
profit over people

Kevin is a traveler travelling to different places when someday, he found an area with no inhabitants. This is the story of how Kevin creates a country full of suffering and pain for its citizen.

justin_Limnardy · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
80 Chs

Rules of the game

The moment Ring opened the blindfold, he saw guns and knives being lined up along the table. The participant were forced to chose at least one weapon before the game started. Obviously, like any other people, Ring choses a gun. The gun was small, light and easy to carry around.

The people who doesn't had any limbs, would chose a machine gun without hesitation as their movements would be restricted. After all the participants had chosen their weapons, they were all being separated towards each of their own respective location. Then a loud speaker were being blasted telling all the rules of the game.

The rules were that if one of the people was murdered, the participant who killed the other participant would be getting points in which they could went to a store or safe zone in which it could not only kept them safe from being targeted and the store had also resources needed to survive. If anyone who doesn't had enough points tried to enter the safe zone, they would directly be eliminated by the military.

And if the participants doesn't had any points left, they could borrow the points from the bank in which each loan would be needed to be paid back within the given time. If they didn't paid back the loan within the given time, they would be chased and their limbs or their organs would be taken out without any anesthesia. So all the pain the participant would be feeling would be insurmountable.

How to earn points were by either doing a mission or by killing another participant. Each successive mission would be worth the amount of points depending of each of the difficulty. The easiest mission was mission with no risk of their own life. While the hardest mission was mission that may cause a person to lose a limb or lose their life. So the higher the risk the more points the participant could earned. However, if the participant were to killed another participant, they could earned the amount of points the other participant had if they were killed.

Another rule was to win the game, the participant with the most points within 2 months would be winning the rights towards being treated for their incurable disease or be taken care of for the rest of their life. While the loser would be tortured in the torture chamber for 1 months before killing them. The other participants who were still alive would be killed on site and their meat would be sold towards the citizen in the country.