were shaking, no smoke coming off them or sparks popping off like they were about to go off. No, his hands were shaking with fear.

'Damn, thanks to that those two idiots, I'm---" He trailed off as he tried to stop his hands but couldn't.

He was afraid, he would never admit it but he was afraid like hell with seeing his parents again.

In fact, it was one of the few things he was afraid of in life. His parents being at the top of the list. He really hopes that they wouldn't see him as anything but their son.


The said blonde flinched at hearing his own name being called as he looked up and saw two people he hadn't seen in years.

Mitsuki and Masuru had their eyes full of shock as they saw their son looking at them from the wall. The matriarch made her way over and when she was near him, she gently went onto her knees and slowly trace her son's figure with her eyes. She could see that he's grown a bit from the last time she saw him.

Reaching out towards him, she moved her hand to his hair but was caught off guard when he caught her wrist. Thinking that he was going to yell at her, she simply waited for him to speak but what he did next was completely unexpected from both parents.

Katsuki let go of her wrist only to slip his hand into her own before clutching them towards his chest as a let out a shaky breath. Slowly he looked up and they both his eyes started to glisten as he tried to wipe them away with his forearm, not wanting to show weakness.

"Old—hag… Mom…. Dad." He said as both parents' hearts clenched at hearing his voice once again with tears starting to form in their eyes. "I guess… I let myself get captured too easy, didn't I?"

Mitsuki didn't say anything as she brought her son into her arms and buried her head into his shoulder, Masaru joined in wrapping his arms around them both, crying as well. They both shuddered as they felt Katsuki wrapped his arms around them the best he could before he started crying his heart out.

They never noticed Midnight leaving the room or seeing the smile that played onto her lips.


Ochaco was already into her parents' arms and crying happy tears as they held her tightly. Her father Hiroshichi and her mother Nanako didn't even waste time in hugging their daughter. As soon as they heard their little girl was alive, they immediately rushed to UA as soon as possible.

They even surprised to learn that their daughter was at UA off all things, they wanted to know how she got there and what she was doing, but question like those could come later. Right now, the only thing that mattered was their daughter in their arms, safe and sound.

"Mom! Dad! I missed you so much!" Ochaco sobbed as she buried her face into her mother's shoulder.

"Ochaco, my sweet little tea child, I'm so glad your okay!" the matriarch sobbed hugging her daughter tightly.

"Home, my little girl is finally home! Nanako, we've finally found her." Hiroshichi sobbed happily as Nanako nodded her head, both reinforcing their hold on Ochaco as she let out more tears at hearing her parents' voices.


While waiting for the others, Tsuyu and Eri were in Nezu's office with the bear mouse sitting on the desk across from them happily drinking his tea.

"Would care for some more tea miss Asui?" Nezu offered her.

"No thank you, but I do appreciate the offer." She kindly refused as she shook her head. "I wonder how everyone's doing with their reunions." A sad smile made its way to her lips. "It must be nice, seeing the ones you love again after such a long time."

Nezu remained silent as he set down his cup of tea. He had read over the files of the teens when they arrived in the entrance exam. Her family was cut down in a home invasion while she was taken away to become the experiment and host of Pestilence, one of the four horsemen of Apocalypse. He could see that she dearly missed her family but something about the incident feels off.

Going over the files, he's read over of how each of them were kidnapped. Izuku was kidnapped in a hospital when he was alone, Katsuki was kidnapped in broad daylight when he wandered off a bit too far from the common area while Ochaco and Tsuyu were taken at night in a home invasion.

But that's where things got weird. Both girls were kidnapped in the middle of the night but somehow one lost her family while the others were left unharmed. The reason for this, he is unsure. Could it have been favoritism, a kidnapping gone wrong perhaps?

No, the kidnappers weren't stupid. They knew how and when to take the kids so why did the Asui family die the night Tsuyu was kidnapped? Why were they the exception?

All important questions, and he'll receive those answers from them when the time is right, for now let's just focus on comforting the frog girl.

"Miss Asui," he called out gaining her attention. "I am sorry for loss. While I may not have any family members of my own, I have seen how it can affect those who have loss something precious to them. But you should not let this loss linger in your mind forever." Nezu spoke in a sagely manner.

"Yes, you have loss one family through a horrible event, but in the process you gained another have you not?" Tsuyu nodded her head at his question. "Then that's what you should focus on. The past is not what matters, nor the future, but the present." He said laying a paw on the frog girl's leg. "The here and now is what counts the most and the important part of life. You can linger in the past all you want but never let it drag you down and affect your life, instead learn from it and aim to become strong."

Tsuyu looked at the bear mouse in awe as she thought about his words. He was right, the more she kept bringing up the past it was going to get the better of her and prevent her from doing what she wanted. She had trained these past ten months to become stronger not just for the others but for herself as well. She doesn't want anyone else to go through what she had too, no child to lose their parents nor witness their brutal killing.

"You're right. Thank you principal Nezu, I glad you gave me this pep talk." Tsuyu thanked as the small chimera simply waved his paw.

"No need for formalities Tsuyu, if it's okay with you that you can call me by name."

"H-Hai, principal- I mean, Nezu-san." Tsuyu stuttered while blushing as the bear mouse smiled.

"That's better. Now why don't go on ahead and meet up with the others shall we?" he said as he walked over to the door. Tsuyu picked up Eri into her arms as the latter remained silent, the former gently smiled at her before following Nezu to the common rooms where her family was at.


In the city, up an alleyway it was quiet and not at all very dark. In the middle of the dead end, there were a few bodies all around. Some on the ground with their blood pooling all around their corpse or another set hanging on the wall with cuts all over the figures, blood staining their clothes.

In the middle of it all, stood a girl with pale dirty blonde hair styled in two messy buns wearing a plain seifuku with a Kansai collar underneath, an oversized tan cardigan and long black socks with brown loafers.

Himiko Toga was her name as she stared at her work with a frown. Seeing that there was too much blood and that she lacked control of her habits, again.

