
Professor Dovahkiin

A man pulled into the multiverse by a cosmic being, and made into the physical form of his Skyrim character. Sent into a crossover universe of Harry Potter and the MCU, follow along as the newly formed Breton tries to gain the power to break free of the cosmic being. *Disclaimer* I do not own the rights to MCU, Harry Potter, or Skyrim. I own nothing.

LargeFarva · Others
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45 Chs

Ch. 34 Diary

Sunday, November 1, 1992

Standing outside of the Gryffindor Tower entrance, I patiently wait for McGonagall to arrive so we can conduct the 'search' for the dark artifact possessing an innocent child.

I occupy my time with thinking over my behavior lately.

Between my former life and my time in Tamriel, I have over 50 years of memories. But less than two of those years were in Skyrim as the Dragonborn.

I need to make some time to set down and fully process my memories. I don't need anything else creeping up on me.

Preferably, I can do this alone

After the brutal berating Aurora gave me last night, I'm in no hurry for more female company. Although Aurora was very 'forgiving' once she was done talking.

She never did show me her Animagus form, but I'm sure I'll see it in time.

Now that canon has been thoroughly thrown off course, there isn't a point in delaying Ginny's rescue.

I'm not sure what Tom Riddle would do now that the basilisk is dead, and it's better if we do not find out.

The Room of Lost Things still needs to be explored, and the Diary Horcrux will give me a weak excuse for finding Ravenclaw's Diadem.

Once those two are destroyed, that leaves Hufflepuff's Cup and Harry Potter as the last remaining Horcruxes. I'm pretty sure Voldemort doesn't turn Nagini into a Horcrux until some time after his body is created.

Regardless, I'm so done with all this Horcrux drama!

After today, the rest of the year should mostly be worry-free. I just hope

Dumbledore doesn't demand too many answers.

The sharp click of heels on stone warned me of the approaching Deputy Headmistress.

Looking down the hallway, revealed McGonagall walking in step with Madam Hooch with a bewildered-looking Sybill Trelawney following behind them.

Spotting me waiting outside her House's door, McGonagall's eyebrows scrunched together. "Professor Dovahkiin, I appreciate your desire to help with the search. However, I do not find it entirely appropriate for a man to be looking through a young girl's property."

Raising my hand, a trail of orange footprints sprung up. The tracks were small and came from the opposite end of the hall and disappeared under a low hanging portrait of an obese woman.

McGonagall's jaw firmed after studying the footprints. Looking me in the eye, "Is this what I believe it is?"

"It is," I state in a somber tone.

With a stiff nod of her head, "Very well." McGonagall stalked towards the Fat Lady with steely determination. The Fat Lady wasted no time in swinging open for the angered lioness.

The orange footprints became blurred with additional footsteps treading on them until they faded out into the Gryffindor tunnel.

The footprints were just an illusion. I couldn't continue the ruse without knowing were Ginny slept, and I didn't have time to jump in the Mirror Dimension to find her.

Following into the Common Room behind McGonagall and Madam Hooch, I spotted Harry and Hermione happily chatting beside the fireplace.

The sight of Harry and Hermione sparks a bit of interest, but I quickly push it down. I have more important things to deal with right now.

Standing in the middle of the Gryffindor Common Room, I create a mental image of the Diary Horcrux. With the concept firmly in mind, I cast Clairvoyance. A silvery trail springs up, leading up the stairs to the Girls Dormitory.

The few students excitedly whisper among themselves at the sight of my spell. I can make out several students trying to decipher the purpose of the trail.

McGonagall gives me a quick glance before she turns and follows the misty trail up the stairway. It's a short trip, as the magical trail leads to the third door.

Without a word, McGonagall quickly steps to the door with me right behind her.

Before she can grasp the doorknob, I gently lay a hand on her shoulder. "When you open the door, check to ensure the girls are not up and moving, but do not enter."

With a silent demand for an explanation on her stern face, I explain. "We do not know how deep the possession runs. We can not risk bringing harm to any students. I will put the girls in a magical sleep. It is completely harmless."

Turning back towards the door, it silently opens, and she leans her head in.

Confirming the girls are still in beds, she steps aside.

Silently entering the doorway, I wave my hand, "Sleep." This should prevent any of the occupants from waking for at least a few minutes.

I follow the silvery trail to a bed with the curtains tightly closed around it. Pulling the curtain aside, I observe the path leading to the head of a sleeping Ginny.

As I levitate Ginny and her covers off the bed, I toss aside her pillow. Laying at the head of the bed is a dark leather-bound diary.

Canceling the Clairvoyance spell McGonagall and Madam Hooch are given a clear view of the Horcrux as I levitate it off Ginny's bed. McGonagall doesn't hesitate to point her wand at the diary and begin casting Dark Magic detection spells.

When the area around the Horcrux took on a black glow, McGonagall actually hissed at the thing!

I would have found that rather funny if I didn't want to end this little game as quickly as possible.

With McGonagall and Madam Hooch at my shoulder, Conjuring an open steel briefcase, I quickly drop the Horcrux in before sealing the metal briefcase shut.

Casting Ginny's blanket over her levitating body, I shot a powerful Bedazzling Hex onto the blanket, causing Ginny to disappear from sight.

