
Chapter 5: 'The Final Trials'

"Your outfit for tonight is in your wardrobe on the chair, Miss Nova.", Magnolia said, as she wiped sweat off of her forehead. "Thank you, Magnolia.", I say, as I head to the wardrobe. I open the door to the wardrobe, and I see sitting on the chair in the wardrobe was Cassandra, with this wide grin on her face. "Surprise!", She says, with a huge dimpled grin on her face like always. "What the heck! What are you doing here, Cassandra?", I ask, embarrassed to let her seeing me in this. "Helping my best friend out.", She says, as she sits up and grabs the dress. "Go change into your outfit, then I will do your hair after your done.", She told me, while she handed me my outfit. I then grabbed my outfit, It was a two piece light blue dress, the top had diamonds on it, and the skirt was long. I look at Cassandra. "Oh right, my bad!", She said, laughing, she then turned around to face the wall. I laugh, then put on the top then the skirt. "Are you done yet?", She asked, as she turned around to peep. "Oh my word! You look beautiful!", she says, smiling brightly. There I stand awkwardly, because the dress showed too much. "Come over her let me do your hair.", She said. I sat down on the chair. She started combing my hair. She put my hair in a bun, then added a diamond pendant to the bun. The wardrobe door opened slightly. "Miss Nova, it's time to head down.", Mag said, softly. Looks like she changed as well. Me and Cassandra started heading down with Magnolia. For some reason, I started getting nervous. "Glad you could make it.", An all too familiar face said to me, It was the General, popping open the doors to the throne room as if she knew we would be there that second. We walk inside, I look around and see a portrait of the king and queen hanging above the thrones, but none of there children, they were never really open about showing their kids to the public. The Queen was very nice and kind, unlike her husband, but she unfortunately got sick after giving birth to their youngest child. I see the King hasn't arrived yet. About a minute after we arrive the King and his sister, the Princess arrive. "Now introducing the King and the Princess.", One of the servant introduced them in. I immediately looked down, feeling embarrassed in the presence of the royals, because I was just a village girl. I remember what one of the rules were, it was to 'curtsy in the presence of royals or higher ranks'. I immediately curtsy in the presence of the King and the Princess. "Step out while the others do their dance, Nova.", Cassandra whispers to me. I happily walk out. "You are the last to go, Miss Nova.", Mag says to me, popping out of nowhere. "Lord, you scared me!", I say ,frighted. "My bad.", She says ,giggling behind her hand. "Do you remember the routine?", She asks, seriously. "I think so..", I say nervously. "Well, good luck. I have to hurry back to my work, but remember to make a good impression!", She says winking at me. As the time passes I grow even more nervous, I then look at the necklace that my dad gave me. So many unanswered questions. "White haired girl! Your turn.", The General says, breaking me out of my daydream. I walk nervously, making sure I don't trip over my skirt. I walk in with my head down, but realize I must look like a coward. I look over at Cassandra, and she gives me a wink, and does her dimpled smile.I feel safe. I turn toward the King and the Princess, and OH. MY. GOD! The girl from breakfast, was the Princess, and the boy I saw last night was The KING! I knew they looked alike! The royal had many secrets, nobody really knew how many kids the King had. The king looked as if he didn't want to be here, he had his head in his hand. I stand there looking at them, shocked, but I remember what I came here to do. The Musicians start to play the music, and I got ready. The rhythm was really easy to go along with. I can do this! I start doing the dance that Magnolia showed me. Hips up then down. Spin. Then she wanted me to do that very inappropriate move. I look up at King and Princess ,and I see that the king is enjoying this ,because he sat up ,and is following my movements with his eyes. I then get out the scarf and twirl it around and spin. I forgot the next move....I then bend back and do a kick over. I put my hands up signaling that I am finished. The Princess grins, and starts to clap softly. Cassandra, escorts me out. "Dang girl, you did amazing! Why didn't you show me those moves when we were younger?", She asks, giggling. She's always been so supportive, ever since we were young, she never really changed. We head back upstairs, and I bathe then change into my undergarments. I sit on my bed, thinking about my brother..he- "Hello, Miss Nova! You've made such a good impression that the King himself has invited you to brunch in the morning. I sit there shocked. Me? Do I tell her about our little encounter? I keep to myself. "Do you decline or Accept?", She asks. "I...accept.", I spit out, wondering why I said that. "Okay, I will inform the King. Good night, Miss Nova.", She turns to the door, and takes her leave. I then wait a few seconds, the I scream into the pillow. The King, Himself invited me to brunch. I try to sleep but had to much on my mind. I slowly drift off, waiting for the next morning....