"And that's another one. I went overboard again and as usual their blood wasn't as tasty as I thought it would be nor do they look good in it." She pouted as she left the alleyway with a poor taste in her mouth heading home.

That's the third time this month that she has gone on a killing spree and none of her victims had tasty blood within them, if anything it was all plain and bitter. Toga growled as she went into frustration as stabbed a wall near her planting her knife in it, leaving a small crack in it. Taking the knife out, she let out a huge sigh to calm herself down before continuing to make her way home.

Coming to an abandoned apartment, she opened the door and announced herself home.

"Tadaima!" She announced, taking her loafers off and walked into the living room before sitting down on the couch. The room and floors were completely stained red with blood from the last people that died here, she would know… after all she is the one who killed them. She was on one of her crazy blood drives from where she tried to go for a least a month without the need to consume blood, worst mistake ever.

She ended up killing all over Japan, mostly street thugs and criminals before it escalated to innocent people.

Deciding not to think about the past, she decided to lay down on the couch wanting to take a nap as she took off her cardigan and used it as a pillow.

"*Sigh* this sucks, there's no good blood out there that can keep me normal for a long time period, the ones I've been cutting open lately are either bitter or plain. And it's making me lose control of myself again."

'Aw, don't be sad Himiko. Once I'm in control everything will be A-ok.'

"Shut up, I don't need you talking in my head right now. I just want to go to sleep." Himiko voiced coldly at the other half of herself only for them let out a laugh.

'Aw, isn't that cute? Little Himiko talking back to me after years of obeying my every command. Well it's not like you changed much, not until after Mommy and Daddy started hitting you.'

"I am not their slave; I was never their slave." She growled venomously at Hime.

'No but you are my slave.' Hime pointed out, and Toga could swear that she could see the other girl's evil smile in front of her. 'After all, if it wasn't for me then you wouldn't even be alive right now.'

"Shut Up! Leave me alone already! I don't want to hear your damn voice anymore than I have to right now, so just shut up and leave me in peace!" She shouted in anger as the voice in her head just sighed at her behavior.

'Fine, fine be that way. I'll just talk to you when you've calmed down and stop acting like a child. So, get some sleep and rest up, because the next time we go out… I'm gonna have some fun! Hehehehe~' Hime teased as her voice faded away from Toga's thoughts.

Once she was gone, Toga let out a huge sigh of relief and laid her head back on her cardigan. She didn't have to deal with her inner personality right now, until the next time she popped up out of nowhere. She really needs to find some blood that can saturate her hunger long enough before it completely consumes her.

But that was a longshot.

The only person to give her that kind of blood was her friend, her only friend. The brunette she bumped into and was given help for her mental state, but she hasn't seen her for a long time. This person offered Toga her blood to help her keep her sanity, and it worked. It was able to help maintain her sanity and from thinking like a psycho for about a few months before she reverted to her old self. She never even got to thank her, but she was able to get her name at least.

"Ochaco, I wish I knew where you were at… I wanna see you again, and I… I…" Toga stopped at her cheeks became flushed at what she was trying to say. Realizing what was going on, she lightly slapped her cheeks and groaned into her cardigan.

"Not the time to think about that Toga, it's time to go to sleep." She muffled before turning her body sideways to stare at the window into the outside world. Toga let out a soft sigh before closing her eyes, letting sleep take her as she thought about the brunette that she had made friends with.

And wanted nothing more than to see her again.


Nezu opened the door to the common room where everyone was held up. Izuku, Katsuki and Ochaco along with their parents. Seeing all of them together he knew that this was the opportunity to discuss their agreements on if they want their children in U.A.

Beside him was Eri and Tsuyu, the former still asleep in the latter's arms. Tsuyu let out a small croak as she made her to sit by Katsuki and his parents.

"Hi Katsuki."

"Hey Tsuyu." He replied as he noticed Eri in her arms. "Unicorn out like a light again, huh?"

"Mmhm. She's been asleep ever since the entrance exam, ribbit." Tsuyu replied as Mitsuki came over and wrapped an arm around her son with a sly grin on her face.

"Wow that's new Katsuki."

"What are you going on about!?" Katsuki asked as he noticed the look on his mother's face.

"Aw, come on Katsuki, you think I haven't noticed~" She teased as she pinched his right cheek. "Right off the bat, you didn't insult her and called her by her name. Her given name."

'Oh shit!' Katsuki cursed as he knew what his mother was about to do.

"Katsuki, my little hellfire is in love!" Mitsuki said as the boy earned a tick mark on his head while Tsuyu began blushing and turned red stuttering.

"You old hag!" Katsuki yelled as he and Mitsuki butted heads, the former growling while the latter was smirking with a grin on her face. Both trying to overpower the other as fire ran in the background with Masaru trying to break them up.

On the other side, Izuku and Ochaco were laughing at their expense.

"I guess Kacchan really missed his mother."

"Wow I know when he told us that he fights with his mother a lot at first I thought it was bad, but now seeing the interaction between them I think it's kinda funny." Ochaco laughed as she clutched her sides.

"Well that's Mitsuki for you," Inko said with a nervous laugh. "Always picking a fight with each other as their normal banter. Though I do wonder, sometimes if they go too far."

"That's actually pretty interesting to watch." Hiroshichi says in curiosity while Nanako let out a few giggles.

"It's nice to see you all acquainted with each other as usual." Nezu spoke up gaining everyone's attention.

"Now let us discuss the terms and residence of where you five will be staying at and see if you still want to go to UA and become heroes."


Izuku stood silent with his mother beside as they arrived at their house. His home… he hasn't been here in so long, it made him feel so out of place. Just being here made him feel like he was a stranger… a stranger to his own home.

"Izuku." He turned to his mother seeing that the worried look on her face. "Are you ok?

"Yeah, I'm fine mom." He reassured her before looking at the house once more. "It's just that. I feel like I'm being welcomed into someone's home."

