
profit over people

Kevin is a traveler travelling to different places when someday, he found an area with no inhabitants. This is the story of how Kevin creates a country full of suffering and pain for its citizen.

justin_Limnardy · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
80 Chs


The dictator after building the coal power plant, was thinking of holding a concert in the stadium as a way to earn back the money that were used to built the stadium itself. But before holding any concert, the dictator needed a mode of transport to allow people coming into the country. So the dictator started it by building a boat pier that would be connected to the stadium since it was so close. Another mode of transport into the city that the dictator would built would be the airport and the train station.

But there was a problem with building both of them. There was not enough space to built both of them unless the dictator wanted to safe enough space for people to come live in his country. So the decision that the dictator took was to built both of the train station and the airport in the available space next to the stadium.

The airport that had just been built by the dictator had a runway that would be risky to land in as there was a huge mountain behind the airport. so, instead of the airplane trying not to crash the mountain, the dictator was forcing planes to land and take off from the same direction. Another thing that was being squeezed was the train station which was also built near the stadium.

The dictator was trying his best to not let the tourist saw the other side of his country let alone letting the tourist into the country seeing all the chaos the dictator had been making over the past few years.

Last but not least, the bus station that the dictator would be building. The bus station couldn't fit the gap near the stadium which causes massive headache for the dictator since he needed the bus station. One of his employee suggested that some of the houses could be destroyed to made way for the bus station. The dictator, without any hesitation, approved of this idea. He even promoted the person who gave him the idea and said that those people were forward thinking.

To avoid congestion in the airport, the dictator builds more passengers terminal which would allow more people in however, the dictator couldn't built another runway due to not having enough spaces in his country. The dictator then suddenly realized that he had forgotten the whole reason to built a transport was to made more people come and gamble in his country but instead, he was focused on building a transport system for the concert for the dear leader which was he himself.