
Displaying Talent

The Force value of 203 is naturally nothing for Zephyr, what made him surprised was the age who displayed it. Qin Song is only of the eight or nine years old. This is undoubtedly very amazing. All of a sudden, his spirit was uplifted and he began to look forward to Qin Song assessment.

  Qin Song's Force value assessment is undoubtedly first out of all candidates, Even so, he is still extremely calm and did not have an arrogant mentality.

  This is not only because of Qin Song's thinking and psychology beyond his peers but also because he knows that his current Force value is not worth mentioning for the real powerhouse.

  In the next assessment, Robin also conducted a test.

  Although Robin's practice of Golden Dragons a short time, but because of the extraordinary richness of the world's ingredients, her cultivation progress is amazing, Her Force value reached 15.

  Although the 15 strengths are among the worst in the assessment, don't forget that Robin was just an ordinary child before this. Although she is a devil fruit user, her physical strength is similar to that of other children of the same age.

  Today's 15 Force value has undoubtedly proved that Robin, who is only eight years old, has surpassed adults in the physical aspect, even better than those trained ordinary naval soldiers.

  Qin Song can see Robin's growth, but Robin is obviously embarrassed about the value of his test. After all, Qin Song has tested more than 200.

  "Allen, you think that I will be eliminated?" Little Robin said to Qin Song, her small face showed nervous look.

  Although she has no good feeling about the navy, if she were to be eliminated this means that she will be separated from the Qin Song. This is naturally unacceptable to Robin who has already regarded Qin Song as her last relative.

  "Reassured, you can definitely pass the selection, and even if you are eliminated, I will be able to raise you!" Qin Song rubs her head and smiled.

  For Robin to be able to pass the selection, Qin Song is still very confident. After all, the devil fruit ability itself is an extraordinary capital. As long as the Navy is not stupid, then it will certainly not miss a demon fruit ability.

  Although Robin didn't know this, after receiving the comfort from Qin Song, she was relieved, but for Qin Song's second sentence, Robin suddenly blushed and lowered her head.

  Qin Song did not notice Robin's anomaly but instead focused on the test of other candidates.

  Although Qin Song's performance is amazing, there are also many outstanding candidates. After Qin Song, although there are no candidates with more than 200 powers, there are still a few candidates who have reached the high judgment. These are undoubtedly The best of the candidates in this session that are worthy of his attention.

  After spending more than an hour, the first assessment was over and the second assessment was started without break. The candidates were required to demonstrate the strongest ability.

  This second assessment is undoubtedly prepared for candidates with special talents. After all, not everyone is good at fighting, and some people's talents are also biased towards auxiliary effects.

  Of course in Qin Song's view, this second assessment may be specially prepared for those who have the ability of the devil's fruit, in order to determine whether there is a demon fruit in the candidate.

  At the beginning of the assessment, the candidates also showed their talents one by one, showing the exquisite marksmanship, and also showing the excellent tracking techniques, and even some people show their trial ability.

  They were good at combats is showing their strongest attack, while those who are good at assessment are showing their unique talents.

  This second assessment is undoubtedly a good opportunity for Robin. This time Robin is in front of Qin Song.

  When it was Robin's turn, Qin Song naturally told her to show her ability directly. With the beautiful petals blossoming out of the air, Suddenly Several Dozen arms appeared everywhere, they were flexible and can do various actions.

  Immediately after seeing this scene, the examiner immediately understands that Robin has the devil's fruit ability. The examiner who is responsible for judging the scores he does not hesitate to give high scores and even set the judgment of 'Excellent'.

  Although Zephyr is a person with no demonic fruit ability, he is admired for his Haki and physical prowess, but he is able to train a powerful devil fruit ability such as Sakazuki. It can also be seen that he is also very knowledgeable about the devil fruit.

  "This should be Hana Hana No Mi a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit. not a bad potential. It is worth training!" Zephyr slightly excited, he thoughtfully looked at Robin for a while.

  After several candidates completed the demonstration, it was finally Qin Song's turn. For his first performance, whether it is the examiner or Zephyr, they have a lot of expectation and focused themselves on him.

  Qin Song's ability is naturally concentrated in combat, so it is natural for him to display it in combat.

  "Can you give me a sword?" Qin Song looked at the examiner in charge of his test.

  "Yes!" The examiner naturally did not have any problems, and soon he found a sword and handed it to Qin Song.

  "Is he gonna show his kendo?" Zephyr was interested in watching the Qin song with a long knife, his eyes showing the color of expectation.

  Holding a long sword, Qin Song calmly pulled the blade out of the scabbard, at the same time a strong and fierce aura was also rapidly rising from him and thought it was faint there was a little bloodlust as well.

  "Well?!" those who were watching there scene suddenly felt Qin Song's changes and it surprised them. because Qin song was only eight or nine years old, being able to have an aura showed his great potential.

  Not only Zephyr but also the examiners who are watching about the assessment are all looking at the Qin song with amazement. The aura that radiated from Qin Song both feel violent and tyrannical.

  World Domination ~!

  When the aura rose to the extreme, Qin Song's eyes suddenly burst into a strong and powerful murderous intent. Walking step by step, holding the knife high he suddenly strikes his sword.

  Hum ~!

  The Sword flashes around his body which made his whole body violently excited. It contained an arrogant and tyrannical sword aura that burst forth from the long sword, It fiercely tears the earth apart.

  The hard concrete floor is extremely fragile at this moment. Under the impact of a crescent-like sword wave, it quickly tears out the long and narrow cracks that extend more than ten meters. At the same time, it blasts open a depth pit nearly few meters in the training ground.

Another 1200 words. Bonus Chapter 2/3

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