"Sweetie, you don't have to do this." Inko soothed, knowing that he was putting too pressure on himself to come inside their home.

Izuku shook his head negatively. "No, I… I want to do this." He said with a low voice as he walked ahead of her and grab the handle of the door.

Steeling himself with resolve, he turned the knob and the door clicked as it pushed open and they both walked inside the house. Izuku only took four steps in and stopped himself as he looked around the apartment that he used to live in before being taken.

"Hasn't changed one bit." He muttered with a small smile, as he made his way off to the living room. He smiled to himself as he saw that nothing in the house had change until he saw something that caught his eye.

Right next to the TV was a bunch of DVDS and a green yoga mat that was rolled up settled beside it. Curious getting the better of him, he turned to his mother for questions.

"Hey mom." Hearing her name, the matriarch turned to her son and saw him pointing to the yoga mat and holding up one of the DVDs. "I didn't know you were into yoga."

"I wasn't." She answered walking over to him and gently grabbed the dvd out of his hand. "It was a hobby that I grew accustomed after a while."

"A hobby?"

Inko's smile soon morphed into a frown. "It was after you were taken. The only thing I could focus on was finding you, I was real mess back then. I stopped eating, refused to sleep earning myself many sleepless nights, and went to police asking for any information on you. Even at work, people were worried about me, but I just ignored it all and remained on you." She explained as she sat down on the couch.


"I would've continued doing this, if Mitsuki hadn't come in and stopped me. Once she saw me, she absolutely ripped into me of what I was doing." Inko continued, chuckling at the memory with a sad smile. "I was burning myself out and she refused to let me do otherwise. One day I was so close to burning out that she had to come in and take care of me. It was also the day where we almost had our first fight."


Inko was sitting at the dining room table once again, after another empty lead on who might have taken her son. She was littered in her own work, trying to find him that she never noticed how messy the room was.

Literally nothing but paper, all over.

Inko pretty much looked worse for wear, she had dark circles under her eyes and strands of hair were sticking out from being unbrushed, and her movements were slower than normal.

Suddenly there was knocking at the front door, and the banging sounded very harsh. Along with that, a loud voice echoed through the building.


Inko inwardly sighed to herself as she knew that it was Mitsuki at her door. For reasons why, she was unsure, but she didn't have time to deal with her. She needed to focus on finding another lead on her son.


The door slammed open startling Inko as she quickly stood up and turned around, her eyes meeting with a certain blonde's.


"M-Mitsuki, What are you-?" She couldn't finish as the blonde came up and grabbed her shoulders before pressing her against the wall.


"S-Stop what?" Inko asked in slight fear seeing the anger in Mitsuki's eyes.

"DON'T PLAY DUMB, YOU KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!" The blonde shouted as she pointed to the papers all over the floor.

"MItsuki, I appreciate the concern, but I need to focus finding Izuku." Inko replied as she tried to move but Mitsuki kept her pressed against the wall.

"Yeah sure, I'll let you focus on finding Izuku while your health is being currently ignored." Mitsuki replied with a sarcastic tone as she rolled her eyes. "You need to stop."

"Are you trying to keep me from finding my son?" Inko whispered but Mitsuki could hear the small threat within her tone.

"No one is trying to stop you from finding him Inko, but you've been so focused on trying to find him into this that you're ignoring everyone else." Mitsuki explained as she glared at her best friend.

"You need to take a break." She told her unknowingly causing a fire in Inko to stir.

"Take a break, stop, as in I should give up on finding him?" Inko says in a low tone as her hair foreshadowed her eyes and the items around them started to shake.

"Inko…" She reached to touch the Midoriya matriarch only to brace for impact as she received a blast of wind and flew across the room to the wall.

Grunting a bit, she rubbed her shoulders as her eyes peered up at Inko and was shocked at what she saw. Instead of the normal kind green eyes, they were replaced with black iris and dark green pupils glowing with cracks appearing underneath them.


"What?" Mitsuki asked, worried about her friends' state of mind.

"Again…" Inko repeated as her hands slowly formed into fists and clenched them hard. "…Another one has gave up…giving up on my son as if he didn't matter."

Mitsuki looked at her friend in worry, listening to her words it sounded like she was more than angry.

"He's my boy… he's my only baby… and everyone keeps giving up on him, so why…." Inko looked up and her eyes glowed even more.

"WHY DO YOU ALL GIVE UP ON MY SON!?" Inko screamed as her quirk acted out and a wave of energy sweep through the apartment and all the objects around the house started floating. Her screams howled as all the glass in the apartment shattered and echo across the city.


"No fucking way." Katsuki stared at his mother in shock as he heard the story of what had happened between them. "Auntie Inko really did all that?"

Mitsuki gave him a solemn smile as she nodded her head. "Mmhm. Inko wasn't just angry, she was furious. She thought I was like everyone else when I told her to slow down. She thought I was giving up on Izu-chan like everyone else had."

"Everyone?" Katsuki raised an eyebrow.

"While Detective Naomasa didn't, most of the people around Musutafu have given up on searching for him. They left it as another one of missing person cases. Inko was so angry but she refused to show any emotions when they told her." Mitsuki then picked up a photo frame with a family photo, showing her, Inko, Masuru, Izuku and Katsuki when they were kids. "It's like most of her soul died when her son was taken. She just became empty, avoided society, people, everything. The only thing she focused on was her son."

"Damn." Katsuki breathed as he thought about Inko. He didn't want to imagine it, he couldn't see his aunt Inko other than this sweet and kind woman.

"Yeah." Mitsuki then frowned as she remembered their fight. "Inko did more than just yell, she released all her emotions that she's been holding back, her mask had finally broke, and right there she just spilled everything." The blonde matriarch breathed a sad sigh, recalling the event that showed Inko's feelings.


"INKO!" Mitsuki screamed as she struggled her way to reach her friend who was filled with anger. She then ducked as a lamp missed her head and hit the wall.