At McGonagall's pointed look, I explain, "It would be best to not take an unconscious girl out of the dorms. The entire castle would be gossiping before breakfast ended."

A look of understanding enters her worried face, as McGonagall places her hand on the invisible Ginny. "I will see to Miss Weasley if you can see to... that." She spoke the last word with venom and disgust.

Finished with my task, McGonagall quickly guides us out of the room. She looks rather odd, with her handheld in the air, but I've seen worse actions in the halls.

As we make our way out of the room and into the Gryffindor Common Room, none of the dozen students present are surprised at the appearance of four professors in Gryffindor Tower.

Apparently, the gossip-mill is strong in Gryffindor.

Once we were back in the hallway, McGonagall thanked Madam Hooch and Professor Trelawney and let them return to their own affairs.

McGonagall then cast a corporeal Patronus in the form of a large house cat. "Headmaster, Professor Dovahkiin, and I are heading to your office with the dark artifact and its victim."

When she was done speaking, the Patronus took off running down the hall.

I don't really want to talk to the old man right now, but I know he will eventually corner me about last night. By seeing him now, I should be able to prevent him from preparing any elaborate scheme or questions.

If he starts to dig too deep, I can always ask a few questions of my own.

McGonagall and I silently make our way to Dumbledore's office.

Entering the Headmaster's Office, I quickly spot Dumbledore standing in front of his desk. He seems much better than last night, wearing a light grey robe with his usual half-moon glasses hanging on his nose.

Upon closing the office door, McGonagall removed the invisible bedsheet to reveal a levitating Ginny Weasley.

I'm not really sure how to take Dumbledore's look of surprise and sorrow. It could be a sincere reaction or just a staged act. For my own sanity, I decide not to waste time thinking about it.

I move past Dumbledore to place the briefcase on his desk when a deathly aura runs down my spine.

Involuntarily, my head whips around to the sight of Dumbledore silently casting spells over Ginny. In Dumbledore's hand, is the source of the aura. A long and worn wand. The first Deathly Hallow, the Elder Wand.

I curse myself for reacting like that in front of the old man. He made no comment on my reaction, but I don't doubt he noticed it.

Standing here, waiting for Dumbledore to finish checking Ginny, I can't help but think about the Deathly Hallows.

All three Deathly Hallows are currently at Hogwarts! The Resurrection Stone is with me, Dumbledore is holding the Elder Wand just feet from me, and poor Harry has the Invisibility Cloak stashed in his room.

I think it's safe to assume Dumbledore is also able to sense the deathly aura of the Hallows. That would explain why he was able to always know when Harry was hiding under it.

I wonder what the benefit would be if I collected all three Hallows? If I do gather all of them, what would it mean to be the 'Master of Death'?

I'm not foolish enough to think I would gain some sort of power over the entity, but there must be some gain from collecting all three!

"Miss Weasley has suffered an attack from a powerful Compulsion Curse. I believe this is what enabled the artifact to possess the poor child."

Dumbledore stares at the levitating form of Ginny for a moment before he nods his head. "I have severed her connection to the source of the curse, but I fear there is little I can do for her memories." Dumbledore seemed annoyed by that last part.

Giving a disappointed look towards McGonagall, he explained, "The possessions seemed to have started out seldom and only recently began to become more frequent. Such targeted alterations wouldn't be permanent."

Nodding her head in acceptance, "I feared as much. I'll take her to the medical ward, while you see the artifact."

It took only a moment for Ginny to disappear under the enchanted bed sheet and escorted out of the office.

I open the briefcase before taking a seat in front of his massive desk. Guess it's time for a talk.

Alone with Dumbledore, I watch as he moves over to inspect the diary. He doesn't touch it or even cast a spell on it. He just stares at it for a moment before walking around his desk to have a seat in his chair.

We silently stare at one another for several moments. I know this game, and I won't be the first to speak.

Casually raising the Elder Wand, Dumbledore intently stared into my eyes. "You know what this is, don't you, Professor Dovahkiin?"

I ignore the wand and his question as I wave my hand over the diary. "And you know WHO this is, don't you, Headmaster?"

Caught off guard by my question, Dumbledore gives the diary an intense stare, before releasing a deep sigh.

Seizing the momentum, I speak up, "That is a Horcrux. A magic most foul, and only used by the desperate or those ignorant of the consequences."

Turning his intense stare back to me, Dumbledore looks at me as if he's never seen me before. "You have a deep knowledge of soul magic."

That was not a question, nor was it said with any doubt.

Already getting annoyed, "And you have been watching me since I began working here."

"And yet, last night was completely outside of my expectations." Dumbledore quickly countered.

Not wishing to get involved in a battle of words with a one-hundred-year-old politician, I propose a deal. "An exchange of information than?"

Dumbledore leans back in his chair and silently studies me.

"You have more to gain than I do," I persuaded the man.

Dumbledore continues to look at me for another moment before agreeing. "Very well."

Not trusting the man to give me the full details if I go first, I ask, "Who made this Horcrux?"

With a neutral tone, Dumbledore says, "Lord Voldemort."

Releasing a snort, "I am unimpressed with self-proclaimed titles. Who made this Horcrux?"

Dumbledore debates with himself for several minutes before his shoulders slump in defeat. "The Horcrux was made by Tom Marvolo Riddle. My greatest failure."

Just thought I would drop a bit of love on ya'll!

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