
Chapter 7 Transform

In Transfiguration Class of Professor McGonagall

"Transfiguration is some of the most complex and dangerous magic you will learn at Hogwarts.

Anyone messing around in my class will leave and not come back. You have been warned."Professor McGonagall introduce class to students

"The first that you will take is turn match to needle"

Then Tian Feng turn match to needle perfectly with ease

"Tian Feng turn match to needle perfectly.Ravenclaw get 10 points"Professor McGonagall said

"Ding.You learn Tranfrom Spell"

Name : Tian Feng Age : 11

mana : 99/100 (recover rate 10 per hour)

magic power :100

Knowledge : Fire lv 0(don't have)

Water lv 0(don't have)

Earth lv 0(don't have)

Wind lv 0(don't have)

Dark lv 0(don't have)

Light lv 0(don't have)

Mind lv 1(progress 2/10) [mana+10,magic+10,recover rate+1]

Space lv 4(progress 92.4/500) [mana+40,magic+40,recover rate+4]

Time lv 4(progress 91.4/500) [mana+40,magic+40,recover rate+4]

Spell : Time Room Spell lv 4 mana cost : 0.7 per second [progress 0.1 per second]

(create area that time run different from usual 1:16 )

Separate Dimension Spell lv4 mana cost : 0.7 per second [progress 0.1 per second]

(create dimension area that absolutly cut from normal dimension )

Mind Suppression Spell lv 1 mana cost : 1 [progress 1 per use]

(turn mind to peaceful)

Levitation Charm Spell lv4 mana cost : 0.7 per second[progress 0.5 per second]

(make thing float)

Tranfrom Spell lv1 mana cost : 1 [progress 1 per use]

(tranfrom thing) duration 60 seconds

Ravenclaw full of cheer now since they got 10 point so they take lend to make friend with Scoring manic Tian Feng.

Tian Feng was feel alright with it but not want to have much deep relation for him little bit of true friend was better than so many fake friends.

So when he have free times,he always go to libraly to read book to get some news spell and earn more knowledge or go to talk to Hermione.

Before he go to sleep he also practice his spell.So with his earnest to learn,he got some spell that unlock his knowledge.

Name : Tian Feng Age : 11

mana : 0.4/140 (recover rate 14 per hour)

magic power :140

Knowledge : Fire lv 1 (progress 1/10) [mana+10,magic+10,recover rate+1]

Water lv 1 (progress 1/10) [mana+10,magic+10,recover rate+1]

Earth lv 0(don't have)

Wind lv 0(don't have)

Dark lv 0(don't have)

Light lv 1(progress 1/10) [mana+10,magic+10,recover rate+1]

Alchemy lv 1 (progress 1/10) [mana+10,magic+10,recover rate+1]

Mind lv 1(progress 5/10) [mana+10,magic+10,recover rate+1]

Space lv 4(progress 122.3/500) [mana+40,magic+40,recover rate+4]

Time lv 4(progress 121.3/500) [mana+40,magic+40,recover rate+4]

Spell : Time Room Spell lv 4 mana cost : 0.7 per second [progress 0.1 per second]

(create area that time run different from usual 1:16 )

Separate Dimension Spell lv4 mana cost : 0.7 per second [progress 0.1 per second]

(create dimension area that absolutly cut from normal dimension )

Mind Suppression Spell lv 1 mana cost : 1 [progress 1 per use]

(turn mind to peaceful)

Levitation Spell lv4 mana cost : 0.7 per second[progress 0.5 per second]

(make thing float)

Tranfrom Spell lv1 mana cost : 1 [progress 1 per use]

(tranfrom thing) duration 60 seconds

Fire Making Spell lv1 mana cost : 1 per second [progress 0.5 per second]

(conjured a jet of flames)

Water-Making Spell lv1 mana cost : 1 per second [progress 0.5 per second]

(conjured a jet of waters)

Invisibility Spell lv 1 mana cost : 5 [progress 1 per use]

(control light reflect to make thing invisible) duration 60 minutes

Five Ring Flame Expelling Technique lv1 mana cost : 10 per second [progress 1 per second]

(flame control skill) *got as reward for unlock Alchemy Knowledge

Spiritual Dan Teachnique lv1 mana cost : 10 [progress 1 per use]

(turn liquid medicine to dan pill) *got as reward for unlock Alchemy Knowledge

Alchemy recipt : Cure for Boils lv 1 (progress 1/10)

At first he did think that it was urgent to learn Invisibility Spell,But one day when he go to talk with Hermione.Hermione ask him that why did his black hair start to turn white,So at that moment he knew that it was side effect of time magic that he use.So he need to learn Invisibility Spell to sneak out andpractice spell alone or else it would affect to his roommate.