"WHY MITSUKI!? WHY MUST I STOP NOW!? WHY MUST I STOP WHEN MY BABY IS OUT THERE SCARED AND ALONE WAITING FOR SOMEONE TO RESCUE HIM!?" Inko raged as she threw another item at her friend who was dodging and ducking to avoid getting seriously hurt.

"Dammit!" Mitsuki cursed as she ran her way through and tackled Inko to the ground. Straddling her and pinning her arms to side both struggling for dominance.


"Not until you calm the fuck down!" Mitsuki shouted. She hissed when she felt Inko's nails dig into her skin trying to break free.


"Inko please you need to stop, you're not helping your son by ignoring your health and ignoring your friends. Let us help you!" Mitsuki screamed at her. Inko then use her leg to knee Mitsuki in the gut before turning them over with herself on top of the blonde.


"What about Hisashi!? I know you both are on bad terms but isn't he his son too. As much as I don't like that bastard, he's still your husband and Izuku's father!" Mitsuki shouted at Inko, unknowingly striking a chord within Inko.


The said blonde was surprised at hearing her best friend cursing. She knew that he was the villain, but she thought that Inko still have some love for him because of her kindness, clearly that wasn't the case.


Mitsuki stayed silent as she stared at the mother Midoriya. She was more than angry at the police, at society, the world. She was angry at herself.

All the anger, frustration, she felt towards everything… it was all directed to herself. She blamed herself for everything that has happened to them.

Hisashi leaving, Izuku being bullied, then getting taken and declared missing. She thought it was all because of her.

*Splash* Mitsuki was brought out of her thoughts when she felt something drop on her cheek. Looking up she saw Inko crying with a frustrated look on her face. Hot tears rolled down her cheeks as she hiccupped and stared at Mitsuki with hurt eyes.

"I couldn't protect him. He's my child Mitsuki, he's the most precious thing that I could ever have and he was taken from me. I shouldn't have left him alone at the hospital in the room, I should've have step out. I should've stayed like a mother should. I should've had the doctor in the room to tell me about my son's injuries… *sob*" She slowly got off Mitsuki and stared at the ground with arms limp at her side.

"It's my fault… It's my fault that my son was taken." Inko couldn't say anymore as she tried to muffle her cries but the guilt was too much and she couldn't keep it in.

Mitsuki sat up and pulled Inko into her arms, wrapping her arms around her trembling form as she broke down and just wailed. She finally understood why Inko was the way she is now.


She was punishing herself for everything that had happened to her son. Born with no quirk, non-social, getting taken. She blamed herself for it all. She wasn't avoiding her health by focusing on her son, she was doing it on purpose as way for her to pay for failure. Thinking she failed her son, whose done nothing but love and help her in every single way.

"Inko." She whispered as she held the back of Inko's head and let the woman sob her heart out.

"I'm sorry Izuku *sob* I'm so sorry. *sob*" Inko cried as she felt Mitsuki's arms tighten around her frame and felt droplets on her head. The blonde was crying at how broken her friend was and wondering what she could do to help her.


Izuku stared at his mother in silence as she told him everything about that had happen while he was taken. His mother was not only in pain, she was in despair. She held all her emotions and kept them to herself never expressing how she felt about him being gone.

She punished herself all because of him, it was his fault. Even though he was only 10, he still hurt his mother. He hurt her more than his father when they left them, If, he wasn't so weak or maybe if he had found the courage to back to his mother than maybe she wouldn't have to suffer like that.



"I know what you're thinking, and I don't want you to think like that, it's not your fault." Inko stated.


"No." Inko cut him off as she grabbed his hands with her own and gazed into his eyes with utmost care. "Izuku, you were only 10 and there was nothing you could do. It's my own fault for becoming distant and for what happened to me." She stated with a frown. "If Mitsuki hadn't come, I'm pretty sure I would've killed myself trying to find you."

Izuku's form went still at the word kill. She would've killed herself trying to find him. He wanted to refuse and not think that she would do that, but his mind could not as he thought back to himself when he killed all those kids back in captivity.

He could never sleep at night, and he was slowly killing himself for retribution so those who he had killed with his own two hands could rest in peace.

If Katsuki and Ochaco had not watched him… he didn't even want to think about what would happen to Inko if he died.

"Mom." He said slowly as he looked up at his mother. "Are you okay?" he asked slowly. He wanted to know if she really was after everything that happened.

Inko released his hands only to caress his cheeks her fingers tracing over his freckles and leaned her forehead against his.

"I am now that you're okay. I missed you so much Izuku." Inko felt him grasped her hands once more as he rubbed his thumb over her soft hands.

"I missed you too Mom. I never thought I would see you again."

"Izuku… I want know what had happened to you." She said in a soft tone which confused him. "Not now, not when you just came back to me. I want to know everything when you ready. I know how much you like to not have me worry about you but please… please talk to me." She pleaded.

She didn't want to find out on her own about what troubles her son had endured, she wanted him to tell her anything that was problem related. She didn't want to find out on her own again, and if she did have to find out on her own, she was going to talk to him about it. She refused to be left in the dark any longer.

"Okay mom. I promise… I'll talk to you." Izuku vowed, inwardly happy that he was okay to talk with Inko about anything from now on. He would have no trouble talking to her now, although deep down… he hoped he would never have to tell her about Death and his real reason for being inside him.

"Actually mom," he started gaining the matriarch's attention once more. "there is something that I do need to talk about."


"Shit." Was all Katsuki could say as his mother told him about the breakdown of his aunt. He remembers seeing his mom come home one day with extremely red eyes but she never told him the real reason behind it.

"I tell you one of the most interesting stories while you were kidnapped and that's the first word that comes out of your mouth?" Mitsuki teased with a sly smirk on her face.

"Well… yeah." He admitted as he gazed at the floor. "If I was my old self I probably wouldn't believe it, but after what happened to Izuku, then to me… I guess anything's possible huh." Katsuki let out a bitter laugh at the end.

