
profit over people

Kevin is a traveler travelling to different places when someday, he found an area with no inhabitants. This is the story of how Kevin creates a country full of suffering and pain for its citizen.

justin_Limnardy · Sci-fi
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80 Chs


When the world starting to banned the export and import into and out of the dictator country, the dictator was very furious. He arrested all of the foreigners tourist in the country, and torture every one of them while being filmed. The video would be sent to the world leader and said that whatever they were trying, it wouldn't worked on the country as the people in the country doesn't even had any basic needs and services. The people who were suffering were horrified by the idea of the world banning provisions being sent into the country. Most of the people were protesting against it through the social media.

The world, seeing the horrifying thing the dictator had done, were trying to mediate with the dictator. The dictator wasn't buying it. He thought that by mediating, they would try to infiltrate the country and kidnapped him, eventually kill him. So the dictator did what any other dictator did, and made sure that his country would be so strong that other country would be afraid of him. He found a country willing to sell some nuclear weapon to the dictator. The country was coded NK.

The rebel, hearing the dictator buying a mass destruction weapon, was stunned, unable to did anything due to the fear of the dictator using the weapon towards its own people. They then device another plan and try to be like a terrorist. Causing some destruction killing the people in support of the dictator weird ideas. This angers the dictator more. He was slowly becoming delusional and tried to bomb his own country. In the end, the amount of people in the country dead were uncountable.

The oil that couldn't be sold at all causing massive economic pain in the country. The prices of food and supplies in the country increases rapidly. This causes massive starvation and cannibalism slowly turning into a norm in the country. The people weren't able to escaped its own country with any escapees would be killed by the dictator. Most of the children in the country were being forced to work 24 hours a day without any rest. If one of the children were to die, they would be replaced by another children. The dead child would be fed towards the pigs. This terrible acts by the dictator were going out of control and the delusion would went much worse. This would be the start of the darkest chapter in the world.