
profit over people

Kevin is a traveler travelling to different places when someday, he found an area with no inhabitants. This is the story of how Kevin creates a country full of suffering and pain for its citizen.

justin_Limnardy · Sci-fi
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80 Chs


The dictator, after implementing the new social points, were desiring to expand his lands. Obviously buying lands wouldn't be a good solution as it would meant spending more money to expand. But another way to expand was to invade another country. However, to invade a country would be a much more difficult and would be more costly than just buying a piece of land. The dictator then thought of finding a vulnerable small country that the dictator could took over with no resistance, and one of the country the dictator were targeting were in Europe. But the dictator knew that invading one of those countries would be close to impossible.

The dictator then turned to some of the African countries. The only problem with those countries was that there would be rebellion. So the dictator spoke to North Korea and asked them if they would want to invade a country together. The land would be split evenly and the dictator wouldn't be needing to spend a lot of money just to invade a country. In the end, they both agreed to try and invade a country in Africa. The country the dictator was targeting were Zinbabe. The dictator wanted to invade this country due to it having a lot of resources that the dictator could exploit. So the dictator were planning to gave North Korea the area with no resources and full of people while the dictator would be taking the part with a lot of resources.

The dictator doesn't really wanted to send his own military to invade the other country since by sending the military, the dictator would be vulnerable of coup. So the dictator hired a lot of mercenaries to invade Zinbabe. The dictator was thinking by paying for a bit of money to hire the mercenaries, the dictator would be safe while the invasion would be a massive success so the dictator wouldn't be losing any military power. Moreover, the mercenaries would be a much more stronger military power than the dictator country itself.

The dictator would be hoping that the invasion would be successful, but the problem was that due to the mercenaries attack were a bit slower than expected, a lot of the attacks were able to be fend off and problem started to arise.