"Did…" She turned her head towards her son as he looked at her with a frown. "Did the same thing happen to you… when I got taken?" He asked as Mitsuki gave him a small frown while crossing her arms.

"Sigh* I can't lie to you and say I wasn't pissed and extremely angry. I literally wanted to go out and burst through every single damn door in the city to find you. But if I did that… I would be a hypocrite."

"Hypocrite?" Katsuki wondered before his mind went back to Inko. "Don't tell me you did the same thing as Auntie?"

"Sort of. While I didn't ignore people, I just lashed out and everything and everyone and blamed myself for losing you. And just like me, Inko did the same thing. But instead of fighting back, she let herself get hurt."

"She told me to let out all of my anger and she directed it all to her. While I was reluctant to do so, she insisted and said something words, to rope me into attacking her." Mitsuki laughed as she remembered her breakdown. "I swear that woman is too kind for this world."

Katsuki looked at his mother with a slack-jawed expression. Both her and his auntie fought each other, screamed at the world in anger, blame themselves for what happen to him and Izuku and then helped comforted each other as they search for their sons.

But that's not what got him. What got him was the fact that Auntie Inko and Mitsuki fought each other and both were laughing at the events like it was a normal thing. Which makes him wonder what Deku would think if he was told about it… on second thought it's better he doesn't. While Izuku may have changed, he still was himself at heart, and Katsuki was pretty sure the damn nerd would faint at hearing their mothers fight and then apologize profusely for what happened between them, even though it wasn't his fault.

*Sigh* Yep. Classic Deku.

"You both are crazy." He let out a soft laugh as Mitsuki then wrap an arm around his neck and started digging her knuckles into her fist.

"Says the brat the threatened everyone that tried to hurt his best friend." She teased him, earning a tick mark from her son.

"Shut Up!" Katsuki yelled comically with shark teeth and blank eyes while Mitsuki just laughed at him. It wasn't long before Katsuki started laughing with her.

Suddenly the feeling of warmth encased his head as he was buried into Mitsuki's chest as she wrapped her arms around him. "It's a huge relief to have you back… Katsuki."

Katsuki said nothing as he returned the hug and relaxed in his mothers' arms. "Good to be back, Mom."


It was now the start of school as students chatted among themselves, walking in the hallways of UA or hanging out in their little groups.

Standing in front of the building was Izuku as he stared at the scene before him. He still couldn't believe that he was here, he was on his way to becoming a hero. Like All Might. While deep down he feels like he doesn't deserve to become one, his mother, Eri and Ochaco all wanted him to.

Now to officially start his journey, he needs to do one thing, one crucial thing that is the most important part of being a UA student.

He had to fix his tie.

"How the heck do people put this on?" Izuku said as took the red tie off his neck and gazed at his hand with twitching eyebrows. "Why are you so difficult?"

Suddenly his tie was taken out of his hands as Ochaco stood by him with a smile on her face.

"It's not difficult if you know how to put it on Deku." She giggled as she put her arms around his neck and started doing his tie, bringing the cloth to the front and tied the final knot then straightened it.


"You're welcome." She then grabbed his hand and started dragging him to their classroom. Walking through the campus, some bystanders noticed their joint hands and Izuku slowly blushed at the fact that he was holding Ochaco's hand in public.

'Why the heck am I so shy about this? We hold hands all the time what makes this any different from before?' He asked himself mentally.

It was probably that they've been walking the streets in secret, in cloaks or at night hiding from society and never displayed public affection.

"Yeah that makes sense." He whispered to himself.

While he was still blushing, Ochaco remained smiling in joy and contempt. Not only was she enjoying Izuku's company, but both were finally able to have some normality in their life. She thought that she wouldn't be able to enjoy high school life after their captivity, but it seems that miracles do work after all.

If they hadn't then they would've never been able to escape, never see their families again, or even found Eri. Speaking of which…

"Deku," she called to him, earning his attention. "I forgot to ask, where's Eri? She wasn't with you and she wasn't with Tsuyu so where did she go?" she asked frantically as her mother instincts started taking over.

Izuku then answered her and reassured her worries. "D-don't worry Ochaco. Principal Nezu said he would watch over her for a bit while my mom is at work."

"Speaking of your mother, how did she take the news, about us being together and about Eri?" Ochaco asked.

"She was extremely happy that I have a girlfriend." Izuku said as he blushed at the word girlfriend. "My mom is also off from work today, so she volunteered to watch Eri."

"Hai, my parents were happy when I told them about you too. As for Eri, I want her to get use to people again. Outside our group the only people she trusts are our parents, Principal Nezu and All Might." The brunette stated as she and Izuku went up a flight of stairs and turned a corner. "So, what do you think?"

"I think you're right. We've never really took Eri out anywhere other than the park and beach but that was only when it was just us two or all together." Izuku agreed as they approached their classroom door.

"Welp, here we are." Ochaco beamed as they both stared at the giant door with the text 1-A in Big Red painted on. "It's so big."

"It's a big door for people so small, maybe someone with a gigantification quirk or a mutation quirk?" Izuku wondered as the brunette shrugged her shoulders. They both were about to enter when they heard a familiar voice shouting through the door.

The voice not only sounded familia,r but they were also threatening whoever they were talking too.

"Annnnddd there goes Kacchan." Izuku sighed as Ochaco giggled.

"Well what do you expect, he is a hothead after all." She said like it was a fact about the War host, which it was. Outside of them, Tsuyu and their parents, Katsuki can't to anybody without at least insulting them or blowing a fuse.

"True." Izuku said as he grasped the door and slid it open, allowing him and Ochaco to enter. Looking around they saw a multitude of students within, all with different features. But their attention was soon turned to Katsuki as they heard the blonde arguing with a familiar student from the entrance exam.

'Oh no.'

