
Top 10 Selection

This violent scene naturally shocked other candidates, and even the examiners were greatly amazed.

  "Amazing swordsmanship, I did not expect this candidate to practice such a fierce kendo, I do not know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing!" Zephyr looked at the Qin Song with a complicated look.

  The power of the World Domination is naturally very strong, especially in the eight-year-old Qin song showed it proves that Qin Song's strength and potential.

  However, the well-informed Zephyr has also seen something too worrying about it, if uncontrolled it is easy to lose their path and become a madman.

  Although there is no justice and evil in the kendo, the key is to see it's user. unless he was guided correctly on how to control his ability and being controlled by it.

  Zephyr considered that Qin Song already passes, and become his student, he has begun to subconsciously think about how to train Qin Song into an excellent navy, he naturally must ensure that there are no hidden dangers happening to him specially by using his Tyrannical aura.

  The strength World Domination that Qin Song showed is unquestionable. So the judge's give him a marked of "Excellent" with full score.


  After some candidates demonstrations, the second assessment was also over. Some people were happy, some were worried and at the same time they finally ushered in the last assessment.

  They have distributed a number plate, each candidate will be randomly selected in a ballot box where the candidate will be the pair for a duel.

  Different from the previous two assessments, this final assessment is obviously able to show the combat strength of each person.

  During the fight, they will be judged for their combat abilities whether they win or lose the examiner with give them pass or not depend on their performance.

  In order not to waste time, the competition assessment is not concentrated in one bout, but the ten examiners are divided each as referee to manage a single duel and give points for the candidate and only the last ten winners can make into the final competition.

  Qin Song and Robin were not assigned to the same area, this also to avoid the two people will not encounter each other before the final competition. (Trans Note: Alright I know it's biased but it was because the marine needs both of them one possessed devil fruit and Qin got potential. hahaha)

  When the assessment began, the training ground divided into ten assessment points naturally triggered a burst of screams and a fierce battle.

  "No. 135 vs. No. 207!" After watching a few fights for a while, it was Qin Song turn.

  Qin Song walks at the empty arena and calmly looked at his opponent. His opponent is a 13-year-old boy. His opponent looks at Qin Song with a vigilant pose.

  It was because of Qin Song's first and second assessment displays brought great pressure to the other party, which made his heart full of tension.

  "Ready? begins!" In the presence of both sides, the examiner who served as the referee also announced the start of the fight without hesitation.

  Brush ~!

  When the referee's voice just fell, Qin Song like a cheetah rushed out, he runs to his opponent's side at an alarming speed.

  Qin Song apparently did not intend to waste time and want to end the battle quickly, facing his rapid offensive his opponent is naturally angry.

  "Damn!" The other party grit his teeth, but in order not to act like a coward in front of the examiner, he made a fierce appearance and rush to meet Qin Song's attacked head-on.

  When two sides approach each other Qin Song's opponent decide to take the initiative to attack without hesitation. He leaped to give Qin Song a frontal kick.


  his sweeping leg carrying strong power was blocked by Qin Song's right arm with a muffled sound.

  Although Qin Song's his opponent has good fighting skills, His force value has only reached a near-medium level, which makes his attacking power lacking force to give damaged to Qin Song who has a High-level evaluation of force.

  Looking at each other with cold eyes, Qin Song's left hand grabbed his opponents calf like lightning. when candidate 207 legs got caught his look change into panic and wanted to get away but Qin Song did not give him the opportunity.

  Hum ~!

  With a large crashing sound, Qin Song was violently slammed his opponent behind him like chopping an axe motion.(T/N: Damn Poor boy😓😓😓😓)

  Under the terrifying force not only was the ground cracked, candidate 207 who were crawling in the ground with intense pain and then fainted directly.

  "No. 135 wins!" The examiner saw the results in the field and immediately announced the victory and defeat. As for the 207 candidates who had fainted, there were also special personal to carry them away and sent them for treatment.

  After winning the first battle, Qin Song naturally feels good.

  Next, Qin Song's assessment continued along with other candidates, the victor was naturally happy. while those who were defeated were frustrated and uneasy waiting for their judgment.

  Qin Song naturally triumphed over his opponent. he did not even manage to show off his playing cards because he hardly has a good opponent.during his battle he mostly used his brute strength to dominate them and made him qualified to enter top ten.

  Nearly two hours of dueling, the other nine candidate has been decided one by one.

  Although Robin has Golden Dragon Prajna and has begun to learn the Hana Hana No Mi's abilities, her age is placed there after all which made her lack combat experience, she finally loses to one candidate who possessed devil fruit ability.

  For such a result, little Robin naturally is depressed for failing to pass top 10, but when she learned Qin Song passed the top 10 she began to cheer for him throwing her depression to the back of her mind.

  After the first ten candidates have been selected, the next match they will be naturally put together, being able to enter the top ten is undoubtedly the best among the candidates, someone who possessed high combat abilities or devil fruit user.

  "No. 135 and 311 Enter the arena!" the examiner announced loudly.

  Under the watchful eyes of all the candidates, Qin Song and No. 311 at the same time entered the Arena.

  "Allen Good Luck!" Robin waved her small hand to Qin Song in the crowd, it makes Qin Song look at her and smile.

   No. 311 candidate is a white boy. He is older than Qin Song and his eyes look fierce. After Observing Qin Song since the beginning of the assessment he is full of jealousy and fighting spirit when he looks at Qin Song.

FInally here the last Bonus 3/3

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