
profit over people

Kevin is a traveler travelling to different places when someday, he found an area with no inhabitants. This is the story of how Kevin creates a country full of suffering and pain for its citizen.

justin_Limnardy · Sci-fi
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80 Chs

Human sashimi

With the dictator desired school working well, he thought of a really great idea to had fun. He watched a movie about a mafia eating sashimi. The dictator was thinking of eating sashimi. But then just eating fish sashimi or normal animal meat sashimi would be boring according to the dictator. He thought of using a really unique meat to made sashimi. The meat that he thought of was human meat since it was abundance and also, it would be a really cheap meat for the people to bought. It would not only reduce the price of animal products, but it would also be environmentally friendly since human being buried or burned would pollute the environment.

The dictator thought of a way to hide the fact that the people were eating human meat by lying to them. The dictator thought of a name for the human sashimi. It would be called the divine meat since it would solve world hunger. And the meat would be all ages from babies to older people. The best meat would be the younger people which would be much more expensive while the older people and babies would be cheaper since they would be unripe or too ripe to be eaten. The dictator thought of marketing it to other countries too like North Korea. The dictator was thinking of making sure the meat would be enough to end world hunger.

This crazy invention was something that the whole world watches in horror as the dictator approves the idea of human meat production. The problem was that the dictator needed to made sure his people wouldn't knew the meat products they were eating. He doesn't cared a bit about what the outside world thought about the dictator idea of human meat. So in the end, his only job was just to tricking or helping the people to not be able to starve themselves to death in the future.

The dictator was thinking what dishes he would want to try using human meat when he suddenly thought of a dish famous in Japan which was sashimi. A lot of people knew about sashimi and it tasted really good. The dictator thought of using fish in sashimi as not innovative enough. He wanted to see what human meat would taste like raw. So, the dictator ordered the chefs to made human sashimi. The chef tried their best to made sure the dictator would like it or else, they would be the one becoming the sashimi. The dictator once tasted it, thought of selling this piece of work to the people. The dictator was certain the people would be loving the human sashimi.