"Remove your feet from that desk this once." The student turned out to be the one that Izuku threatened back at the exam. "It's disrespectful to the carpenters who have built them and our elders from generations who have learned from there."

'Why can't life give me a break?' He thought mentally before he spoke in the real world. "Why can't I catch a break?" Izuku frowned as a sweat comically rolled down his head while Ochaco patted his back laughing nervously.

Katsuki laid back with his hands behind his head as he had a bored expression on his face, opening one eye to look at the student scolding him. "You sound weird for an extra, where are you from?" he asked in a bored tone.

"My name is Tenya Iida, and I attended Soumei Academy."

"Oh great, a fucking elite. Might as well blow you up now and save myself the trouble." Katsuki says holding out his right hand, sparks emitting from his palms.

"W-what, such malice. Are you sure you're here to be a hero?!" He asked with an aghast tone as the blonde glared at him.

"Yeah but at the same time, I just love fighting people and explosions." Katsuki proudly stated as everyone turned their gaze to him.

"Katsuki, no exploding people." The blonde turned to Tsuyu who was staring at him with a blank gaze, but he could tell that she was annoyed. "It's the first day, ribbit, and the last thing we need is you getting in trouble for blowing someone up."

Katsuki scoffed at her tone but listened as he resumed leaning back in his chair. "Tch, fine. But the next time he annoys me, I'm killing him."

"*Sigh* don't say I didn't told you so." Tsuyu sighed as the remaining classmates stared at her, the pestilence user then noticed her two friends at the door. "Morning Izuku, morning Ochaco."

"Oh, Round Face and Deku are finally here?" Katsuki asked.

"You." The boy with glasses shouted as he walked, more like ran over to them and stopped in front of them, bowing his head. "I remember you from the exams, allow me to introduce myself I am—"

"No need, I've already heard when I came in. Izuku Midoriya." The greenette says as Ochaco followed up.

"Ochaco Uraraka, nice to meet you."

"I see. Midoriya, I've misjudged beforehand and like to apologize. You knew the true purpose of the exam, and I was blind to it because of own selfish desire to pass." Iida said as he bowed his head once more. "Please accept my humble apology, for you are the true candidate."

'I know he's complimenting me but why do I feel like this guy takes everything he says seriously and is one of those who is stern types that keeps everyone else in line to follow the rules.' Izuku thought as he stared at the boy in front of him.

"Uh…" He was still dumbfounded in the conservation that Ochaco moved in and slightly elbowed him in the gut.

"Don't worry, its' all water under the bridge at this point."

"If you're here to socialize, you're in the wrong place." Everyone slowly turned to the interruption, only to find a yellow sleeping bag in the form of a caterpillar at the entrance of the door. Peeking out of the small hole, they saw a man's face with dry eyes and bored expression displayed.

Izuku, Ochaco, Tsuyu and Katsuki knew who he was and all of them had a bead of sweat drop from their foreheads.

'Is this guy for real?'

"This is the hero course, not some simple public high school Tokyo." He spoke and then slowly took a juice pouch of nowhere and sipped on it. The way he was speaking and acting so far was freaking everyone but the said four out.

The caterpillar let out a small sigh and unzip itself, revealing a tall man with shoulder length hair, he had a scarf around his neck that looked like a large set of bandages and was carrying a yellow sleeping bag.

"8 seconds, that's how long it took you all to quite down. Unacceptable. Time is precious and you're wasting it. Not even a minute in, and we're off to a bad start." He said as he put his hand into the sleeping bag and took out a blue uniform with white and red outlines. "Now everyone head into the lockers, put these on and then meet me in the practice field. You got five minutes."

"Five minutes?"

"Shall I make it four?" Aizawa added as they all left and went to the lockers, all except Izuku, Katsuki, Ochaco and Tsuyu as they remained in the classroom.

"I'm… going to go change in the bathrooms." Izuku said as he headed off to the said area. Ochaco wondered why he was going there until she realized that if they changed in the lockers then it would show off their scars. The ones they received from long ago.

Ochaco showed a look of worry on her face before she felt someone place a hand on her shoulder. Looking she saw Katsuki with a scowl on his face mixed with concern. "I got him."

The brunette nodded her head as the blonde walked after him, her and Tsuyu went to the bathrooms to change as well.


Five minutes later, all of them were out on the field. Shouta Aizawa standing on the side as he watched them all lined up next to each other.

"I'm surprised were not at the assembly for the first day." Tsuyu spoke as Ochaco nodded her head.

"Maybe there's a reason why to it, I mean he did say we're off to a bad start." Izuku added his two cents in. "What if this is a test and we're already failing the first half?"

"Alright then, it's time for a Quirk Assessment Test. This is where you will be tested on how well you handle your quirks." Aizawa announced as he gazed his students. "You all remember your middle school fitness tests?" he asked them gaining nods in return. "Well, apparently they never allowed you to use your quirks, so we're at a standstill. If I'm going to teach you anything, I need where you all are so you will be using your quirks freely to complete these tests."

Izuku let out a small sound while Katsuki, Ochaco and Tsuyu stared at him in worry. While they were already had a quirk and could use it to keep their inner powers hidden, Izuku didn't.

The said greenette raised his hand with an open palm as he envisioned Death's form igniting within his hand. Angered, he quickly closed his hand into a fist and tightened it.

'I don't need to rely on you all the time. I can still prove to myself that I don't need to use you.'

"Bakugou, step forward." Aizawa called out as the blonde walked forward with his hands in his pockets. "How far were your meters in a soft ball throw?"

Katsuki looked up at the sky in thought, he hadn't been in middle school since he was captured. From what he could remember, they were times that they were in simulations that didn't involve torture and killing, they actually have had lessons on basic subjects. Then there was this one activity that he really hated doing, since it involved killing innocent people.

Weapon throwing.

"About 78 meters." The blonde answered. Aizawa then tossed him a ball that he caught and looked at it strangely with confusion and then back to his teacher.

