
Chapter 4: The Trials part 2

"Wake up!" I hear as I slowly gain consciousness, I open my eyes to see that it was Magnolia. "Rise and shine, Sleeping Beauty.",She says to me sarcastically. "Good morning", I say groggily as I sit up on the bed. She opens the curtains, the sun was so bright it hurt my eyes. "Get dressed, Miss Nova. You have a long day ahead of you.", She says as she opens the wardrobe. Fully conscious I get up and start walking to the wardrobe. "What about this one?", She says as she holds up a A pink dress with stripes on it.. "Too bright..", I say as I start to roam through the wardrobe. There was a lot to choose from. I didn't really enjoy wearing dresses, but I guess I had to get used to it. I then settle on a blue dress with a floral white skirt, and of course the necklace my dad gave to me. I wonder how they were doing. "Come join the other girls for breakfast.", Magnolia said to me as she grabbed my hand leading me down downstairs. This time there was another girl sitting with us. I take my seat, and greet the girls. I look down and they were serving, Pancakes with fruit, and a biscuit on the side. I remembered what fork to use, thank the lord. I glance at the unknown girl again, she looked identical to the sad boy I saw last night, beautiful ginger hair, green almond eyes, and freckled face. As I glanced at her she turned and face me, catching me staring at her, How embarrassing! I then turn my my head back to my plate. The pancakes were, flavorful and fluffy. The General bust trough the door, as usual. "Good morning! I hope you all had a nice sleep last nice.", She said. "I come to inform you all that we have one of our last trials later on, Dancing.", She continued. 'Now you all can show me these 'village dances' you speak so highly of.", she says, grinning. "Be back by 5 o' clock.", she says as she walks out of the door. I then look back at the girls who have such confidence on their faces, I envy their confidence. "I never caught your name.", the girl from last night asked me, today her her was in a bun with a flower crown. "My name is Nova.", I tell her. "That is quite a unique name, My name is plain ol' Katelyn.", She replied chuckling. "You both have cute names.", The girl with ginger hair, said. We both thanked her. "We have to go get ready to practice, Nova.", Magnolia said patting my shoulder. "Goodbye y'all.", I say waving at the girls. We arrive to the room. "What dance are you going to do? Remember it has to be unique.", She asked. "Mag, I have a confession....", I spit out. "You can't dance can you?", She says with an all knowing grin. "How did you know?", I ask, surprised. "I just know.", She says, giggling. "Here change into this.", She says as she hands me some stretch pants and a bra. "Is this really appropriate to wear in a castle..?", I ask blushing thinking of people seeing a lot of my skin. "We will have cover ups on top of the bras, so don't get too wild of an imagination.", She says with a goofy wink. We then started heading to the ballroom, but I remembered most of the way to the ballroom, because of last night. "You know I used to belly dance back when I lived in my village.", Mag admitted to me. "I really couldn't picture that.", I said as I tried my best to picture it. "This is the dance you are going to do tonight.", Mag said, moving her hips in a circle. "One hip up and one down.", She said, and she as slowly tried to show me. "Move your hands graciously and airy, because it makes the dance look more extra. I try my best to follow along, but I feel like I look like a dying worm. "You're doing so good, you must be a natural born.", She complimented. I blushed, I didn't really get much compliments from other people other than family. "Now, we break in the scarf which we'll use for a flag." ,She grabs the scarf and starts twirls and then she leans back, and looks and me, expecting me to do the same. "Now, we do add a little bit of seductive movements to the dance.", She says with a wide grin. She then runs her hands down her hips and bends over, moving like a snake. I think I can do that. Maybe i'm not such a lost cause after all.....

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