
Princess of the Twelve Magics

Our heroine gets struck by lightning and 'dies', only to wake up as Filia Atmos Strondom, a princess in a world of magic. The problem is only men practice magic!? image from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:RGB_color_wheel_12.svg

Atmos_Scriptor · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Time for School

The next day she was to go to the "Magical General Education" Institute. This was the place where boys of age 5 go to learn magic. Filia was determined to be the first nationally-recognized female mage.

The next day when she woke up five maids were surrounding her. They all looked at her with the same blank expression. What was this? A cult. For half an hour they changed her hair style. For another hour they changed her outfit. The whole time she was getting more and more irritated. Five year-olds do not have a lot of patience. In she end she had long brown hair with dark-blue eyes. Her dress pink with white frills. Her thoughts about the dress were, "How the FUCK am I supposed to move in this dress. Wait, I'm five. I can't move well in the first place..."

She rode in a carriage. The outside of the carriage was blue with gilded outlines. It was pulled by a Large white horse, Gabriel, and a smaller brown horse, Joseph. After about fifteen minuets they arrived at the school. "Magical General Education" school. It was a top rated school of the country. When one first walked in they saw a large black steel gate that stood two meters in height. The building was made of smooth pure white marble. It had a long stone brick pathway to the entrance. In the middle of the pathway was a large three-layered marble fountain. The courtyard had many areas from rose gardens to a hedge maze.

She was accompanied by a butler and her maid, Marie Antonie. As they walked they saw several students. The uniform was a white vest with gold outlining, a white shirt, white pants with golds lining. Some students had white shorts as it was close to summer. The entrance was to large white doors. There were columns on both sides of the doors. The doors opened to reveal an almost normal school-like building, except it was much larger.

At the entrance was two guards in white uniforms without gold linings. In the center of the building were two large spiral staircases. As they walked she felt glances at her. After all there were only male students. they walked through the halls until they found the administrator's office. It looked like a normal wooden office door. The butler opened the door. As he did bright light shone through. The door suddenly flew off its hinges. The butler was knocked back several feet. The door lie on top of him. The butler pushed the door off of himself. Filia ran over to the butler. She crouched down and placed her palms over his chest. Her hands started to glow with a pale green light. The butler sat up surprised. He checked his body in a confused state of joy. "I feel at least a decade younger. Thank you Lady Filia!" She stood up and smiled. "You're welcome." She felt a deadly glare from behind her. She turned her head and saw the maid Marie. She remembered her promise not to practice magic without supervision, after all she was only five. She was already a prodigy among prodigies. She was 1 in 1,000,000 adults, and she was FIVE.

She was frozen in fear. She was saved by a man walking out of the destroyed room. He was hunched over and covered in soot. His hair was white and standing on its end from the explosion. He was wearing a white trench coat. He looked like a cliché scientist. "You healed this man didn't you. That feat is difficult for an adult. Healing magic is quite difficult, and yet you seemed to have learned it in such a short time. You must be Filia Atmos Strondom. I have heard a lot about you. It would be wonderful for you to be the first female student here." Marie questioned him, "What about the interview?" "I think this was sufficient." They followed him to his office.

They entered his office. It looked like an average office. Full of papers. So many papers. He sat behind his desk. "I forgot. My name is Thor Astat. I am the principal of this school. This school is the pride and joy of the country. While not technically an all boys school, we have no girls at this academy. Any woman who knows magic at any level is considered prime marriage material. In hopes to give birth to a great male magician. School officially starts tomorrow. We have six levels. six is the lowest. The level is basest on talent, knowledge, willpower. So a person with high talent can be below one who tries more."

Once all of the formalities were done they went home. She couldn't wait for tomorrow.

The intro is now done and it's time for the beginning of the school arc. I hope you all enjoy! (:

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