"Okay, now trying that ball using your quirk. Give it everything you got and stay inside the circle as you throw." Aizawa said as Katsuki gained a bloodthirsty grin.

"Oh dear." Ochaco sighed as Tsuyu and Izuku nodded their heads in agreement while the other students looked at them in confusion.

"Is something wrong with your friend?" Iida asked as the others shook their heads negatively.

"No, but we all should duck and cover or hide behind something." Ochaco answered.

"We've already prepared a shelter, ribbit, though it probably won't last long seeing as it's entirely made out of sand." Tsuyu says as she pointed to the side where there really was a bomb shelter made of sand built and ready to go, until it collapsed like it was nothing. "Oh, looks like it crumbled."

Izuku chuckled nervously as he rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah, that category belongs to Eri, if anyone can build a bomb shelter with just sand, it would be her."

"Can someone tell us what's going on and stop leaving us in the dark?" A boy with yellow hair and a black streak that represented lightning asked.

"You'll see." The three said in unison while everyone else sweat-dropped at their calm response.

'That doesn't help us!' Everyone thought, while a female with black hair tied into a ponytail and a boy with heterochronic hair as they stared at the blonde with calculating gazes.

With the ball in his right hand, Katsuki wind up and threw the ball as far as he could in the sky, a huge explosion emitting from his pal as he released the ball.

"BURN IN HELL!" He shouted.

'NANI?' The class thought in shock and surprise while Aizawa and the other six remained unfazed.

'Again, with that Kacchan/Katsuki?" Izuku and Ochaco thought in unison.

'Well at least he's not shouting 'DIE' like he did at the exam." Tsuyu thought. All of them watched the ball get launched into the sky, as did Aizawa who saw that there was something off with the ball as it was launched into the sky.

Once it reached the sky, an explosion suddenly emitted from where it was positioned and out came, small orange beams of fire that look like comets coming down towards them.

Which they were as the comets started hitting the ground around them instead of getting hit head on, causing debris to emerge from the impact.

Seeing this, Ochaco had touch some of the debris that was large enough to shield the other students and she pulled them over their heads. Aizawa had moved out of the way as a beam hit where he was standing and Izuku had hit another beam in half that was heading towards the teacher as he rushed in and drew his scythe.

After the small meteor shower of the century, the ball had come back down and landed on the ground, making a small crater and was smoking like a burnt marshmallow.

"Hahahaha! NOW THAT'S WHAT I CALL A HELLSTORM!" Katsuki laughed as everyone stared at him in disbelief.

"Is he trying to kill us!?"

"Yes." Izuku, Ochaco and Tsuyu answered in unison as everyone sweat-dropped at their reply.

"Bakugo, do not do that again." Aizawa had his eyes glow red while the ash-blonde teen just waved it off.

"Yeah, yeah, don't blow anyone up got it." He said stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"That was awesome!"

"We get to use our quirks, this test looks like it going to be fun."

Aizawa was about to reprimand them but a voice stopped him from doing so.

"Fun?" Turning his head, he saw Izuku with his head down and his eyes foreshadowed. "You think this is fun!?" he said with an empty tone. "That's where you're wrong. Quirks are not supposed to be fun, they are the only thing saving you when you can't save yourself."

"In this world, anything can happen." They turned to Katsuki who no longer had that crazy smile on his face, it was replaced with a cold expression. "Life is both fair and unfair extras, we're supposed to be training to be heroes of the next generation and you call this test fun? This isn't some fantasy world where fairies and rainbows coexist and all that… this is the real world." Katsuki added.

"Reality." They all turned their heads to Ochaco who look at the sky with an empty look.

Ochaco followed up not long after. "In the real world, you have to be ready for anything that life will throw at you. You have to be ready for natural disasters, villain attacks, saving lives…" The brunette's eyes started to grow distant before she turned to Izuku who found the ground a lot more interesting.

"You also have to be ready for when you can't save lives." Tsuyu spoke and as one of them was about to protest she glared at them as her eyes glowed green. "You may think that you can save everyone, but the harsh cold fact is you can't." She stated with a cold tone, causing everyone to flinch at her tone. She then let out a small breath calming herself down, before finishing up. "Not everyone can be saved, whether it's friend, family, or an innocent bystander caught in the middle. If believe that you can save everyone just because you believe you can, then get ready for a harsh reality check." Tsuyu finished as she aimed her gaze at the sky.

Aizawa nodded at their words. He first thought this class was gonna be like all the others he previously had and was about to expel right then and there, until those four students spoke. He remembers that Nezu told him that these were the four that were missing and how they became who they were now.

Their words seemed to be effective as he noticed numerous faces of his students pondering on the words they were told, mentally telling him that those four have seen a lot of darkness before they were found.

He let out a silent grunt in agreement as he knew that this was one of things his students to realize if they were going to become heroes. Heroes is not always about being noticed and being popular, it's about saving lives and preparing for the unexpected.

"Well said," he started earning everyone's attention. "Why don't we add a little challenge to these tests, the student that comes in last place at the end of the test will be expelled." He announced earning looks of shock from all of them except six individuals. "This should get you more motivated, with your lives on the line, this assessment should be more interesting."

Aizawa gave them all a creepy smile, as if it was staring into their souls to haunt them. "Remember to go beyond, Plus Ultra!" Even with the creepy smile, he can still sound very intimidating and scary.

Test 1: 50 Meter Dash

Each one had different results. Izuku and Katsuki were tied, the latter used explosions to boost his speed while the former drafted behind him, both finishing at 5.32. Ochaco lighten her clothes with her quirk but still finish at 6.32 and Tsuyu not far behind with 6.52

Test 2: Grip Strength

Katsuki gripped the hand-held device before suddenly exploding the device with his quirk. Katsuki laughed maniacally while everyone else sweat-dropped at his actions.

"I got a spare." Aizawa said as he brought out another device and this time decided to use his quirk on Katsuki when he gripped the device again, only to let out a grunt, irritated at the fact that he can't destroy it.

