
prohibited power

Benjiro has the true divinity of destruction but if he were to use too much of his own mana, the curse would cause him to lose control over his powers. The curse took his will to live thousands of years ago but when he truly fell in love for the first time, he wanted to experience existence again.

empty_jian · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Ch.1 Part 1

Ah yes, Nuvloe bianche by Ludovico Einaudi, a truly wonderful piece.

Einaudi's deft touch lays the foundation for a tranquil ambiance, heralding the arrival of a melody that caresses the soul with its serene whispers.

Each note is a delicate droplet in a vast, still pond, sending ripples that blend seamlessly into the next, creating an ever-expanding tapestry of sound. The piece unfolds like a gentle dawn, where each chord is a brushstroke of light against the canvas of silence. The melody rises and falls with the grace of a dancer, each movement flowing into the next.

As I bring this testament to the beauty of simplicity to life with my own hands, I don't merely hear the sound, it resonating in every fiber of my being ushers my mind into a harmonious state of concord. I become one with the piece, I am uni-


 "How can a true divine be such a degenerate?"




"Don't huh me, all you ever do is sit around in that stupid cave or play the piano!"


"At least I don't drop in on peoples me-time!" why the hell is she so angry and why did she just suddenly show up?


"All of your time is "me time" because you are scared of everyone except those other two and never leave this stupid place!"


"C'mon just tell me what you want already, I don't want to feel the wrath of the goddess that's too useless to even have a title after all."


"Excuse me?! Did you already forget that I am the one who pays for everything you buy?"


"Yeah, yeah miss big shot in the human world "I run a multi-million-dollar company blah blah. I pay for all your stuff blah blah" You say that like I couldn't just order you to do so".


"God damn it, why are you so rude to me? All I want is for you to live your life a little but apparently, I am talking to a half-dozen-millennia old toddler right now."


"No, I won't damn it, and do you really think a being that hasn't even lived a single century can lecture me on how to live my life? Do you really think I've always lived like this?"


"Oh, here we go again with the-"


"Shut up, if you don't want to respect a decision that took me ten times your life expectancy to make then just shut up, seriously."


"Ugh, all I wanted was to invite you to go to an event with me."


"If it's something where I have to talk to humans, then forget it."


"The True Divine of Destruction, a being capable of ending any existence he wants to, but he is scared of a few humans..."


"Why would I befriend them? I can't tell them about what I am so I would constantly have to lie to them and even if I was okay with that, they are just going to die in a couple of decades anyway."


"Yeah yeah, don't worry your cute little socially awkward head about it, there will be humans, but you won't have to talk to most of them."


She doesn't want to force me to talk to humans? There has to be a catch.


"What kind of event?"


"I'm not telling you."


"Then I'm not going."


"Oh, you are going buddy, you are SO going. Remember that you can't use your mana?

I could literally drag you and there is nothing you can do to stop me."


Shit, that smug smile of hers makes it even worse. I hate when she plays the "you can't use your mana" card. It's like a Chihuahua behind a fence barking at a Rottweiler.


"Screw you."


"What was that? I am happy to accompany you my beautiful goddess?"


"Don't be so full of yourself. You are but a lowly ser-"


"Well, I don't care, I give you two hours to change, see you then."


What a brat.