Test 3: Standing Long Jump

Ochaco make her feet weightless and jumped floating in midair before landing over the sandbox. Izuku went into a running position and jumped over as well while Katsuki used his explosions to blast himself over and Tsuyu used her frog abilities to hop over the sandbox.

Test 4: Repeated Side-Steps

Katsuki stared at the tiny midget with spheres in his hair with furrowed brows as did Izuku while he was taking notes, study the quirk as usual.

"Why do I get the feeling this little midget is a pervert?" The blonde asked.

"Because he is." Ochaco answered.

"And how do you know that?"

"Call it women's intuition." Tsuyu stated.

"The hell that supposed to mean Frog Face?" The blonde asked with a scowl until he heard Izuku sigh loudly.

"Just let it go Katsuki. Believe me it's better to accept it than question it later."

"Who asked you!?" The blonde scoffed as the brunette just sighed at him.

Test 5: Ball Throw

Ochaco earned the high score as her score was infinity.

"That sucks." Izuku stated while Katsuki nodded. "Then again her quirk is zero gravity, so I doubt the ball is coming back anytime soon." They then focused their attention to the sky where the ball was floating.

"Hey… do you think—"

"No." Katsuki denied, already stopping whatever crazy plan Deku had to test another one of his theories.

Test 6: Sit-ups

The sit-ups were easy as all four of them passed between 60-70 sit-ups.

Test 7: Seated- toe-touch

Tsuyu had no trouble reaching her legs as she was flexible, before jumping up with a smile on her face. Looking over she saw the others had a little trouble but nothing they couldn't handle.

Test 8: Distance Run

Katsuki placed first thanks to his explosions, with Iida, and Shouto behind as Izuku, Tsuyu and Ochaco caught up but couldn't pass them.

"Damn, I need to improve on my speed." Izuku said, a little disappointed that he couldn't get far enough.

"I'm sure you're okay Deku. Just don't go overboard like usual, okay?" Ochaco reassured him.

"I'm not carrying his ass home again if he does." Katsuki says walking past them.


"If he goes too far, I secrete poison into his body and force him away."

"Thank you." Ochaco beamed as Izuku sweat drop at them.

'They do know I can hear them, right?'

"Alright, everyone proceed to the middle of the field." Aizawa ordered as the students gathered themselves into the center of the area. "Here is everyone's results." Aizawa showed them a hologram of everyone's final score, some of them were relieved and surprised at their scores.

1. Momo Yaoyorozu

2. Shoto Todoroki

3. Katsuki Bakugo

4. Izuku Midoriya

5. Tenya Iida

6. Fumikage Tokoyami

7. Ochaco Uraraka

8. Tsuyu Asui

9. Mezo Shoji

10. Mashirao Ojiro

11. Eijiro Kirishima

12. Mina Ashido

13. Koji Koda

14. Rikido Sato

15. Yuga Aoyama

16. Hanta Sero

17. Denki Kaminari

18. Kyoka Jirou

19. Tooru Hagakure

20. Minoru Mineta

"Huh." Izuku spoke first at the results on the screen.

"Surprised?" Katsuki asked him.

"I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting to be in the top 4." Izuku said looking at the hologram as he thought differently in his head. 'I thought I would be worse considering I don't have a quirk like the others.'

"Alright, that's enough for today. Everybody can go home." Aizawa announced earning looks of confusion from everyone.

"Wait what about the expulsion?" The boy with spiky red hair asked. Aizawa smiled again but this time it wasn't one full of intimidation, it was one full of mischief.

"That was just nothing more than logical ruse to get you children to use your quirks."




"Nani!" They all shouted while Izuku clutched his ears at the noise.

"Oy, shut up will you! You're getting annoying!" Katsuki yelled at him while Iida proceeded to reprimand the blonde for the insult and how it was unfitting to becoming a hero.

"Now, now." Ochaco reassured, although the brunette did feel chopping the bespectacled boy in the neck to keep him quiet. Tsuyu just stared at them while the green-haired boy sighed in the background.

"This will become a normal thing won't it?" Izuku guessed, already knowing the answer to it.


The group of four were walking to the train station, going home.

"So, what you guys doing tomorrow?" Ochaco asked with her hands clasped behind her back.

"Nothing much, other than catching up with our parents." Izuku answered, as he walked beside her. "Anyway, what do you think of the students around us?"

"It's only the first day, Deku." Katsuki interrupted him. "The real initiation begins tomorrow, when we get to know them. Not like I want anyway."

"Katsuki, will it kill you to try and get to know them before calling them extras?" Ochaco chided him as Tsuyu spoke.

"I don't think it would matter; this is Katsuki we're talking about. He's nothing more than a hothead with a short fuse."

"What was Frog Face!?"

"See." Tsuyu pointed, ignoring the blonde who looked close to exploding right then and there until a certain question rung their ears.

"Tsuyu, you never told us where you were staying at?" Ochaco asked her.

"Well… it's…. um…" Tsuyu couldn't speak as her head was down to hide her blushing cheeks.

"Hey Katsuki, do you-?"

"Shut up!" He growled at her unintentionally as he turned his head away and stormed off. Izuku looked at them both confused before he noticed something that shocked him. When Katsuki walked away, he noticed that the former's gaze over at Tsuyu, he wasn't scowling like normal.

He knows Katsuki better than anyone and seeing his childhood friend less aggressive alongside with Tsuyu made him realize something that caused him to remain frozen in place.

"Izuku do you…?" Ochaco stopped as he saw Izuku gazing back and forth between Tsuyu and Katsuki. Suddenly he whispered into her ear which confused the latter until she processed the words fully and her eyes widened in shock.

The brunette let out a gasp as she cupped her hands together and looked back at Izuku, wanting to confirm her question once more.

"Are they—"

"I… I think they are…" Izuku finished for her as they both stared at the retreating forms of Tsuyu and Katsuki.

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